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Aria When he threw out the idea of breaking up, it hit me like a punch to the gut. Seriously? We'd barely dipped our toes into this dating pool, and he was already talking exits. It felt like the universe was playing a cruel joke, pulling the rug out from under us before we even got the chance to dance. So, in a moment of reckless bravery, I just blurted it out – those three words, "I love you." Crazy, right? But in that chaotic swirl of uncertainty, I figured, why not? Maybe, just maybe, if he got how deep I was in this, he'd scrap the breakup nonsense and stick around for the good stuff. I needed him to get that his messed-up past didn't scare me off. His mom's drama? Zero effect on my feelings. I wanted him to see I wasn't backing down. Sure, I regretted accidentally poking at his history and dragging him through the painful bits. He didn't spill all the deets, but what he did say showed me the heavy stuff he'd been through. Recognizing the tough spot he's in, I was grateful he trusted me enough to drop a piece of his past bomb. I got it; no need to push if he ain't ready to spill more. I decided to stick around until he was good to go. "How long have you been here, and you still haven't unpacked your boxes?" I teased, eyeing the cardboard chaos sprawled in his living room, a playful grin playing on my lips. "I was tired and didn't have time to unpack," he fired back, appearing from his room with wet, tousled hair and a towel casually draped around his neck. Thankfully, he bothered with a shirt. "You came at the right time," he added, his eyes meeting mine with a twinkle, like my mere existence made everything fall into place. His grin lit up his face, and he snagged me into this tight hug, his sturdy arms around my waist. A delightful shiver ran down my spine, soaking in the heat of him all up close and personal. My skin, all tingly to his touch, got a little blush going, like a soft wave of warmth. In that moment, it felt like every cell in my body woke up, busting a move to the symphony of feels vibing from our closeness. His body wash scent hung in the air, this subtle yet captivating smell that I took a deep whiff of. It wrapped around me, every breath bringing in this romantic vibe of him, making the hug this mix of sweet and intoxicating. "Did you spill your address just to trick me into helping you?" I asked, squinting at him. "Shouldn't a girlfriend help her boyfriend?" He arched an eyebrow, a playful smirk playing on his lips. 'Girlfriend' slipped from his mouth again, leaving me wondering if he was cool with it or just throwing up a smokescreen. This side of him was tricky, like a version I couldn't quite wrap my head around. He had the whole pretending thing down so pat that, if he hadn't spilled his childhood tales himself, I might've doubted they were legit. Sensing my hesitation, he leaned in, landing a soft kiss on my lips and whispered, "I am genuinely okay this time." His reassurance oozed warmth, melting away my uncertainties. "Don't keep secrets from me," I insisted, and he nodded, totally on the same page. "Speaking of secrets, when did you start falling for me?" he asked, a mischievous grin painting his lips. My cheeks heated up, and I attempted to squirm out of his hug, but he just held me tighter. "W-we still have loads of unpacking left," I stuttered, dodging his intense blue eyes. "This is more important; we can tackle that later," he insisted, tilting his head to catch my gaze. I hid my face in his chest, and he let out a chuckle. "Quit grilling me; it's getting embarrassing," I begged. His laughter rumbled through his chest, still holding me close. "Embarrassing? I find it damn adorable when you get shy," he teased, his fingers gently lifting my chin to meet his gaze. My heart did a marathon as his eyes locked onto mine; I'd never get used to him looking at me like I was his whole world. "Fine, I'll let you off the hook... if you say you love me," he threw in, his lips curving into a playful smile. I bit my lip, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. The air between us got all sweet and tense as I gathered the courage to spill it out. "I... I love you," I confessed, my voice a hushed murmur. His grin broadened, and he leaned in, locking my lips in a sweet, lingering kiss. "This means a lot to me, knowing you love me too. I promise I won't hurt you," he said, his words holding a genuine pledge. "I know," I responded, my heart dancing with warmth. "Why do you trust me so much?" he asked, his eyes delving into mine. My trust in him is a puzzle, even for me. There's this gut feeling, a certainty that wraps around my heart. It's like an unspoken assurance that my instincts get better than my logical brain. After the exhausting task of unpacking, fatigue and hunger struck, although I'll admit Lucas bore the brunt of the work. Given my less-than-stellar cooking skills, I suggested we order something, and Lucas, who was clearly in no mood to argue, agreed. Lounging on the living room couch with my legs crossed, I delved into a pack of chips I stumbled upon in his room, engrossed in a series that had just dropped its latest episode. The doorbell chimed, and I caught the sound of Lucas strolling towards it. As he passed by, he playfully tugged my head a bit, earning a swift slap on his hand. He wiggled his eyebrows with a mischievous grin, and I clicked my tongue, feigning annoyance, before turning my attention back to the television. "Pizza is here!" he announced triumphantly, depositing two tantalizing boxes on the table. "Finally, it was taking forever," I quipped, rolling my eyes and abandoning the couch to sit on the floor next to him. He cracked open a box, and my anticipation grew. Grabbing a slice, I took a savoury bite, and a moan of sheer delight escaped my lips. The taste was an exquisite symphony of melted cheese, tangy tomato sauce, and perfectly baked crust—a culinary masterpiece. "f**k this feels so good." I declared between bites, savoring the delightful combination of flavors. "Is it really that good?" He asked, taking a bite. I watched him as he chewed on it, eagerly anticipating his compliment. "Tastes like regular pizza, nothing special," he said. I scrunched my face, turning away with an exaggerated sigh. "Really? Regular pizza? You have no taste buds, Lucas." He chuckled, leaning over to playfully ruffle my hair. "Just kidding. It's amazing, and so are you for ordering it." "Much better," I said, grinning. "Should I be worried about you developing crushes on Asian men every time you start a new series?" Lucas asked, glancing at the television and then at me. I smiled, a twinkle in my eye. "Oh, you should definitely be concerned." He leaned in, his eyes holding a mischievous sparkle. "Lucky for me, they are fictional characters and would stay that way, can't be compared to the real deal." He winked, and I playfully nudged him. "Are you sure about that?" He mockingly gasped, placing a hand over his heart. "That really broke my heart." I grinned, leaning closer. "Prove that you are the real deal." I chuckled, and he kissed me unexpectedly. The taste of pizza lingered, blending with the soft warmth of his kiss. Just as I was about to surrender completely to his lips, he pulled back, a teasing smile on his face as I frowned. "Still think they are better?" he asked. I couldn't help but blush. "Okay, you won." "So, do you want us to ditch this boring movie and do something else? Something more interesting?" he asked. I feigned a frown at him calling the series boring but secretly got excited about the interesting thing he had in mind. "Like what?" I asked, feeling his breath on my face. "Like taking your clothes off slowly and burying myself deep inside you," he whispered, his voice low and sexy. My heart raced, and yes, I was turned on.

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