030~ THIS

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Lucas The phone call crackled with tension as I found myself entangled in a web of emotions, confronting my mother's manipulative tactics. When I encountered her again, after my father took me away, she seemed like a different person from the mother I once knew. The bitterness that used to fill her eyes towards me was replaced with something unexpected – love. It was a sentiment I had always yearned for, and with just a taste of it, I found myself craving more. I longed for my mother's validation, her love. So, despite my initial reluctance to be in a relationship, I agreed to date Ruby. "Are you blaming me right now? Do you know what I went through to raise you? I was walking on thin ice, keeping a son at home. Do you know what that would have done to my career, built on my sweat?" My mother's voice, a blend of frustration and self-pity, echoed through the receiver. "You're always playing the victim, Mom. Every time you speak, it's always about you and your sacrifices. What about me? Did I deserve all you put me through?" My voice held a mixture of anguish and defiance, the years of pent-up resentment surfacing. "You know, I thought things would have been different when I saw you again. I held on to that tingly faith that you had changed, and my memory of you was fake. But you never changed, and I, the fool, still stayed back. But not again. You are not going to decide for me anymore." My words, laced with disappointment, cut through the air. "All because of a woman. Do you think I'd let her be? Just because your father locked me up doesn't mean I lack influence, Lucas. I have ways beyond these walls. I'll ensure nothing comes between us, my baby. Relax, I know it isn't your fault. She must have manipulated you. Mommy will take care of your problem." Her attempt at reassurance carried a sinister undertone, a veiled threat lurking beneath the seemingly comforting words. "If you f*****g touch her, I would forget you are my mother, and I won't spare you," I threatened, my voice seething with anger. "There's no way you'd do that. You love me the most, Lucas. You're mine, and it will always be that way." Her words, dripping with manipulation, aimed to solidify her control over my emotions, weaving a toxic web of possessiveness and control. The call ended, leaving me with a bitter taste of helplessness. The weight of my mother's threats and the realization that I couldn't escape her clutches settled like a heavy fog. Aria's safety now hung in the balance. My anger surged, and I flung my phone against the wall, the impact resonating with a satisfying thud. It ricocheted, colliding with the bedside lamp, sending it crashing to the floor. I sank down to the floor, my back leaning against the bed. Fingers ran through my hair in frustration, the strands tangling in my tense grip. Anguish and anger coiled within me, and a scream tore from my throat. The room felt heavy with the aftermath of the call with my mother, each passing moment echoing the conflict raging within me. As I wrestled with my own demons, my phone, discarded on the floor, began to ring incessantly. The caller ID displayed Aria's name, a bittersweet sight that clenched my chest with both longing and apprehension. Her name on the screen intensified the internal struggle. I wanted to answer, to hear her voice, to find solace in the connection we shared. Yet, fear gnawed at the edges of my resolve. Fear that my troubles might taint the purity of what we had, that I might become the harbinger of pain in her life. The ringing persisted, each tone a reminder of the choice I had to make. If I ignored it, she would keep calling, worry etching its way into her thoughts. I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let her be troubled because of me. With a heavy sigh, I reached for the phone and answered, my voice caught in the tangle of conflicting emotions. "Lucas," her voice, soft and soothing, flowed through the line, carrying the warmth of genuine concern. I remained silent, holding the phone to my ear, unable to find words that could bridge the gap between the chaos within me and the solace she offered. "Is everything okay?" Her gentle inquiry caressed my ears, and I exhaled, my eyes closing momentarily. The weight of unspoken turmoil lingered between us, and I wrestled with the words I should or shouldn't say. I didn't want to taint her world with my darkness. "Lucas, did she come looking for you again?" Her voice held a mix of concern and understanding, as if she could sense the storm raging within me. I swallowed the lump in my throat, grappling with the decision to open up or shield her from the harsh reality. After a moment, I mustered the strength to respond. "With all my issues and everything, have you felt exhausted? I know dating me might seem like you're a therapist with everything going on, so I was wondering..." My hand ran through my hair, a futile attempt to dispel the nervous tension. Don't say it, you dumbass! "Maybe this relationship isn't going to work out." You're an i***t! "Are you tired of me?" Her question cut through my self-doubt, and for a moment, the silence felt suffocating. "No. Never," I replied, my voice catching on the weight of my own uncertainty. "So why are you saying all this?" "I just don't want to hurt you." "And you think breaking up with me won't hurt me?" Her breath caught, and the pause that followed seemed to stretch into eternity. When she spoke again, her words held a vulnerability that pierced through the phone. "I love you." "I love you, Lucas." She repeated. Her confession hung in the air, an emotional resonance that echoed through the call. My chest tightened, and I struggled to find the right words. The truth was, I hadn't expected such a profound revelation. The depth of her feelings took me by surprise, and a mixture of astonishment, gratitude, and an unexpected warmth flooded my senses. "If you don't want to hurt me, then don't think of breaking up with me because that would hurt me more than anything. Not when I chose to believe you when I finally gave in to my emotions; you want to..." Her words echoed through the phone, a poignant melody of vulnerability and love. The weight of her emotions hung in the air, and I felt a surge of conflicting emotions within him. The raw sincerity in her voice struck a chord deep within me. The realization that my attempt to protect her might inflict a different kind of pain dawned on me. "I... I would never want to hurt you, Aria," I whispered. Her response carried a reassuring resolve, "If you truly don't want to hurt me, then show it. Don't let your mother's words dictate your actions. I am not just any girl, Lucas. I am a Carter, and she would think twice before messing with my family." In those words, I discovered an unexpected wellspring of strength. Her unwavering resilience and commitment cast a hopeful light amid the shadows of my uncertainties, coaxing a genuine yet tentative smile onto my lips. Yes, she had a point – she wasn't just any other girl. Hailing from a prominent family, my mother wouldn't dare challenge a power higher than hers. It explained why she hadn't taken me away from my father. Why let her empty threats rattle me? I should trust that my father ensured she couldn't stir up trouble under house arrest. There's no need to be afraid. Keep saying it until you believe it!
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