Chapter 10

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Author POV The council stated they would arrive two weeks later. There would be eight men and five women, with Alpha, Luna, and the pack. The elders huddled in the private library and talked about Emily. At first, the elders refused to believe Emily had shifted. Alpha growled at them and refused to make her change just for the elders. He demanded they wait till all the council arrived and then ask Emily if she would shift for them. He told the gathering he would not force his daughter to move just for them to see for themselves. Alpha was annoyed that the elders did not believe the words of their Alpha. How dare they? For a whole week, they spent hours in the library, reviewing previous Alpha's archives and other history records and having run out of ideas or finding a prophecy or any other pack, having mentioned a pop shifting that early, or having the voice of the wolf so early. ‘Should we ask the king about our little Emily?’ one of the elders asked tentatively. ‘No, they might take my daughter away. You know how they are when something different is found. Remember what they did for the Golden Pack, taking away the girl that could heal?’ one replied. ‘We should ask for information on early shifting without informing them why.’ Another elder says. ‘Let’s put it to a vote; it is too personal a question for me to give an unbiased opinion.’ Alpha Raymond replied solemnly. The vote was close. With only two different votes, the Alpha had to abide by the decision. The head council member was going to approach the king for information on early shifting, and they decided to ask without saying how early Emily could shift. To appease the council and elders, Alpha called his little Emily to join them in the library. Emily POV I shyly knocked on the library door. The door sprung open, making me jump. ‘Come in, Emily.’ My mother beckoned her in, and I felt uncomfortable for some reason. I entered the room and took a deep breath. The feeling of all that power in the room almost took my breath away. ‘Emily! Honey.’ Her father spoke softly, ‘Come over here.’ I looked at my father and gazed around the room at all the people as I passed them, though careful not to look in their eyes, as that would be rude. I did know that adults did not like you looking in their eyes unless they asked you to. ‘Sweetheart, these people here are elders and council members; they would like to see your wolf; are you okay with shifting for us?’ Dad asked gently, making me feel that it was okay. I nodded my head slowly, still feeling overwhelmed by the number of strong people in the room. ‘Let us go outside; it is too crowded here.’ My mother suggested, opening the door as she spoke. ‘Alpha Raymond, how old did you say your daughter is?’ one of the council women asked, staring at the young lass. ‘Emily turned ten last month.’ ‘She is very tall for a ten-year-old.’ The councilwoman replied, full of doubt. ‘Emily was taller than her sister, who was seven months older before she even entered school, because of the age gap. They were in the same class, and she towered over all the girls and many boys in her class. She has skipped a class and is in the same grade as the twins, who have just turned twelve. We had four children in two years. Luckily, we had two years before the last set of twins was born. My mate had a lot on her hand with six pups in four years.’ My Dad answered thoughtfully. ‘How are her grades?’ one asked. ‘Her grades? Why do you ask?’ ‘Well, she is so much taller and can shift quickly. I was wondering what else the young pup could do.’ ‘Our Emily is at the top of her class. The teachers told us that she has photographic memories and that school is boring. We have also been informed that by the end of this year, Emily will have read every book in the library. This year, Emily and the twins started doing advanced-level school work. At the rate they are going, they will be doing senior high school work by the end of the year and college-level work the following year. All three children could most likely finish school ahead of time.’ ‘Wow, you have some brilliant children, Alpha. For the boys to finish school by fourteen is amazing, but Emily will only be twelve. What have you planned for your children when they finish school so early?’ ‘We have no plans at this stage, and we are waiting to see what interests them and push them in that direction. Getting them into outside schools online will be hard because they are so young. We most likely look at online learning.’ They reached the private area and gathered in a circle around me. I felt odd, listening to them talk about me as if I was not there. I stood head down, waiting for instructions. I was very nervous, wondering what I had done to gain all this attention. ‘Emily.’ My father whispered softly. But everyone could hear him clearly. I lifted my head up and stared at my father, waiting for his instructions. ‘Shift,’ he asked just as softly. I nodded and shifted with ease. Quickly, silently, and beautifully, my wolf, Silver, had always made it easy for me to move. Gasps filled the area as those who had not seen me shift before gaped at me in awe. ‘Emily.’ One of the council women called. Silver turned to look at the lady. ‘May I touch you?’ she smelt of fear, but her eyes looked curious. Silver trotted over to the lady and stood stock still as the lady ran her hand through Silver’s fur. Walking slowly around Silver, lifting an ear and then the other, looking at Silver’s teeth, she ran her hand down Silver’s side, stopping at the violet crescent moon shape on Silver’s left hip. The lady leaned forward and asked Silver, though the lady said Emily, as the lady did not know Silver's name, to turn. The lady wanted to show the others the crescent moon shape on Silver’s hip without saying anything. Others came forward, looked at the mark, and touched Silver on that spot. Shivers ran down Silver's back as they touched Silver one at a time. Silver knew what they were looking at and growled slightly at the annoyance. ‘Sorry, little one, but you are extraordinary. So beautiful and special, I, for one, would love to have you close by and see you develop.’ One of the older women councilors spoke with soft tones of awe.
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