Chapter Four

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Emily POV Mother gave me some extra chores for getting her beloved Charlette into trouble, and I was happy to do them and stay away from both of them, not understanding what I had done. I did not mean to get my sister into trouble. It confused me. Could you tell me what I did wrong? This was just one of many unexplained punishments I would get over the years. The days turned into weeks, then turned into months. Soon, they were conducting end-of-year tests then exams and more tests. I loved all the tests; I always got them right. Jason and Justin were among the top five in their class, too. Only Charlette seemed to be struggling. Charlette enjoyed messing around and playing with her friends, then paying attention in class and doing homework. Though I never did my homework, as I had finished it all before I took it home, during playtime, instead of playing with friends, I don’t have any thanks to Charlette. I always had my homework finished, meaning I did not need to carry many heavy books home. Skipping out towards the bus, I thought of how proud my father and mother would be when they saw my report card. I was at the top of the class, getting one hundred percent. I was thrilled and hoped it was enough to make them happy, too. The children were marched into the study to stand before Alpha and Luna to present their report cards. They started with the oldest, leaving me to last, and I got to see what Dad would do to us after reading our report cards. Jason stepped forward with a big smile and handed his Dad his report card. ‘Well done, Jason, Well done; you will have to think of what you would like as a reward for your good work.’ Our Dad praised his eldest son for his achievement. Then he handed the card to Mother to look at. Justin stepped forward with a big smile on his face and handed his dad his report card. ‘Well done, Justin, Well done; you will have to think of what you would like as a reward for your good work.’ Our Dad praised his second son for his achievement. Then he handed the card to MOther to look at. Charlette stepped forward with her report card, not having read it, but had ideas about what she wanted for a reward. ‘Are you proud of how you went in your tests, Charlette?’ Our Dad asked, no emotion in his voice, no sign that he was happy. ‘Yes, Daddy, I tried really hard?’ She stood proudly expecting the praise her brothers had just received. She glanced over to her brothers, who were standing to the side waiting for the dismissal from their father, and gave them a big grin. Then, Dad handed the report card to our mother and said nothing. ‘Oh Charlette, you will have to do better next year, or you will have to repeat the grade. This is a bad report.’ Mother said softly to her daughter, wishing she could praise her like Alpha did her sons. ‘Emily! Your card, please.’ Dad asked kindly, his eyes softening as he looked at me. He could find no words to say to Charlette at this time and would leave that daughter to her mother, or his mate would accuse him of being too hard on Charlette. I stepped forward and handed the card to my father, unsure how he would react. Would he be upset like he was with Charlette? I hoped not. I knew I had done okay with my tests and did not get any questions wrong, but was that enough to get praise from my father and mother? ‘Oh, wow, Sweetheart, look at this!’ exclaimed my Dad, handing the card over to his mate, his face alight with pleasure. ‘Emily, you are to skip a grade and join your brothers' class next year!’ exclaimed my mother in a cold voice, and I knew I had done wrong again by her tone of voice. I was at a loss as to what was wrong. Was this a good thing? Will my brothers be angry with me for being in their class? ‘You will have to think about what you would like as a reward, too!' he praised, giving me a loving smile. Charlette broke down into tears as she became overwhelmed. Still, with all the praise her siblings received, and she was the only one to be scolded, mother escorted Charlette out of the study, glancing over her shoulder at me as she went out the door, a look of calculation on her face. Mother had returned with a sobbing Charlette as they had to finish the talks about the report cards and rewards. ‘Justin? Jason? Will you be okay with me in your class? You will have to share the top spot with me.’ I tried to joke, but the boys just stared at me, wondering if they would have an even harder time in school now that their sister would be in their grade. ‘Well, boys? Will you help your sister with her promotion to your grade?’ Our Mother asked, wondering how the boys would handle having their youngest sister in their class. ‘We would be proud to have our sister with us,’ Jason answered carefully, unsure if his mother was angry about me being in their class. ‘Yeah, Mom, we are okay with Emily in our class. We can do homework together.’ added Justin, looing at me with soft eyes, they did not hate me. Mother left the study, taking Charlette with her, leaving the boys and me waiting for our father to say what they could have as a reward. All three were excited to have been praised. ‘Okay, boys, what do you want as a reward?’ Our Dad grinned at the boys. The boys wanted a new game for their game box. ‘Emily, what would you like as a reward?’ Dad asked. ‘Can I start warrior training, Daddy? I want to learn to fight.’ I beamed, hoping I could start. However, being only six years old, I might be refused. Most girls don't start training until they are twelve, and then it is not compulsory for girls, whereas boys can start at six. Shocked marred my Father's face before he managed to school his emotions. ‘Really? Well... Are you sure? Okay, yes, you can start the afternoon training; you can join your brothers.’ Father answered in thought. ‘Thank you, Daddy.’ I squealed with pleasure. ‘Jason and Justin, will you help Emily learn? Wouldn't you boys?’ Dad asked the twins. ‘Of course, father, we would teach Emily to fight.’ answered Justin solemnly, unsure how a girl could fight with the boys. After I left the room, Dad spoke to the boys. ‘Let her join you, teach Emily what you can. I am sure she will lose interest after she has a few bruises.’ He said jokingly.
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