Chapter 6 -Gio

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I watch as Livvy moves away slightly to text her friend. My heart was racing within my chest from the contact we had just had. From how close we had just been. This girl was doing things to me. Things I did not expect. I wasn’t going to take offense at the fact she wanted to check in with her friend. I had seen her eyes darting around the bar numerous times. I could easily see she was looking for her girls. So it seemed easier to just mention it. I didn’t want her to feel forced into sitting here with me, as much as I was enjoying her company. So she surprised me when she said it wasn’t that she was trying to escape and that she was simply worried and wanted to check her friend was okay. I could understand that, and agreed with her that she should definitely check in with her friend. But my heart was almost dancing when she said she would maybe stay for the second drink. Damn, when did I turn into such a sad guy? Hanging on the words of a girl in a bar? I watched her face frown slightly as she looked at her phone, her fingers moving quickly over the screen as she typed. “Everything ok?” I asked. “Yeah, all good. Just telling Summer I am okay, though it seems she had been observing anyway, but she looks a little preoccupied now” she nods her head, motioning to the dancefloor where her friend is currently getting somewhat hot and heavy with her new dance partner. Bet Livvy is glad she went and found someone else to dance with if that was what she was wanting to do! I chuckled at her. “I could always keep you preoccupied if you want” I suggested with a wink, then realized how ridiculous that sounded and shook my head at myself. “You know what, ignore me. Sounding like a teenage boy trying too hard. You want another drink?” She smiles sweetly at me. “Aww, you spoilsport. I might have been enjoying that.” I laugh. She is a tease. “I doubt it. I made myself cringe, so I can only imagine what you were thinking.” She places her hand on my thigh, and it feels like my leg is suddenly on fire. Her touch was unexpected, and I was ultra aware of her hand being there. My heart raced once more as she lowers her mouth to my ears. “Besides, I think it is my turn to buy you a drink, isn’t it?” she says. I feel myself gulping as the warmth of her breath gently tickles my neck and ear. This girl is driving me to the brink of insanity and she isn’t even doing anything! I am still in a bar, and still fully dressed! “Well, I am more than happy to buy the drinks. But I am not going to decline sitting and having another drink with you, Livvy, so by all means if you want to buy us a drink, then let’s head to the bar, beautiful.” I offer her my hand. I have no idea why I did, it just felt natural, and to my surprise she lays her hand on mine. And I walked as we walk toward the bar. “Maybe afterward I can get you on the dancefloor” I tease her. “Haha, you really don’t want that, I have no dancing ability” she says to me with a smile. Hmm, I don’t know, from what I saw earlier she was doing okay. And the way her hips sway as she walks, seems to be pretty enticing to me… I stand behind Livvy as she orders the drinks, admiring the curves of her body in that dress. The dress that clung to her body in all the right places. I doubt there was a man in here tonight that had not checked her out. She was gorgeous. Yet I was the lucky guy she agreed to have a drink with… albeit reluctantly, but I would ignore that minor detail. I was enjoying her company too. She could hold a conversation, unlike some of the women that seemed to try it on with me of late. I manage to raise my eyes from admiring her ass just in time as she turns to look at me with that beautiful smile of hers, two drinks in hand. “I managed to get served this time” she says with a chuckle. “Sure I was invisible to the barman before.” “Trust me Livvy, you would be far from invisible anywhere, it is just busy, and you have to be a little forceful. It has quietened down a little at the bar right now, but good on you getting served. You just need to shove your way to the front, use your hips to knock people out of the way if needs be” I say with a wink. She laughs, and it makes me smile. “I guess having big hips has to be helpful for something” she shrugs. I shake my head at her. Her hips are far from big. They are curvy at best, in perfect proportion to the rest of her body. A small waist and curvy hips. Give her man something to hold onto… I find my mind wandering… hmm no, it may be a bad idea to be thinking like that! I tell myself. We return to the booth. She was drinking a different cocktail this time, a bright pink-colored one. I watch her as she puts her lips to the straw and find myself biting my lip and gulping heavily as I watch her slowly sip from the straw, closing her eyes and sighing with what seems like pleasure… I watch her as she swallows the drink and then lick her lips. My mouth suddenly dry. She looks up to meet my gaze. “Erm… th.. that g..good is it?” I find myself stuttering. Damn fool. She smiles. “Mmmm, so good!” Was it suddenly hot in here or was it just me?! “What is that one?” I ask, desperately trying to distract myself. Distract myself from her, from her lips, her mouth… her tongue. My dirty brain… “A pink one” she says with a giggle and shrug. “A pink one?” I asked, confused. They normally have quite fancy names. She grins. “I have no idea. I saw a woman with one and asked the barman for the same.” She explains. I find myself laughing. “The pink one it is then.” “You don’t sound like you are from round here” Livvy says to me with a smile. “You think?” I ask “Well, you’d be right. I moved here to become business partners with my best friend from college.” I see her nodding. “Don’t know why anyone would want to move here” she says absentmindedly. I frown. “You not like it here?” Her face changes slightly, like a look of realization that she had said something she didn’t mean to. “Oh, it isn’t too bad. Just if you are going to move somewhere, I am sure there are plenty more exciting places to move than here” she smiles, quickly taking another drink. Hmm, a little odd, I have to say. But my eyes are quickly distracted by her drinking again. “Are your family Italian?” she asks suddenly. “Erm, no, though you are not the first to ask that. Guessing the name does give that impression.” I told her. “Sorry, I was curious, just like you said your name, you look like you could be too, I guess. Is your name just Gio or is it Giovanni?” The sound of my name on her lips was enough to send a shiver through my body. It sounded good. I would love to be able to hear her moaning my name in pleasure… I give my head a shake, no, I need to stop thinking like that, I tell myself. She was reluctant to have a drink. I highly doubt she would be up for anything else… “Giovanni. But everyone calls me Gio. And sorry if it disappointed you if you were hoping for an Italian stallion”, I gently poked her in her side, a smile on my lips while giving her a wink. Finding it so easy to tease her. She giggled. “I was simply curious. I was not hoping for anything.” “Just my luck” I muttered under my breath. “What?” she asks. “Erm, nothing. So yeah, not Italian. Kind of embarrassing really how I got the name. My Mum had a cat growing up called Gio. She likes the name…” I quickly said, trying to distract her, then realizing that I am probably making a fool of myself even more here. This girl does not need my life story! “Awww, so you are named after your Mum’s…” she began. “Do not say it!” I interrupted, realizing if worded wrong just how bad it may sound. She begins to laugh. “Oh my god Gio! You are so funny, I was not going to say that, I was going to say cute little kitty cat! Now I am going to think that instead!” she is laughing so much there are tears building in her eyes. I find myself laughing too. Seeing her laugh makes me laugh harder, and I feel her lean into me, so I slip my arm around her as we are both laughing at my own embarrassment. I realize just how much I am enjoying her company. I don’t think I want this evening to end…
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