Shotgun Wedding

1015 Words
The long-awaited wedding of Isabella Tan and Taylor Ibanez finally arrived! I should admit that I'm also excited about it. The wedding gown I'm wearing was rushed. That's according to my mom. But I suspect that she had it ready way back before the incident. Not that I don't appreciate her efforts at this wedding. But it seems that even Taylor's parents were able to have the venue. We talked to those people but they said they are fully booked. I guess both of our parents easily pulled some strings for this wedding. Taylor's parents gave me a diamond jewelry set that includes a tiara. I know they are filthy rich but this is too much. Although they insisted, I just accepted it. I don't want to have issues with my in-laws at an early stage. They also happened to be my godparents. "You're so beautiful, honey!" My mom exclaimed when she saw me. "Thanks, mom!" I replied and smiled She looks teary-eyed seeing me in a wedding gown now. I feel like I'm wearing Cinderella's wedding dress. It's shining and shimmering whenever I move. There's nothing simple about it when we all agreed to have a simple wedding. But I have to just go with the flow. "Don't cry, mom! You're the one who wanted me to get married in the first place." I reminded her and made it a joke. "Yes, I know that, sweetheart! But seeing you in that wedding gown made me realize that we were about to lose you." She replied and snorted a little. "Taylor and I live in the same building, mom! It's not like something will change." I told her. "You were friends back then. But after you get married everything will change." She seems to be sure about it. I wasn't able to reply to her dilemma since the wedding coordinator informed us that it's time. That made me feel like I was about to walk on death row. Marriage is the last thing on my mind and I don't believe it. Although my marriage with Taylor seems to be planned. Our parents are too close and they wanted us to end up together. I guess we both see this coming. That's why Taylor just agreed on it instantly. As much as I wanted to avoid it, I can't turn my parents down. It's the only thing they tricked me into doing. We arrived at the church and saw a lot of people from outside. Then I realized that they are all going inside the church for the wedding. I can't believe our parents were able to still make it grand. We're both not that friendly to have a lot of friends. When I stood at the main door of the church, the wedding march started playing. It made me cringe because of the romantic ambiance. I don't think I can even romantically see Taylor. It's not because I don't love him, I do. But I only love him as my closest friend and a brother. I remembered our conversation during the time we were preparing for the wedding. We agreed to get a divorce after a year of our marriage. That's if we didn't end up falling for each other. I laughed at Taylor's condition since I'm sure that I will never romantically fall for him. He's like a brother to me, how can I fall for him? It's not like our one-year marriage can change our friendship for years. Living in one house is not going to change my feelings towards him. I smiled widely at the guests as I took my first step towards my best friend. My dad seems to be snorting as well just like my mom earlier. I'm holding on to his arms as we walk towards the altar. I can see Taylor is smiling nervously as we approach him and his dad. I can't help but giggle discreetly because of his reaction. He's also walking too slow. "Not so fast, sweetheart!" He told me. "Dad, don't tell me you're being dramatic about this as well?" I replied to him. "I told your mom I'm not gonna cry. But now that we're here, I wanted to snatch you and run away!" He made it more dramatic now. "You're the one who called everybody for this wedding. Oh look, all your employees are here!" I pointed in the direction of the guests. "Bell, you know that your mom and I only want the best for you! So even if it hurts, I have to give you away." He's still walking so slow that the pianist already repeated playing the wedding march. "Yeah, Taylor is the best guy for me. But you're still my first love, dad!" I told him that made him sob in front of everyone. When we finally reached Taylor and his dad, he looked like he didn't want to let me go. But it's too late for him to change his mind now. His friend almost dragged him to his side so that Taylor and I could continue our walk to the altar. Our wedding ended like a funeral instead. Both of our parents are crying throughout the ceremony. Taylor and I looked at each other and giggled as the priest was doing his thing. I can't believe that they were the same ones who forced us into getting married. "By the power vested in me, you are now husband and wife! You can kiss the bride." The priest finally said. I felt relieved that it's over now and I can't wait for the reception. Our parents were able to prepare everything. But Taylor still needed to kiss me so he did. I was just expecting a peck on my lips just like we practiced. But he seems to be carried away with all the emotions. How can a simple kiss from my best friend make my heart stop for a moment? When it's finally over, I can't believe what just happened. The moment I opened my eyes, I no longer saw my best friend but my husband.
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