Chapter 7

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They arrived at the library about forty minutes into the exact time Monica had convinced the librarian she'd be there. Bruno had stalled them at the coffee shop when he stopped for coffee. The poor waitress frightfully served him, carefully going through his order. 'Intimidating bastard!' Ray hissed, feeling sorry for the poor waitress who was scared stiff but privileged to be serving their Alpha. Bruno was like an unpredictable switch, he went off and on in the slightest minutes. The black coffee seemed to taint his mood, the rest of the ride his mood was worse than a soured grape. She kept her gaze out the window, munching silently on her donut. He'd gotten donuts with some sprinkles on it. There were four in the box and so far she'd eaten three eyeing the last one conspicuously. "Have it!" He liberally gave the last of the donuts to her. "Don't make a habit of it. As tasty as they are," she bit into it, "Aren't good for me. I could gain a ton of weight." "You don't pass for the type to be weirdly concerned about your weight." "Is that a compliment?" "Why did you move out of the room I offered you?" "I don't belong there." "I want you to move back. It's for your safety." He insisted. She didn't know what to say to that, instead, she listened to the music on the radio. Humming to the classic she knew by heart. She didn't have to look up at him to know his mind was now on the music. Monica led the way from his parked car in the temporary parking space into the Pack's old library. The bell rang softly as they entered. The library was nearly empty save for the older lady at the left corner lost in an animal magazine. And the twenty-something-year-old dude whom she came to know as Matt, drowning in his thesis research. She'd met Matt on several occasions here in the library some days whenever she stopped by for a fiction. She waved a quick 'hello' to him as her custom was. Matt returned the greetings with a smile. Bruno's glare settled on him, his eyes widened when he noticed Alpha Bruno in the library, fidgeting on the pages of his work. Glancing everywhere but at them. "You're late!" Jen the librarian's irritated voice rang from behind them. Turning to the corner where her desk was situated, Monica could see the middle-aged lady on her desk, a cup of coffee and some sheets scattered across the desk, books, and magazines forming a complete mess on the desk. Neatly stacked at the edge of the desk were a small pile of books which Monica assumed were the books she specifically requested for. Bruno was near, she didn't want him close. The books were very private and embarrassing to be caught requesting them. As embarrassing as getting a packet of Durex from the store. "Here's all you specifically asked. Took me a hell of a time to sort them through but I managed to, even though I cracked a rib from stretching on those shelves." As quietly as Jen spoke she felt she was not quiet enough since Bruno's gaze left his phone to the books on the desk, then to her face. Monica felt her cheeks flushing as he started towards the stacked up books. Coming dangerously closer, towering above her, trapping her between the desk and his overwhelmingly hard body. He reached out to pick a book from the stack. Seizing his stretched-out hand in hers, her hands intercepted. His puzzled gaze dropped down on her. Brainstorming things to say that would pique his interest from the books. "I think there's an inventory of all books and tapes that I think might interest you, let's go check them out I'm sure it's in this part of the library..." She went on like a moving train on track. Picking out the first book, Bruno's forehead crinkled, he squinted at the book in his hand. "The full moon: a guide to Shifting..." Bruno read silently the title as quietly as possible, but quiet enough to be heard by Monica and Jen. Then his stare shifted from the book to settle on her face tinged with pink. "That's not for me, Maggie asked for it!" She forced a nervous laugh. The most obvious lie she ever told. He towered above her. Picking the next book, silently read the title, then moved on to the next until the last book. "Put them all back on their shelves," he delved into his pocket taking out his leather wallet, taking out a few dollar bills tipping the lady. "Here, for the trouble!" Jen smiled warmly at him, appearing more than pleased with the option. "What do you think you are doing?" Monica riled up. Grabbing her hand, he led her out of the library into the burning sunlight. She snapped free from his gentle grip when they reached the parked car. "How dare you interfere with my life!" "Borrowing books on how to shift, seriously? When I thought you couldn't get more pathetic!" He chuckled condescendingly. "Don't insult me 'cause I won't take it!" She yelled in his face, her voice hoarse from exertion. "You'd already insulted yourself, it's only natural I followed suit!" Irritation plastered on his face. "To hell with you Bruno!" She felt tears well up in her eyes. She moved away from him. Away from his car in a sick attempt of hiding her tears. He stopped her before she was farther from him, stepping in front of her, sandwiching her between the car and himself. "Move!" She found her voice, fighting the tears in her eyes balling her hands to a fist. Ready for a fight. "Or?" He folded his arms staring amusedly at her. "I'll punch you in the face!" Was all her brain could think of. Who was she kidding? A man built the way he was didn't take that as a threat which annoyed her even more. It made her appear weaker which bruised her ego. She so much wanted to hit the smugness from his face. Her anger was taking the best of her Holding the front door open, he ordered."Get in." "Get lost! Smug bastard!" She said through gritted teeth. "I'd watch my tongue if I were you." His amused lips thinned to a scowl. "And if I don't?" She shoved him with a great pull. The anger and frustration she felt doubled when he didn't bulge. "When I thought I had the biggest temper." Amusement returned to his face, a smirk appearing on his lips. "Bruno, what do you really think you are?" "Amongst the list of other things that I am, I'm your mate. Even as an Omega I'm still obligated to see you're safe." He gestured to the front seat of his car, holding the door open. "Not if I reject you..." She hissed. Her mouth instantly flew shut. Realizing she was overstepping her boundaries. He was right she could see now she needed to watch her tongue 'cause she spoke without thinking especially when her blood boiled. Bruno arched closer to her until their faces were an inch apart, his breath lingering on her face, his red eyes locked on her brown eyes, until it was just the two of them in the parking lot. "Go ahead then, say it." He prodded, "Loud it as you mean it!" His eyes blazed with rage, his chiseled jaw clenched, his gaze searching, waiting. Her nerves deserted her, her anger left her and hightailed it up the road. She was calmer now, her head was clearer now. How could she reject him? Her only unanswered prayer. Sometimes she felt it wasn't real, it was too good to be real. Alpha Bruno, her fated mate? She couldn't be more flattered. Now she was either going to take the initiative or he'd do so without blinking. She blamed it on him. If he wasn't being a jerk towards her, if he hadn't pushed her to her limit then none of these wouldn't have happened. She was never going to forgive herself if the rejection happened there. She crossed her boundary and whatever was out there was hers to handle. The tears she fought dropped trailing down her cheeks. He took her face in his hands, his palms against her jaw, his thumb brushing off the tear from her cheeks. "You could make this easier for us, for me." He swallowed hard. Monica shook her head. It was her very last option. She never wanted it to end. Rejecting him meant never seeing him again on personal grounds, his attention would be completely off. She wasn't braced for the pain of rejection. Not again. Ray would never forgive her. She was growling and howling up in her head. She was exhausted. She didn't deserve this life. It took the hardest toll on her, she'd been strong for too long she feared if she was broken again she would never be out together, ever again. She stepped out of his touch. Wiped her eyes dry. Without a second glance, she shoved him aside. This time, he voluntarily stepped aside, and without looking back she ran away into the street. Leaving him by the car, staring at her. The chances of Bruno running after her, catching up with her were slim. He had no reason to. She saw in his eyes just as she didn't want to reject him it was clear in his eyes he was confused as she was.
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