Chapter 7 -Livvy

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I find myself sitting laughing with Gio. His arm seems to have found its way around me, though rather than making me feel uncomfortable or unsure, it actually feels good. Natural. Maybe I have had too much to drink. “So, do I get this dance or not now you have finished laughing at me?” Gio looks down to me. I looked up to meet his gaze. “I am really not good at dancing” I tell him. “I already told you that.” “Hmm, what I saw earlier looked pretty good. Plus, you have had a few drinks to loosen you up since. I am happy to have you in my arms to be fair” he said, then dropped his head into his hands. I look to him, puzzled. “Are you okay?” “Hmm, just wondering why I keep saying stupid things.” He says with an ironic laugh. “I don’t know, it was kinda sweet.” I smiled, I offer him my hand, “I guess a dance wouldn’t be the end of the world.” He smiles as he leads me to the dance floor. His hands gently reach for my waist, his touch giving me goosebumps. Okay, maybe this wasn’t the best idea after all. He looks down at me, his dark eyes meeting mine with a gentle smile on his lips. Yeah, I think my heart skipped another beat… We begin to move in time to the music. It seems Gio is quite keen on keeping me close to him, one hand on my hip and the other around my waist, meaning my body is pulled in close to his. My body up against his muscular chest… mmm, this guy clearly worked out. I could hear him speaking, and look up to try to hear what he was saying, but only then do I realize he was simply singing along to the music. I find myself smiling and joining in. He looks down at me and smiles. His hand slides slightly lower, so it is now resting almost on my ass. Hmm, he is getting brave… “You feel good in my arms, you know” he whispers into my ear, the warmth of his breath gently tickling my ear, making me shiver in delight, as I take in what he has just said. I looked up to meet his gaze. “Yeah?” I gasped. “Hell yeah.” He smiles. I swear my heart skipped another beat. Why does it keep betraying me like that? I am not looking for another man. I am literally recovering from a broken heart. Another man would be such a bad idea. They are all bad ideas, right? Full of charm, charisma, and then they stomp all over your dreams and your heart. I really do not need another man. Yet this one seems to be doing things to me, I am unable to resist… “Your heart feels like it is going to pound right out of your chest, beautiful” he whispers, his head lowered so his mouth his close to my ear. “Are you okay?” “Yeah. All good.” I stuttered. “Are you sure?” he gently strokes my long hair back from my face, so he can see me clearly. “Maybe a little nervous” I admitted. “I make you nervous?” he whispers into my ear once more. Making me shiver. I nod slowly. His hand is slowly at the side of my face as he gently runs his fingers across my cheek, his dark eyes intensely gazing into mine. “I don’t want that, Liv. You don’t need to be nervous around me.” And suddenly he is lowering his lips to mine, and I don’t think I want him to stop. His lips met mine. Soft and gently, he begins to kiss me. And I am shocked to find myself responding. Returning his kisses. Did I want him after all? He moves his hand gently up into my hair to the back of my head to pull me closer, as he showers my lips with gentle tiny kisses, before he parts my lips with his tongue. Teasing my tongue with his, making me moan against his lips, my whole body reacting to the kisses. His other hand had now slid down to my hip as we were still slowly swaying in time to the music playing in the bar. He gently nibbles at my lower lip, leaving me breathless. Wow. Who knew I wanted to be doing this with him… “I’ll let you into a secret” he had suddenly pulled away from the kisses and his mouth was back whispering into my ear. “My heart has been pounding out of my chest since the moment you agreed to a drink with me. So you are not the only one that is nervous” I find my heart warming at the fact he just admitted that to me. He is sweet. Handsome as hell… but I do not need a man! I remind myself. “How would anyone be nervous around me?” I shook my head in disbelief at him. “Have you seen yourself?” he chuckles, before pulling me close to him again. “Now, I think I may have to kiss you again, just to help with the nerves…” he winks. I giggle, but bring my lips to his before he has a chance to do the same. “Mmmm, or you can kiss me” he murmurs against my lips, before parting my lips once more with his tongue, deepening our kiss. We continue to dance, Gio’s hands slowly running up and down the curves of my waist and hips, making me tremble. He finds reasons to keep kissing me too, which makes me smile. He seems to have an uncanny ability to make me smile, seems to enjoy my company, and it makes me feel good. Though that could well be the alcohol too. We have had a fair few cocktails by now… “You ready for another drink my beautiful dancing partner?” Gio smiles, as he spins me around. “Mmmm, think my feet could maybe do with a rest now too.” I tell him. “I think our booth may be free actually.” He tells me. “You go grab it and I will get the drinks.” I head back to the booth at the back of the bar we had sat in earlier, and looked around, noticing my friends seemed to have disappeared, making me wonder if they had left with the guys they were drinking with. Nice of them to check I was okay! I could get a cab back to the house, not like it was an issue. But still.. I took my phone from my bag to see if Summer messaged to let me know she was leaving. But there was nothing from her. I shake my head. Sure she would message at some point. I notice Gio is heading to the table now, so I slip my phone back into the bag and smile up at him. He is a sight to behold as he walks across the bar. Dressed in his navy suit, slightly fitted, his white shirt, those top few buttons opened, revealing the tanned skin underneath, which I can only assume, having danced with him leads to a muscular and toned chest and body. His short dark hair, a little longer on the top, made him look good… and those eyes… those dark brown, beautiful eyes… hmmm, I am sure they have made a few women lose their minds! “You okay, beautiful? You look off in your own little world there” he says as he puts my drink on the table, another of the pink cocktails I noticed, he had been buying me them since I said I liked them. My own little world? Ha, no, just thinking how handsome you are… I wonder what he would think if he knew that! He slid in alongside me in the booth, this time wasting no time in positioning himself close to me and putting his arm around me and pulling me into him. But I did nothing to stop him. It felt good being in his arms. Being wanted. Needed. “So, I assume you are from round here then, Liv?” he asks as he takes a drink of his beer. I smile at the fact he called me Liv, a nickname my close friends and family use. It wasn't the first time tonight he had used the name now. Seems he has decided to join that category quite quickly. “Yeah, I grew up here.” I explained. “Though I only just moved back. Was away for college and worked in college city for a year or so.” Damn, why did I tell him that? I should stop drinking. He doesn’t need to know all my details. He only wanted a drink tonight. And telling him that could lead onto telling him why I was home. Something I did not want to be getting into. “Aww, were you missing home?” he smiled. I chuckle. “Something like that.” I lie, avoiding the truth. “Maybe with you knowing around here better than me, you could show me around? Let me take you on a date?” he suggested with a smile. “Hmm, maybe” I said absentmindedly, thinking he was likely being polite. “I could give you my number.” “Sounds good.” He whispered into my ear. “Though not half as good as you coming home with me…”
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