Chapter Nine

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Emily POV Jason, Justin, and I were all the top three in the school, doing honors each time, and were now in the advanced lessons. The twins said it was all my doing when talking to our father. They were proud of me. I was a quiet and unassuming girl, not attention-seeking like Charlette. I was very tall for my age, and the trio were called triplets rather than twins, as they were together most of the time in class. During lunch break and recess, I would eat in the cafeteria with some girls I had made friends with, where the twins talked with the football team, laughing and having fun like boys do. The twins' twelfth birthday was the next day. As accustomed, my Dad, his mate, and pups were in attendance, except Charlette, as she was staying at Suzette's house for the two nights and was due back at the party tonight. The beta and delta families were also included in the meeting at midnight, outside, close to the forest, in a unique space made for privacy for the new shifting pups. They can move or not, in private. If they did not change as expected, then no one other than the top hierarchy of the pack would know, and the family of the pup or pups would have shifted. Tension was in the air. The night was cool but not cold, and a soft breeze brought cool air around the coat covering the twins' bodies, waiting to shift. The coat was to hide their nakedness. When the shift started, the cloaks would fall off. It was very, very rare for a shifter to be able to shift by shredding its clothes. ‘Come Justin, come on Jason, it is easy, you can do it.’ I declared after waiting a good ten minutes for the boys to shift. ‘If you think it is so easy, Emily, you do it.’ Retorted Justin in frustration. ‘Okay, do it like this.’ I replied happily to comply. I shifted into my jet-black-blue wolf, which shimmered more of the deep blue in the night light. A spot on my wolf’s left hip was violet fur in the shape of a crescent moon. You had to stand close to notice it as it blended with the rest of her shimmering fur. Gasps came from those who were watching. I turned ten just over a week ago. No one had expected the shift yet. My wolf Silver walked up to Jason and nudged him. Then she turned to Justin and nudged him with her snout. The shock caused the reaction Silver hoped for, and both boys cried out and fell to their knees, bones cracking, breaking, and moving into place, was heard. Before fur sprouted, and presto, the boys were now wolves. Silver walked between them, licked their faces one at a time, and nudged them to walk. On shaky legs, the boys slowly stood and stumbled as they tried to walk. Silver made a sound that could be interpreted as laughing. Silver took a few steps away, looking back at the twins' new wolves. Jason was jet black with the right paw white, and Justin Wolf was jet black with the left paw white. They were the same size as Silver, which was just a little bit smaller than the Alpha’s wolf that was now standing beside the boys. Through a mind link, my Dad's commanded. ‘Let’s run.’ His voice was full of love and good humor. My Dad led the run, initially taking off at a slow pace. As the boys got used to letting the wolf take over at first, they struggled to let the wolf have control, but after a little while, they saw Silver running with ease. They let their wolf have control and soon were efficiently running with the group. My Mother took her younger twins inside and put them to bed, then ran outside to join the group for a run. Mother was excited to see the boys shift and was still in shock about me. Mother would have to ask Dad to look into what that early shift could mean. I had always been different, but with the ease of schoolwork and now shifting, I also liked to train like the boys. Mother wondered what all this meant. Charlette seemed to be the only one that was like her. Mother was not that bright in school and was a daydreamer. My mother's mother and father's strict upbringing helped her even pass high school. Mother was definitely not a top-five pupil like the boys, and I was. Maybe that is why Mother let Charlette be how she was and let Charlette learn at her own pace, though now Mother is starting to wonder about that. At eleven, that girl is beginning to look like she will be the pack w***e, and that will not do. Mother will have to think hard about how she is going to mold that girl into a beauty and not a slut. It's sad to think of her daughter like that, but that is what she is leaning towards. The group ran for over an hour through the trees and down to the lake, shifting. They stopped to enjoy a drink before heading back to the packhouse and moving back. Entering the private area, Mum and Dad shifted back and waited for the pups to arrive. The Beta and Delta family arrived and shifted back, and they, too, waited to see the pups return. The boys entered first. They stood before Dad, not yet shifting back. Silver entered last. When I reached where the others were standing, and before Dad could speak, Silver changed back, and I stood in the clothes I was wearing when I had shifted into a wolf. Gasps were heard again at this sight. I turned to the boys and said, ‘Think of your human self and let the change happen.’ I was excited to have more fun with the boys and hear how they felt after their first run. ‘Hey!’ My Dad growled/ ‘That was my job.’ Dad then laughed and ruffled the top of my head. The boys shifted back with a groan and suddenly realized they were naked. Dad then threw on a shirt and shorts, and they quickly got dressed. ‘Why is it you were not naked like us?’ queried Jason. ‘I have always been able to shift back and forth without losing my clothes.’ I shrugged as if it was no big deal. ‘Darling, what do you mean by always?’ Mother asked, her look confused, and I was not sure how I felt being her target again. ‘How long have you been able to shift? Emily?’ My Dad asked at the same time. ‘Um, I have been able to speak to my Wolf since the day the twins were born. I was in the chicken coop, and she was talking to me, telling me everything was okay. I was sad because Mommy was in pain. Then, when I started school, I was upset about Charlette picking on me, and when I got home, I went to the forest and sat by the water, trying to understand why Charlette did not like me when my wolf asked if I would like to go for a run, and I said yes. She took over, and I became a wolf. She is brilliant.’ ‘So you have had the wolf since two and shift since six?’ Jason asked, staring incredulously at me. ‘Yes?’ I replied, still not seeing the problem. ‘Raymond, you must consult the council and the library to see if we can find anything about early shifts.’ Mother pondered softly, giving me a funny look. ‘Agreed.’ Dad said. ‘Happy Birthday, Jason and Justin.’ I hugged the boys as I wished them birthday greetings. ‘Thank you, Emily.’ And I got a group hug. ‘Good night.’ ‘Good night, Emily.’ The boys chimed. ‘Good night.’ Responded Mum, Dad, and the rest that stood in the private area and watched as I went inside. ‘Peter and Frank, meet me in my office at ten am. We shall start looking into Emily’s shift and her wolf. Did you see that coloring?’ They were nodding their agreement. Good nights were chimed, and they all headed to their beds.
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