Chapter 5

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Closing the door with a soft click behind her, Monica's eyes scanned the room she was yet to get adjusted to. The lushly furnished room Bruno offered her to stay in while he was yet to figure out whatever it was he needed to figure out. It was ensuite with a king-sized bed and an off-white sofa, and a shelf. Left on the footrest were... some flowers? Flowers. Hopefully, Bruno sent the flowers. A sly smile tugged on her lips. She was going through the last phase which the inevitable rejection would accompany. But what was taking him too long? She had blown her only chance earlier to prove to him she was worthy of being his mate, the Luna of his Pack. He'd commanded, coaxed, and even pleaded with Ray to shift but instead, Ray had clawed. Clawed. She had clawed. To Bruno it was a disappointment, for the disappointment etched on his face was clear enough for her to see. But to her, releasing her claws for the first time was a huge development worthy of celebration. But how could she celebrate when things didn't feel right? When his disappointed face was indelibly tattooed on her mind. All she wanted was to shift, to please him yet, to show him she could be more. But she made a fool of herself. "If only things were different!" She cooed to herself, gliding onto the soft white sheets. Grabbing a pillow, her face dropped onto it, letting her heart out. A few hours later, there was a knock on the door. Gathering the used Kleenex from the floor into the dustbin, she hurried to the bathroom to wash her face hoping the cold water would work some miracle on her puffy face. Kiara walked in when she held the door open, as stylish as always making her wonder if a fancy wardrobe was also a part of her job description. "How are you feeling?" Kiara asked, now she was inside the room. "Good, I guess. Tears really are medicinal!" She said, not seeing any need to hide the reason behind her puffy face. "I wouldn't know that!" "Did your boss send you here?" As a reply, Kiara walked to the door connecting the walk-in closet to the room. "Get ready, we leave in forty minutes." "Leave? I don't feel good." She splayed on the bed. "Alpha Bruno wants you down in the next forty minutes!" "Screw him! He doesn't want me! I don't want to be in this position. So go back and tell your boss I'm not going to fit in whatever mold he is trying to make." She hung her head allowing her shoulders to drop. She had gone through a brainstorming session earlier. Things were flowing naturally with Gamma Aiden until Bruno stepped into the interrogation room stirring up the atmosphere, sending the butterflies in her stomach in motion. Bruno brought out something wild and tormenting in her. It both pleased and disturbed her. He made it clear he didn't want her as his mate, so why was he getting her involved in activities he knew were only going to not just humiliate her but build her hope in the air? She wasn't going to keep psychoanalyzing situations, the best thing to do now was to avoid Bruno until the inevitable rejection came. The farther they were apart the best it was for them. For her. "I can't keep doing this, I can't be here anymore." She sniffled. Kiara silently watched her slouch on the bed. Typing something into her phone Kiara hissed. "I get in trouble if we don't walk down together in the next thirty-five minutes." "What's the worst that can happen?" "Alpha Bruno is unpredictable, it's unsafe to find out." "Where are we even going?" "He never mentioned it." Her eyes shone as an idea seeped into her head. She sat up straight and found her fluffy slipper on the rug. Heading towards the closet she called out behind her. "I'll be ready in the next twenty minutes. I will need you to come back in exactly twenty minutes!" Relief washed through Kiara's face. Without delay, she backed out of the room. When the sound of her stilettos ended with the clicking of the door. Monica came back out of the closet. After waiting a few more minutes, she opened the door, listening when she heard no movements in the lobby she peeked out. The lobby was empty with each door at each side of the wall closed. She crept out, carefully selecting her steps, avoiding the main entrance as possible, she opted for the back entrance. Finally, the trapped air in her lungs was expelled audibly from her mouth, and she made her way toward the section of the pack where she fitted in. Maggie was coating the pans with some margarine for whatever it was she was going to make for the entire pack that evening. She didn't seem to notice her in the kitchen. Monica knew exactly what to do. Without hesitations, she loaded the washer with dishes. Maggie looked up her way, "I saved up some pie from lunch, you look thin." Her tone was laced with concern. "I'm not hungry. I can't even eat even if I wanted to." "If it's about that video of getting involved with Alpha Bruno, I'd say it's nothing to worry about. Lots of girls now envy you!" Then they certainly have nothing to envy. Whoever took that video had one thing in mind and obviously, not to glorify her. Ophelia Todd had the biggest motive but she was training as the Gamma female that night so she had a strong alibi. The video had not just upset Ophelia but had brought her to rank one in her book of hates. If there was anyone worth envying in the pack was Ophelia. Beautiful, strong, courageous, and fancy. If Ophelia in all her glory didn't stand a chance with Bruno then who was she to even wish for a miracle? She took the glasses to the sink, and turned on the faucet, she let out a curse at the water as it splashed on her through the rim of the glass. Taking a washcloth, she gently began doing the glasses. Earlier, he had started to delve into her past, stalk, her background, and her family during the interrogation. How was she ever going to bring herself to tell him she came from a cursed stalk? At least it's the one thing she was always reminded of by Alexander, her uncle. Her mother, Lucretia, was a female warrior, and Luna. She was greatly aware of that for she still had her memories. Her white wolf was rare in Syzygy. When the enemies attacked, Lucretia gave her life to save Syzygy Pack. How could she tell Bruno everyone in Syzygy thought she was cursed when she never shifted? She was rumored to be the reincarnation of Elizabeth the one wolf that was cursed by the Goddess. How could she tell him about it? He would never want a cursed mate. She shuddered and stopped the train of memories before they completely overwhelmed her. He had walked out of the interrogation room disappointed. The kiss just happened, not like she planned it or saw it coming. All she wanted was to let herself savor the moment but he'd broken the kiss, leaving her hanging. The attraction she felt for him was condensing, it grew thicker by the day. She braced herself for whatever punishment he was going to administer to her for turning down his invite. Kiara could handle him, so it seemed. She was exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally to want to hang around him for another second. "What?" She asked Maggie whose bewildered gaze was on her. Maggie frightfully backed away from her until her back was bumped into the stove. "You're flaming!" The horror in Maggie's eyes was loud enough to confirm her words. Looking down at the steaming glass in hand, the water simmered from her contact. She instantly backed away, unconsciously dropping the glass which danced on the floor in tiny shards. Gaping at her hands, her skin golden which within seconds returned to normal. She would've doubted it happened if Maggie was not a witness. Whatever it was, was a new and welcoming development. "What was that?" Maggie asked calmly, moving towards her. "You were mounting pressure on the glasses while cleaning them with the washcloth suddenly...Suddenly... I don't even know what I saw or how to describe that!" She suspected what it was. She didn't trust Maggie enough to want to confide in her. Maggie had only started being nicer to her after the clip of her making out with Bruno in the parking lot a few days ago. It wasn't wise to open up, not yet. Ray must've duplicated Bruno's ability to flame up. It was the only logical explanation. Being around him only made Ray stronger. She had released her claws for the first time, now flamed up. Who knew what was next? What she could do if she was given a chance to thrive as his mate. "I'd appreciate it, Maggie , if you keep this to yourself." "Sure, sure! No one would ever believe me even if I blabbered." "Thanks!" She gave Maggie a small smile, going back to cleaning. Ignoring Maggie snapping her head often at her.
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