Chapter 5 - Livvy

1970 Words
When he had pointed out my friends had disappeared, I had quickly looked around the bar, wondering where they had gone, and could see that he was right. I could see Kali and Grace were stood at a table currently making out with two guys. Wow, they had wasted no time! And Summer was nowhere to be seen right now, though she did say to me she was heading to the bathroom while I waited at the bar. This Gio seemed pretty sweet. He also seemed pretty keen on buying me a drink. Quite amusing really, I was definitely out of practice for this sort of thing… I don’t think I could call him cute, he was too handsome and charming for that. He was swoon-worthy, I know that much. Enough to make a girl’s knees go weak. If I was looking for that sort of thing. Which I’m not, so it doesn’t matter. But having a drink with him wouldn’t hurt while I waited for my friends. Or maybe I’d had too many drinks as it was, for me to even consider drinks with another guy… As I gave him my hand to shake his hand, he brought my hand to his mouth and gently kissed it. While raising the gaze of his chocolaty brown eyes to meet mine, one eyebrow was raised almost suggestively. His actions made my heart skip a literal beat. I swear, where did this guy come from? A chick flick? He was on a serious charm offensive. And the bad thing? I think it could be working… Then he walked closer to the bar, my hand still in his, and waved his hand at the barman, who instantly came to him. He was speaking quietly, so I wasn’t sure of what he was saying, but seriously, I had been standing waiting to be served for ages, and he just walked up like he owned the place and got served? “I got you another of the cocktails you were drinking, as they were pretty busy, and didn’t want to keep him waiting. I hope that is okay with you Livvy?” Gio is smiling down at me, he must be about 6ft4, a fair few inches taller than me, despite the fact I have heels on. The sound of my name on his lips sounds pretty amazing, I can’t lie, I find myself thinking, before I stop myself. What am I thinking? I have literally just left Theo. I do not need not be looking at another man! I have definitely had too much to drink, or it has gone to my head too easily by not eating much today. Then I consider his words, one of the cocktails I had been drinking. He had to have been watching me earlier then… It wasn’t just me shamelessly ogling him and him happening to catch me. For him to have noticed that we were drinking cocktails, I can only assume he may have taken a little notice of me… or was that wishful thinking? “So, you girls looked like you were having fun. Having a girlie night out?” Gio smiles at me. I nod, I have no intention of telling him why I am out. Not a chance in hell! He does not need to be hearing all my dramas. The poor guy looked like he was here to enjoy some after-work drinks. I do not think he wanted to hear some random chicks break up woes, all because he offered to buy her a drink and made the fatal mistake of asking why she was out. Though that could be a sure fire way of getting rid of him, I bet! “You here after work?” I asked, deciding against that, knowing that would be plain nasty. The poor guy did not deserve to hear my crap. Let him enjoy his night. “Oh, what gave that away?” he smirks, looking down at his suit, though his shirt has the top couple of buttons casually open, revealing a tanned chest, sprinkled with some dark hairs… no I am not checking the guy out! Merely noticing his fashion choices, I tell myself. And I guess if there was a tie it has been disregarded between his workplace and the bar. Can’t really blame him if he is trying to relax. “Hmm, I wonder…” I wink, as the barman puts our drinks onto the bar with a bang, making me jump slightly. “There is a free table over there, beautiful. Shall we go and sit down? I am sure your friends will see you from there too if you are worried and need to escape my presence.” Gio picks up our drinks. Had he realized I was worried? That makes me feel bad that he was more than aware I had been reluctant to come and have a drink with him. “Oh, I’m not worried…” I began. “No need to explain Livvy, it is fine. You agreed to a drink with me. I am not going to complain. If I am lucky, you may agree to a second.” He winks as he headed toward the table. I followed him with a smile on my face. He is kinda sweet. Kinda cocky too. Probably not the normal type of guy I would go for, but hell, look where the normal type of guy I went for had got me lately… back home with a broken heart. I should be staying away from men altogether. I was unsure if any of them could be trusted. But in spite of myself, I find myself following him. The table is actually a small booth against the back wall of the bar, so Gio offers for me to sit down first, impressing me with his gentlemanly charm, and we sit down and begin to chat. I find he is quite the character and, without even seeming to try, he keeps making me smile. As I smile, he seemed to be smiling too. He looks good when he smiles, his whole face lightens, those dark and dreamy eyes crinkle at the corners, making him look pretty adorable. Damn, I think I sound like I am from a chick flick now! I have got to sort myself out! I notice his eyes seemed to be frequently on mine, or taking in my face, a friendly, interested expression on his face, like he actually cared what I was talking about. I can’t think the last time Theo had looked at me like that… or if he ever had to be honest. I do let my eyes occasionally dart around the bar looking for Summer, wondering where she has got to. I knew the bathrooms could be busy when the bar is as busy as this, but still, I did not expect her to be this long, and I was starting to get a little anxious. I am actually enjoying Gio’s company, so it isn’t that I am looking for an escape now, but I am kind of worried about my friend. She seems to have been gone ages. “Am I boring you, beautiful?” Gio asks, with a lazy smile, leaning back against the booth, his dark eyes watching my face for a reaction. “Hmm?” I ask, confused by his statement when we have been chatting quite happily. I look to him to see he was still watching me. I feel a little nervous under his intense gaze. Those dark eyes are enough to give you butterflies. Though I have no clue why he does. I am not here looking for another man! “You keep looking around. If you don’t want to stay, then I understand you only have to say so you know? There would be no hard feelings or anything, sweetness.” He says with almost a sad smile. “Erm, no it isn’t that, it is just I was a little worried about my friend.” I explained. “I will give her a text, if you don’t mind?” I see a look of understanding cross his face as he nodded at me. “Of course not, that seems sensible Livvy, check she is ok. Maybe then I can get you another drink?” he looks at me hopefully, a grin on his face. I find myself smiling once again at his cheeky charm, as I look down at my phone to find Summer had already beaten me to it with the text, I just didn’t realize she had sent it, about ten minutes ago, as we walked to the booth, I assume. I read the text in surprise. --------------- Liv, So sorry babes, queues in bathrooms were crazy, and then when I came back to the bar, I saw what looked like a Greek god in a suit chatting you up. So I made myself scarce. But don’t worry, I think a new friend for you could be good. I think you should enjoy his company for tonight. I have found myself a drinking friend too. Love ya. Sum. ------------- Wait… She had been watching me all along and had decided to leave me to chat to Gio? I had only gone for a drink with him because I couldn’t see her! Not that I have minded chatting to him now, but still, she didn’t know that! I glance around the bar and suddenly see her walking to the dance floor with a guy. Unreal. Seems I was stuck with Gio for a while… I looked at him. His eyes had been following where my gaze had been. “Aww, have you been deserted by your friends?” he asked with a smile. “I’d say she didn’t do a magic disappearing act after all, just went on the prowl for someone new to dance with.” “Hmm, looks that way.” I say with a shrug, trying to act nonchalant about it all. Unsure if I am happy about that or not. I mean, spending time with him is definitely not a hardship. And I had been enjoying myself so far… “Well, you are most definitely welcome to keep me company for the evening. Maybe I can entice you into having that second drink with me, I mentioned? They may have decided they were going to upgrade on your company, but beautiful, I don’t think that is possible.” He moves himself slightly around the booth as he talks, so he is suddenly a little closer to me, and hooks his finger gently under my chin to raise my gaze to meet his, a slow and sexy smile on his lips. “Not when I am with the most beautiful girl in here.” Damn, he was good! My heart was pounding again. Does he even know what he can do to me? Or to any woman?! His lines may be cheesy as hell, and no doubt they are purely because he was wanting to get into my pants, but he was certainly making me all hot and bothered right about now! And it had been a while since that had happened with a guy, so I was not going to complain… “Quite the charmer aren’t you” I say, trying hard to avoid the fact my heart is pounding out of my chest, as I find myself unable to break the intense gaze we have going on between us. Increasingly aware of his gentle touch on my skin. “And I guess I could consider the second drink. I mean it would be awful cruel of me to leave you sitting here all on your own after you have been so kind to me, now wouldn’t it?”
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