Chapter 6

1593 Words
You're not alone...' the muffled voice in the grey mist whispered, bringing Bruno abruptly awake. Just then the alarm on his nightstand went off. He sat up, his mind dwelling on the words that had tormented his being since the first time he heard them freshly spoken to him, hypnotizing his every being. The Outlanders were somewhere close, lurking, waiting for the opportunity to strike. He knew it. He felt it. What was the fate of the Lycans when the Outlanders' strength was ever increasing? How was he ever going to defend his territory if the outlanders struck? Crescent Pack was labeled the strongest Lycan Pack, but if the strongest be defeated what would be the fate of the unmatched? 'A threefold cord...' Was it his destiny to defeat the Outlanders? What if the prophecy was wrong? What if the Outlanders found a way to the last Gaia princess first? Who was she? The one with the last Gaia blood? Bruno's mind swirled as the spray of water drenched his entire frame in the warm shower. Stepping out with a thick white towel secured around his tanned waist. Kiara was waiting on the sofa in his room. Reading his schedule for the day as her routine was, he listened tentatively, his eyes settled on the cushion-cut Diamond necklace he'd gifted her for her nineteenth birthday a few weeks ago. Kiara was the only fit for the position as his assistant, for she was made of patience, beauty, and a ton of brain. She possessed a trained and strong wolf. For he loved strength in women. If he was going to surround himself with any then they were the best at the elegance, class, and art of self-defense. Yet, his fate made a mockery of that. "Gather the warriors, we resume training today." He ordered. "Such short notice?" Her brows raised at him. "If the Outlanders strike..." "Alpha Bruno, please stop brewing this fear, it's eating the best of you..." "You f*****g do as I say, I'm being merciful." He seethed. "Forgive my boldness!" She bowed. "Send emails to Aiden and the rest of the commanders, we have to be ready for an attack. To be vigilant isn't fear!" Moving towards his closet, he paused, regarded her then asked, "Anything else? "Monica moved out of the accommodation you provided, after she failed to meet you yesterday she never returned." "Aiden knows exactly what to do with her." He turned into the vast closet to get ready for the day. The sun blazed on the sweaty backs of the warriors as they trained on stamina and stance. Ophelia Todd—Gamma female, trained with the warriors. Bruno's gaze kept wandering to her sweaty face, her radiating skin in the sunlight. Ophelia was a strong-spirited woman. She had the skills in the arts of defense, she was equally a beauty and with class. The perfect mate for an Alpha, but he'd rejected the seconds he realized they were mates. Ophelia was the Pack's girl and he didn't settle for girls with a lot of history. She was never an option for him. He watched as she took against Jake, a heavily built warrior in a fight. The rest of the warriors gathered around them interested to see how the combat played out. Ophelia's stances were confident and trained, her legs wide apart, blue eyes fixed on her opponent as she dodged a blow while throwing one, meeting the target and making him lose his balance. Once he was on the ground, she pounced on him, throwing repeated punches onto his reddened face until he tapped out. "Your face is your greatest asset, it's the only way to stay afloat. Protect your face at all times." She yelled for the benefit of other warriors, helping the bruised man to his feet. Bruno averted his gaze before hers dropped on his from where he stood under the shade. Smiling inwardly, she joined him. Snatching the water bottle from his hand watching him roll up the sleeves of his shirt as she drank the water. "You're not joining the training today? Such a waste of that body." When he left her remark hanging, she pouted. "My wolf is getting impatient, when do we start training in our wolf form?" "Aiden can answer that." "You're always in a soiled mood. Did you invite your little girlfriend over to train today with us?" "Monica is not built for a warrior's combat." Aiden took out water from the dispenser. "Ouch! I heard she's never shifted. I mean I shifted at age thirteen." "You were just lucky." Aiden beamed at her. "My wolf is the strongest female wolf in all of the Crescent Pack and the Lycans packs in general have nothing to do with luck, Babe. Took me years of sweat, blood, and sacrifices to be here." "You're forever my pride!" Aiden grinned at her. Bruno walked away from them, towards the exit of the training ground. "Try to bite your tongue at times!" Aiden chided gently. "What did I do now?" Bruno left the rest of the warriors with a flurry of thoughts plaguing him. Was he wrong to have these tormenting fears about his destiny? He stopped by his car, unlocked it, he slipped behind the wheels, absently fastening his seatbelt. Keegan had told him the goddess aids his course, why did it seem otherwise? If truly she aided his course, why then was his fate so cruel? In the face of turmoil, the Goddess tossed a pathetic Omega his way. If he rejected her, what then? Leave Crescent to search for the one with the last Gaia blood, mate her and bring her back to Crescent. But how was he to achieve this sacred course when the bloodline was hard to trace? He turned on the driveway, out into the main street. He was first going to stop for a cup of coffee, brewed strong, then he'd drive off to Keegan's. He must have a permanent solution to his underlying predicament. He muttered a curse under his breath as the traffic lights turned red. He successfully squished between the other cars, drifting attention to his matted black Porsche Cayenne. He should've avoided the busy streets as a gold driver, knowing it was a busy Friday. The red light persisted, and his mood lightened as the rich smell of Jasmine wafted up his car. He searched the rearview mirror now that he felt her presence on the road. He knew exactly who she was. A part of him—of course the beastly wolf inside of him wanted to climb down, to search for her in the sea of people and other motorists going about their lives. No doubt Hev, his wolf, wanted his second chance mate. She was beautiful with her brown long hair cascading over her shoulders. He wasn't looking for just beauty, she wasn't the safest and smartest option for them, considering their position as the Alpha. His heartbeat accelerated every which way. He sniffed the air, her Jasmine scent was stronger meaning she was closer than he'd imagined. He glanced around the road, trying to keep himself from smiling as a thought popped up in his head. "Get in the front seat now!" He beckoned loud enough to be heard through the mind-link. He waited, watching the red light turn amber. Motorists sent their cars on, anticipating the green light. Bruno's gaze was on the road, his hands on the steering wheel waiting, for Monica to join him in the car. At the green light, impatiently, motorists honked their horns. Furiously letting out curses for his tardiness. They became instantly silent and somber each as they realized the driver of the obnoxiously waiting car. Bruno's mind was on Monica the entire time. He relaxed in his seat only when she bustled into the front seat of his car, looking everywhere but his handsome face. "You don't have to drive me around!" Was the only thing she said as he sped down the road. "Why not? You're my mate." He smirked. "Yet-to-be-rejected mate!" She corrected, testing the waters. "You so much want me to reject you. Why?" "I don't want to rock this boat." Sensing a rough edge, she sidestepped the conversation. "Afraid to sink?" "Either way the course is doomed." His eyes dropped back to the road as he sent the car purring down into the streets. "I'm heading north, to the local library." "Anything of interest?" "Nothing, just...just having a lot of free time lately. Some fiction would be a great pastime. If you happen to go that way that's cool but it's even cooler if you don't." An awkward silence stretched throughout the rest of the ride. Bruno watched her occasionally as she trained her gaze outside the windshield. Dressed in a simple floral dress, her brown hair swept into a neat bun, teasing tendrils down her jaw. Her cheeks flushed. Aiden was right, she was not built for a warrior's combat. She was a soft creature which made him in a way want to protect her. Heated memories of their blissful night together resurfaced. He fought the unwelcoming heat, the invading thoughts of her wet and wild kisses. There were sides to her that he was drawn to. Running into her meant his plans for the day were officially canceled. For as much as he did, Hev loved the company of his mate and wasn't ready to let go of her anytime soon. Was it just Hev or he loved her company too?
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