Taylor's Secret

1009 Words
Now that the date of their wedding has been settled, Taylor can stop himself but to think things over. If he will be married to Bella, it will only be just a matter of time before she discovers his secret.  Taylor's secret is that he's secretly in love with Bella. She had no idea that he thinks of her that way. They have been best friends forever and that's why he can't tell her about it. He's afraid that she would hate him for his feelings. But now that they are about to get married, he has more pressing concerns. It's okay for Bell to know that he loves her. He has another big secret that even his parents are unaware of. Taylor is a werewolf! It's the reason why he's always not himself once a month. Every full moon, he has to leave town to transform into the wilderness. He called it his alone time to keep him sane. But nobody knows that he's doing it to keep his secret from everyone including Bell. During one quiet night when he was still in his senior year in high school, an incident happened to him. His parents are out of town for their business and he was left home alone.  He can't ask Bell to come over since his dad won't approve of it. They have been best friends since they were kids. But since they are going through their adolescent stage, they can't spend the night on their own. That's Bell's father's rule so he ended up by himself. He remembered that he got so bored so he left the house and went to a convenience store. It's where he usually hangs out if Bell can't get out of her house. He doesn't have guy friends since he's always with Bell. It made him think about his life decisions at times. If only he made friends with the other guys, he wouldn't be alone now. But Bell will never approve of that so he just sticks with her like a little puppy all the time. Taylor bought some snacks and soda to bring home. He can't even buy some beer because he's still underage at that time. So, he decided that he would just watch a movie and sleep early that night.  The convenience store is only a few blocks away from their house. So he just walks there and now, he's going back. Even their maids are not at home right now. They all had their day-offs and decided to go home to their families. He realized how eerie the road was on the way to his house at night. It wasn't the case when Bell's parents are the ones who are out of town. He hangs out with her if she's home alone without her parents knowing. But this time, the road looks extra dark than it ever was. The fog also started to form as he walked as fast as he could. He felt like he's in a horror movie now. It only takes three minutes for him to reach his house but this time, it feels further away than he thought. He felt relieved when he could already see the lights of her house. So he walks faster to get over this eerily feeling. But before he reached their house gate, a huge wolf suddenly appeared from the dark. It was the 90s and their village was built near the woods. The residents often encountered some wolves at night. But this one looks bigger than the ordinary wolf. It's back so all he can see is two red eyes.  Taylor decided that it's time to make a run for it. But before he can even move a muscle, the wolf charges at him and bite his leg. He thought that he would be devoured by that wolf by that time. But it let go of him and just stared at him. "Please don't kill me!" He pleaded though he realized that he was talking to a wolf.  Then he noticed that the wolf was also bleeding from its neck. He didn't understand himself at that time but he tried to reach for the wound. To his surprise, the wolf howled and then transformed into a human. "Oh my God! Are you a werewolf?" Taylor asked the man who is now bleeding to death. "Yes, I am. You will be too on the next full moon." He replied. "What did you do to me?" Taylor asked. "Listen, kid, I don't have much time to explain. But I'm the last of my kind. I'm sorry I have to keep our kind alive. Be careful with the werewolf hunters!" The man said. Before he could ask another question, the werewolf just vanished in thin air. As if it disintegrated because of its wound. He immediately runs to get inside his house trying to forget the horror that he just witnessed. He thought that it was just a nightmare until the full moon happened. Taylor feels sick on their camping night. He's with his parents and they wanted to make it their family tradition. But he never thought that it would be the night that he would be transformed into a werewolf. Taylor runs through the woods because he felt the need to chase the moon. But in the middle of his chase, he felt a sharp pain inside of him. As if his blood started to boil and right there and then, he became a werewolf. It was against his will but he can't do anything about it anymore. His first hunting happens in the woods where he devours a deer. It's also the night when he met with the moon goddess. Although it felt more like a dream she told him that she's giving him her blessing.  "You will continue the line of the werewolf tribe and find your mate to reproduce and build your pack!" The moon goddess informed me and then she just disappeared out of thin air in the middle of the woods. 
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