Tanya's Warning

1044 Words
Our wedding reception is also grand. I can't believe our parents told us to prepare for it ourselves. They were able to made a good job with everything. Taylor and I just end up tiring ourselves and didn't accomplish anything. But we're grateful that our parents are powerful enough to get what they wanted. This wedding seems to be for them than for us though. "Tan! I thought you weren't able to make it!" I run into Tanya to greet her. It feels so nice to finally find a familiar face. Our parent's visitors are all over the place. Tanya is our only friend around here and I'm so happy to see her. "I won't miss the wedding of my two best friends for the world!" Tanya said that made me emotional. "Are you with Ivan?" I asked for her fiance. "Of course, girl! I won't be attending a wedding without my fiance. He's just a little surprised that you ended up getting married before us." Tanya laughed. "Well, it's partly your fault because of your food! That's why we end up marrying each other." I told her. "Don't make it sound that I forced you two to get married. You're parents did!" Tanya giggled some more. They both look in the guy's direction. Taylor and Ivan are also laughing by themselves. When I look at Tanya, I noticed how in love she is with her fiance. I wish I can also look at Taylor the same way. Were no longer best friends anymore because he's now my husband and I don't know if we can ever go back. "What are you thinking? Are you nervous about your first night together?" Tanya teased me. "Of course not! Nothing is going to happen like that between us. I mean, he's Taylor." I denied it right away. "Well, that's because he was your best friend before. But now, he's your husband. It's his right to sleep with his wife you know." Tanya continued to tease me. I went speechless from that thought. Tanya is right, Taylor is my husband now. If he wanted to sleep with me, he can. I don't have the right to deny him his rights. That made me nervous now and it's Tanya's fault. Just then, we saw our guys walking towards us. My heart seems to stop beating looking at Taylor getting closer to me. Ivan congratulated me first and hugs me. He's also excited to see me and Taylor married now. He looked meaningfully at Tanya and then at me. Taylor wraps his arm around my waist and I suddenly feel like my cheeks are on fire. All of a sudden, I can't deny him from having any physical contact with me. "Don't worry, Taylor! I already inform Bell about your marital rights. She will be cooperative whatever you want to do after the reception." Tanya told him whole laughing. "No need to do that, Tan! I won't do anything that Bell doesn't want me to do." Taylor replied that made me relax a little. "Stop teasing, Isabel! You know she gets easily embarrassed. Don't mind her, Bell. You know Taylor better than the two of us." Ivan told me. I just smiled at him but my mind is still racing on its own. Why do I feel something else now that Taylor is close to me? Am I expecting him to make a move on our first night? I tried to brush off that thought. Taylor holds my hand to make me relax throughout the reception. Tanya didn't tease me anymore and I felt a little relieved by that. "Well, I guess we should be going now. Everyone is already gone. You cant expect us to come with your honeymoon." Tanya slightly started again. "Whatever Tanya! Well, see you after we get back from our trip." I told her and kiss her on her cheek. "Taylor, make sure to go easy on her. You know what to do!" Tanya reminded Taylor. "Yes, mom! I'll take care of her for sure." Taylor laughed. Ivan pulls Taylor away from us as if they have to talk about a secret. Tanya and I both laughed at them before she suddenly looks at me with a serious face. "Bell, I'm not just teasing you about it. But now that you're married, Taylor has every right on you." She reminded me. "Relax, Tanya! We already talk about our plans. After a year, we're getting a divorce." I whispered to her. "What makes you think Taylor will let you go now your his wife?" Tanya asks. "It's Taylor! He always keeps his promises." I replied. "What if you fall for him within the year? Are you still going to divorce him?" Tanya looks serious. "Well, I'm not sure about that. Hey, Taylor and I grew up together. There's no way we will end up falling for each other just because we're married now. " I laughed nervously. "Sure, whatever! Just make sure, to be honest with each other. If you want to stay together, that's okay. Nobody is forcing you to get a divorce. Taylor loves you and he will suffer if you ended your marriage." Tanya informs me. I know that Taylor loves me as his best friend. I love him too but not in a romantic way. This marriage can break our friendship. But somehow, we still went for it for our parents. I don't want him to marry another rich girl he barely knew. So, I guess I have to make some sacrifices for my best friend. "Hey, you both look so serious!" Taylor said when he and Ivan went back. "It's just a girl talk! You know how it works." I told him. Ivan and Tanya said their goodbyes and left. Now, it's just me and Taylor. Even our parents already left without even saying goodbye. We have our room in the same hotel where our reception was held. So, all we have to do is to go there and rest. We have an early flight to Paris tomorrow for our honeymoon. Our parents made the ideal wedding and honeymoon come true for us. "Let's go to our room now, Mrs. Ibanez!" Taylor told me that made me feel nervous again.
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