Chapter 4 -Gio

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Work had been shockingly busy today, but thankfully I had arranged to meet a few of the guys for after-work drinks. Yet I seemed to have arrived at the bar well before them. I grabbed myself a drink after fighting my way to the bar, and was waiting patiently for my friends, leaning at the bar. In here was heaving tonight. If they didn’t hurry up, I would be finishing my drink and heading home. I could not be bothered hanging around. Especially with so many people around, fighting for space. Suddenly, I was aware of someone watching me from across the bar. I can sense eyes on me, wondering if there is somebody I know inside the bar, I find myself looking around. Only to find my eyes settling on a beauty across the busy bar. Long black hair, and a body that had curves that ought to be illegal… No, I did not know her. But, I hadn’t been wrong, she was looking at me. Eyeing me up, if I am not mistaken. I find myself almost chuckling to myself, and feel myself standing more upright, wanting to look good for her as she is shamelessly checking me out. Though to be fair, she was not bad to look at herself. Her eyes have reached mine and I saw her awkward realization she had been caught. A lazy smirk comes across my face. How could it not? She looked so sweet, bless her. She looked away as fast as she possibly could, probably hoping she could pretend she had never been looking. Ah well, I know that she had. And I am not going to complain. She could check me out any time. “Hey Gio!” Josh slaps me on the back as he walks up to my side. “How the hell did you manage to get here so fast?” I turned to look at him now with a grin. “What can I say? My car has better parking at the office” I laugh, referencing the fact I am one of the business partners and directors of the company, so I had privileged parking spaces, whereas he did not. Not that I would be driving it home, I’d be coming back to collect it tomorrow after we had been drinking tonight. Josh is making conversation with me, yet it isn’t really sinking in what he is saying. My eyes keep falling on the beauty with the wandering eyes from earlier, now on the dance floor with her friends. Meaning she was now a little closer to where I was, and it meant I could see almost every curve of her perfect body in that dress of hers. Mmmm, I’d say she was on a mission to catch someone’s attention tonight… Is it shameful to say it may have worked? She had most definitely caught my attention… “Dude, are you even listening to me?” Josh asked with a frown. What can I say? She was more interesting right now than Josh. And a whole not better to look at. So, no, I wasn’t particularly listening, but he didn’t need to know that. I would never hear the end of it. “Hmm?” I question, quickly looking back at him. “Yeah, of course. Were the others not coming too?” “Yeah, they had some stuff to finish off first, so I said I would come and keep you company. Heaven forbid you have to drink on your own. Though it appears you are quite happy keeping yourself occupied” he smirks at me, motioning with his head in the direction of the girls dancing. Likely assuming I was checking them all out. “Whatever, jackass” I smiled. Though my attention is quickly taken by the laughter coming from my dark-haired beauty with the wandering eye, as she is spun around by her friend in a fancy attempt at a dance move. She comes to a stop, almost facing me, and I see her quickly looking around the room trying to balance herself, and once again our eyes meet. This time, in the lights of the dancefloor, and the fact she is closer to me, I could see her eyes were a breathtaking blue. Such a contrast to her jet-black hair… She is beautiful. I find myself smiling at her again. I don’t know why, it is like I can’t help myself… She quickly looks away, like she feels uncomfortable. And turns to find her friends. I don’t think she would be my beauty with the wandering eye, so much as my beauty with the beautiful eyes now… No, she isn’t mine, but damn, she was beautiful. “f*****g hell man, you need a napkin to wipe up the drool?” Josh is suddenly by my side, teasing me. I gave him a dark look. “Piss off.” I shook my head. “Look G, she is headed to the bar. If you are interested, why not go and ask her if you can buy her a drink? Don’t think I have seen you bothering with women since you moved here. Not one has caught your eye, so go get her if you see something you like. I don’t mind cuddling up with my drink alone until the other guys arrive” Josh says with a smile. I look up, and notice he is right, she is at the bar now, leaning on it, looking like she is daydreaming. Her friend looks like she had left her there too. All on her own. The queue is terrible in here tonight, and she is likely to be waiting a while if she isn’t a little more forceful. She looks too sweet to be forceful. Maybe Josh could be right. It has been a while. And there was something about her. I stride over confidently to where she had taken position, lounging against the end of the bar, the gaze from those beautiful blue eyes was focused into thin air it seems, like she was in a completely different place. Seemingly daydreaming. Off in her own little world… And who can blame her? In here is a total dive, so many more places most people would rather be… but the drinks were cheap and the music good, which kept people coming back week after week. I gently place my hand on her lower back, to let her know I am there before I speak. Already my body loving the feel of her body under my touch. I feel her lean slightly into me at the contact, as she seems to smile slightly and says “What’s up?” which takes me by surprise. Not really what you expect from someone you don’t know. As she turns around, that is soon explained, as her expression was a f*****g picture as she realized it was me standing there. I am pretty certain from what she had said and the amazing look on her face she must have thought it was her friend who had just touched her. I did my best to hold back any laughter that was lingering. She was not just beautiful, but she was the cutest little thing too. I swear she would have run off and hidden given a chance now she had realized her mistake. “Hello to you too, beautiful, though I do believe you forgot my hello.” I said with a chuckle. “And nothing is up. Or I hope not. I just wondered if I could buy you a drink?” She looks to me with surprise. More shock. Am I that hideous? I would assume not seeing as she had been pretty much undressing me with her eyes earlier on… “A drink?” she stuttered, looking at me with wide eyes. Damn, her eyes are beautiful. “Yeah” I smiled. “Liquid refreshment, used to quench your thirst, is what we tend to come to a bar for. Pretty sure you have already had a couple.” I find myself teasing. “Erm…” she was looking around the bar area, almost desperately. I assume she is likely looking for her friends. Is that her way of saying she does not want to stay and drink with me? Shame I am not so easily put off nor offended… “I think you may need to do some work on your chat-up lines there, beautiful, they aren’t much of a conversation starter, you know.” I continue to tease, though I am not sure why. I saw her face break out into a smile. The most beautiful smile I think I have ever seen. And maybe that was why I was teasing her. “You are a funny guy, huh?” she said. “Wasn’t aware I was chatting you up.” I quickly put my hand to my heart, faking a look of pain. “Oh, I’m mortally wounded by your words. How harsh of you! You mean to say you aren’t finding my charm irresistible? And you don’t want me to buy you a drink?” She is smiling again, her eyes seem to almost twinkle as she does. And I swear my heart is racing a whole lot faster than it was. “I am here with friends tonight…” she begins. Hmm, trying to brush me off. Thing is, I don’t think I want to give up quite so easily… “You mean the friends that seem to have disappeared? The friends that have abandoned you?” I point out, and again I see her eyes darting around the bar, and a look crosses her face that tells me she is maybe realizing I am right. “Well, I guess one drink couldn’t hurt while I wait for them.” She smiles at me. “Wow, you make it sound like a hardship, beautiful. Am I really that bad? But, I guess I will have to settle for that. I am Gio, by the way.” I offer her my hand. “Pleased to meet you, Gio the funny man” she winks at me, as she takes my hand to shake it. “I am Livvy.”
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