Chapter 8

1136 Words
Emily POV I did some stretches to warm my muscles, warming them up for the fight. I had seen this boy fight and study hard on how to beat him. He is fast and robust, and it will be over if he gets his hands on me. He is too big and strong for me. My only chance is high kicks and bouncing away. Don’t use your hands. My reach is not long enough. Hopefully, if I can hit him often enough, it will give me points to move up, some even though. Some do not win their fight but still improve if they demonstrate some skill. The big boy strode into the ring with confidence. When he saw who was entering to fight him, he laughed and pointed, looking over his shoulder at his trainer. ‘Are you kidding me? I have to fight a girl?’ he said with a sneer. ‘Emily is entitled to try the next level, as with all her teammates. Don’t be so rude.’ The trainer sneered back. I watched carefully, taking in all his moves and ensuring he did not attempt anything before the signal to fight had rung. As I expected, he tried to lunge at me before the call. He missed his mark and had to take a few quick steps to stop himself from falling over. His confidence in catching me unaware could have been better. ‘Timothy, you will abide by the rules or not be allowed to fight for the next level.’ My Dad called out in annoyance; he did not see why he should need to cheat after saying it was just a girl. The boy, Timothy, looked over at my Dad and nodded. He was in trouble now and with my Dad, too. Timothy tried to reach out and punch me. His reach was long, but I dodged it and ducked away. Then he tried a second time and then a third. Getting into a huff, he tried to lunge at me with all his might, and I sidestepped him again. As the boy tried to right himself, I swiped his feet from under him, and as he fell back on his back, I kicked him in the face, hearing the loud c***k as his nose broke. Dancing back, I waited for him to get up so I could not risk being too close yet. He was still too wound up and too strong. If I did not time it right, it would be over. He staggered to his feet, blood dribbling out of his now crooked nose, his face red with fury. His fight had become uncoordinated, throwing out his fists and lunging without thought. I just kept out of his reach and kicked him in his side each time he lunged badly. The longer I kept out of his reach, the more he got angry and the closer he got to losing his temper and doing stupid things. Things that would get you killed if you were fighting rogues. I waited patiently; something my brothers and I had done the most was to wait for your time. It was hard, but I knew I would lose instantly if I did not keep my focus. Patience paid off; Timothy lunged, trying to grab me in desperation. With that lunge, he jumped high in the air and kicked him in his face again. His already broken nose crunched under my shoe, then landed on his back, wrapped my legs and arms around his neck, squeezed with all of my might, and held on as he stood up and tried to get me off. It took about four minutes before he fell to his knees, gasping for breath, then fell flat on his face out cold. I immediately let go and stepped back. The trainer entered the circle and checked Timothy. The trainer looked at me and said, ‘That my girl was one hell of a fight. Well, I am done. It just shows that it does not matter how big you are; you can still win the fight. I look forward to you joining our little group and showing these lads that girls are just as good as boys.’ He then looked at my Dad and nodded. Timothy groaned, rolled onto his back, sat up, and looked at me. A big grin spread across his bloodied face. ‘You got me good darl, you got me good.’ I received slaps on the back and hugs from my brothers, and the group of boys I had trained with for the last two years joined in the congratulations. Even my Dad and the head warrior came over to praise all the boys' efforts and give a special cheer for the ones who made it to the next level of training. Training at the next level was hard initially, with an extra hour of daily exercise. Even my brothers complained about the extra time, making time to enjoy themselves and play. There were almost none during the week, only one day a week. They got away from training. Apparently, their bodies needed at least one day of rest to recover. But the rest was the last thing the boys did. They joined the football team and did other activities that did not really give their bodies a rest. I chose to join the scouting team that did patrols around the pack perimeter. At first, I was only allowed to join the patrol in a small area. The larger areas needed to be in wolf form. They did not know I had my own wolf; I was too young for them even to consider the chances of having one. I surprised the patrol with my stamina and ability to move quickly and quietly through the forest area. Charlette continued to be a bully at school along with her friend Suzette. I often saw her and her little gang picking on some little girls and younger boys. They seemed to enjoy pushing and tripping them over, taking their lunch, and just annoying people. Each time I saw this, I would go to the bullied person and hug them. Unknown to the person I was hugging, I was healing any hurts the girls inflicted and shared a meal to make up for the lunch they had taken. I tried to help them, but in the background, so Charlette and her group would not know. I thought if I did anything in front of the mean girls, the poor pups that were their victims would get it worse when I was not around. I had each of them promise not to tell the bullies of my aid and to come to me if hurt or in need of food; I would help them out as best I could.
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