Chapter 8 -Livvy

1641 Words

My head feels like it is spinning. I try to take in the fact Gio has just invited me back to his place. I was shocked initially at the fact he had suggested a date, so to follow it up by suggesting we head to his place has kind of blown my mind. I guess I should have known he was wanting more than a drink with me. The way he was dancing with me… the way his hands were wandering… But I was not looking for a man. I did not want a man. I was not even here tonight looking for a hook-up. I was here for a girlie night with my friends. One to forget my ex. To celebrate a fresh start. Admittedly, I had spent very little time with my friends in the end thanks to their disappearing acts, but still… And yes, spending time with Gio had kind of meant I had forgotten about Theo for a lot of the time… N

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