
Uncharted Hearts: From Casual to Forever




"Do you want to go to my place?" he asked, his hand caressing my thigh.

"Why?" I managed to ask through ragged breaths.

"I don't know, but I'm thinking of picking up where we left off," he murmured, his breath hot against my ear as he whispered. "I can't get enough of those sexy sounds you make when I f**k you."

Damn it! A shiver ran down my spine, and my core throbbed in response. What the hell was I getting myself into?

The unspoken rules of their friends-with-benefits arrangement were clear, no falling in love. Aria understood this all too well, yet despite her best efforts, she couldn't help but fall for Lucas. Their relationship ended bitterly when a girl suddenly appeared, claiming to be his girlfriend, and publicly humiliated Aria.

Fast forward two years later, Aria returned to the city and found herself face-to-face with Lucas again at a party. In that moment, she realized that her feelings for him had never truly faded, and it seemed he felt the same way. However, there is a significant obstacle standing in their way. Lucas's possessive psycho mother harbours an irrational hatred towards Aria, to the point of wanting to harm her. And she won't stop until Aria is dead.

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001~ I FIND
Aria It was 6:30 pm, and I had just finished showering, settling into my room for a quiet Friday night. Opting to browse Netflix for a movie before drifting off to sleep, I was interrupted by approaching footsteps. Without surprise, it's Desmond, who tends to drop by uninvited because he knows my door code. "You're the most boring girl I've ever met," he remarked, his tone teasing as he pushed open my door. "Get out, Des. I don't want you ruining my evening," I assert, finally selecting a movie. "This is exactly why you don't have a boyfriend. You move from your apartment to the lecture hall, then to the library, and back to your room," he chided, strolling further into my space. "I don't see anything wrong with that," I defended, focusing on the movie's opening credits on my laptop screen. Unimpressed, he snatched my laptop to scrutinize my choice. "Give it back, Des!" I demand, kneeling on my bed with a frown. "An Asian drama?" Desmond scrunched up his nose in disgust as he peered at my laptop screen. "Get your ass off the bed and go meet real guys outside. Stop being delusional!" he exclaimed, abruptly shutting down my laptop and striding over to the dressing table to deposit it. "F**k! Why do I even know someone like you!" I screamed, frustration evident as I collapsed onto the bed, kicking my legs up in the air. Desmond was the epitome of annoyance, the most aggravating person I'd ever encountered, although encounters with others were rare as he often pointed out. I was the girl who shied away from social outings, preferring the solitude of my room with few, if any, friends excluding my sisters, of course. "If it weren't for me, you'd be a loner. I'm your only friend, and we're only friends because of our sisters," he declared, raising his eyebrows and crossing his arms. "I don't like you, Des," I pouted defiantly. "The feeling is mutual, honey. Now, get your ass off the bed; we're attending a bonfire," Desmond declared emphatically, his hand slamming down on the table, startling me with the sudden noise. "f**k no," I responded, shaking my head and turning away from him, seeking refuge under my duvet. "Good night, Des. Close the door behind you when you leave," I added, closing my eyes in defiance. Before I knew it, the duvet was ripped away, and I found myself being forcibly dragged out of bed. "Not today, Aria. We're finding you friends and a man tonight, and we're not leaving until our mission is complete," Des grinned, gripping my shoulders with determination. As his grip tightened, a thought crossed my mind: how could I silence permanently an annoying person without getting caught? Feeling utterly out of place and abandoned by Desmond, I found myself reluctantly seated among strangers, I jad no desire to acquaint myself with at the bonfire. Desmond, the instigator of this escapade, had brought me here only to abandon me, his attempt at helping me make friends falling flat. The warmth of the flames contrasted sharply with the chill of my discomfort as I perched on a log, surrounded by lively conversations that seemed to exclude me entirely. Desperate to escape the awkwardness, I fixated on the ground beneath me, finding sudden fascination in the campus terrain. How I longed to retreat to the solace of my apartment, far away from this awkward gathering, Des and his meddling ways. Suddenly, I was startled from my thoughts by a voice beside me. "Hi," the guy sitting next to me greeted. Panic surged within me as I hoped fervently that he wasn't addressing me. Please, let it not be me, I silently prayed. But to my dismay, he repeated his greeting, leaning in closer, his hand brushing against my bare back, sending shivers down my spine. I startled at the unexpected touch, my nerves on edge as I turned to face the stranger I had unknowingly sat beside for nearly thirty minutes, his features a mystery to me. "Who, me?" I inquired, attempting a smile that likely came off as more unsettling than friendly. Despite my unease, the guy chuckled, prompting me to join in, though the humor eluded me. "I'm Justin," he introduced himself, extending his hand in greeting. I hesitated, eyeing his hand and the smile on his face before tentatively accepting the handshake. "Aria," I replied, the unease growing as he continued to hold my hand, tracing circles on my palm with his index finger, sending a shiver down my spine. Not the 'I am attracted to him' kind of shiver, the one that made your skin crawl. I attempted to withdraw my hand, but he held it firmly, his gaze unnervingly intense. This was precisely why I avoided social situations – encountering individuals who seemed normal at first glance, only to reveal their unsettling true nature later on. "Do you want to follow me to my car? It's over there, away from prying eyes. Both of us can... have a quickie." Justin suggested licking his lips as his eyes scanned my body. His wiggling brows and creepy smile sent alarm bells ringing in my mind. "Uh, no thanks," I stammered, hastily retracting my hand and scooting away from him on the log. My heart raced as I prayed for Desmond to miraculously reappear and rescue me from this unsettling encounter. "Come on, I know you want to," Justin persisted, edging closer. As Justin was getting closer, suddenly, a foot popped up on the log, like a barrier out of nowhere. He stopped, looking confused at the guy who just showed up out of the blue. I followed his gaze and locked eyes with a black-haired dude, oozing confidence and charm. "Mind if I crash here?" he asked, flashing a smile that left me completely stunned. He was seriously hot, the kind of guy I never thought I'd run into. Despite my usual confidence, I couldn't help but wonder why someone like him would even bother with me, especially with that pierced ear of his. With a raised eyebrow and a wider smile, he caught me staring, and I quickly shifted over, feeling a bit awkward. He smoothly made his way onto the log and settled in next to me. Meanwhile, Justin clearly ticked off, hissed as he stomped away. The black-haired dude turned to me, looking pensive. "You know, staying quiet when a guy's bugging you just encourages him," he said, lounging with his elbow on his thigh and his face propped up on his palm. I turned to him, and that's when I noticed the striking blue of his eyes, ablaze with intensity as they locked onto mine. My heart skipped a beat, and I swear I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Butterflies? Seriously? I'd never felt this way with anyone before. Not that I've known many guys. Heck, I can count on one hand the number of times I've had s*x since my first year, and here I am in my third year. My first time was with a dude I met in the library who ghosted me after just one week of dating. Not like I was even into the relationship, though. Looking at the dude beside me, I couldn't help but wonder if he was used to having girls swoon over him. I mean, he was undeniably hot and had that popular guy vibe that everyone in school knew, except for me, the perpetual wallflower. "You look like you were dragged here against your will," he chuckled, and I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Yeah, pretty much. He ditched me as soon as we arrived," I admitted, smiling nervously as I scanned the crowd, hoping to spot Des. I needed rescuing pronto, not that this guy was creeping me out like the first one, but I was terrified I'd end up saying or doing something incredibly awkward. "Your boyfriend?" he asked, and I quickly shook my head before he could even finish his sentence. "No, we're not dating," I blurted out. Ugh, way to make a fool of yourself, Aria. ♡♡♡ Three years later... The aeroplane's gentle hum filled the business-class cabin as I gazed out of the window, a smile playing on my lips. The clouds painted an ever-shifting canvas, and the anticipation of returning home after three years brought a sense of happiness that bubbled within me. The aircraft descended gracefully, and I eagerly joined the familiar routines of the airport – clearing customs, collecting my luggage, and weaving through the bustling terminal. As I stepped into the arrival hall, my eyes scanned the crowd of people waiting with placards. Amidst the sea of faces, my gaze locked onto a figure with fiery red hair, a leather jacket, and shades. "Ivy!" My voice echoed through the terminal as I rolled my box towards my little sister. Ivy turned, a grin lighting up her face, and we embraced as if we hadn't seen each other all those years. "f**k, you are here. I thought you were joking when you said you were finally coming back and permanently for that matter," Ivy exclaimed, breaking the embrace. I chuckled, explaining my unexpected transfer to the company's headquarters. "Mom did well; a talented fashion designer like you should work in the headquarters, and you shouldn't be far from your own home," Ivy remarked, her eyes reflecting pride in my achievements. "I missed you," she added, her voice filled with genuine warmth, squeezing me in another heartfelt embrace. "You're acting like you've missed me for years when you were just with me last week," I teased as Ivy led me to her new car waiting in the parking area. "This is different, I don't need to fly halfway across the world to see you." Ivy opened the trunk, showcasing the luxurious car. I raised my eyebrows, impressed. "Is this the car mom got you for your birthday? A Ferrari? It looks better than it did in the picture you sent." "Getting jealous already?" Ivy laughed, and I couldn't help but join in. The car glided out of the airport parking space, and as the city skyline unfolded before us, we caught up on life's happenings. I learned that my older sister, Leah, had travelled to Miami with our father, possibly due to some issues in her marriage. Ivy's frustration surfaced as she muttered about Liam f*****g up again. My thoughts drifted to my sister, Leah. She had hurried into marriage with her college sweetheart, and it appeared that the reality of their union didn't align with the dreams she had envisioned. The weight of concern for Leah settled in my chest as I pondered the complexities of her relationship. Lost in thought, I looked out of the window and caught a glimpse of Ruby's face on a billboard – an ad for a perfume brand. A surge of mixed emotions washed over me as Ruby's smile seemed to mock my return. I am once again in the same city as him. I mused to myself the weight of those words settling over me like a heavy cloak. Seeing Ruby on the billboard had rekindled memories I thought were safely tucked away. I hadn't anticipated the impact of being near him. The emotions that had been dormant for three years stirred within me, a mixture of curiosity, apprehension, and a hint of longing. I shifted in my seat, trying to shake off the thoughts of him. You didn't work your ass off all those years to think of him again. Ivy must have noticed the subtle change in my demeanour. "Everything okay?" "Yeah, just...old memories resurfacing," I replied. Old memories that shouldn't resurface.

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My Crush Is My Best Friend's Dad


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Sold to the Ruthless Alpha


Cruel Love


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