Firm Decision

1008 Words
"Dad, what are you talking about?" I asked after trying to take a grip of what's happening. "You don't want to have an illegitimate child now, do you?" My dad answers me with a question. "Of course, not! But why are we getting married?" I asked and looked in Taylor's direction. He's against having an arranged marriage but he seems to just go with the flow now. I don't know why my dad is insisting on us getting married all of a sudden. Then I realized that he thought that I was pregnant when I was vomiting earlier. "We don't want that to happen, Bell!" Taylor's dad told me. "Wait, are you thinking that I'm pregnant with Taylor's child?" I asked in an unbelievable tone. Our parents suddenly looked confused and they all looked at Taylor. As if they will only believe him but not me. This night is getting weird but it will be over now. Taylor will tell them that it was just food poisoning. "I'm sorry, Bell! Let's stop keeping secrets from our parents. I'm willing to marry you anyway." Taylor said that shocked me. "Tay, what are you talking about? Tell them it's not true!" I pleaded. "Taylor admitted to us that they have been living together for two years now." His mom said that adds to my confusion. "You were supposed to be married a long time ago but Taylor said that you need more time. But now that there's a child involved, we can't delay it anymore!" His dad added. I can't believe what's happening now! Even Taylor's parents think that we are in a serious relationship. Is she the one they were setting him up for an arranged marriage? Is that the reason why Taylor stopped visiting them? There are so many unanswered questions in my head. But I can tell that whatever I say, they will still insist that we get married soon. I need to talk to Taylor before the parents set the wedding plans in stone! "Taylor, what's going on?" I helplessly asked him, trying to stop their plan. But he didn't even look at me this time. What's wrong with him? He seems to be just allowing our parents to plan our arranged marriage. But it's no longer arranged because this time, it's forced marriage. He knows that there is nothing we can do to change their minds. Still, he should have told them that I'm not pregnant! But I'm looking at him and he's just quietly waiting for everything to settle. If he didn't argue with them, he knew that I would just agree to this forced marriage. It made me feel like crying now because I can't do anything. "I guess we should just let the kids talk." My mom suggested. Thankfully, they all agree and leave us alone. I waited for Taylor to approach me but he didn't. He just remained in his seat as if I'm looking at a different person. I couldn't help myself and I started crying. I feel so helpless for the first time in my life.  "Stop crying!" Taylor finally said and sat beside me. "What is that all about Tay? Why are you letting them do that to us?" I confronted him. "Because I agree with their decision," Taylor replied. "What did you just say?" I asked because of his surprising answer. "If we don't get married, they will force me to marry some random woman. I'd rather have you as my wife!" Taylor explained. "So, you will just do anything to save yourself? That's not like you, Tay!" I replied. "You know that we can't live without each other! So, why not get married instead?" He asked. I agree with that since I can't even eat in a restaurant without him. My ex-boyfriend can't stand having him around. But we were so dependent on each other. It's impossible to get married for love. "Are you saying that let's get married just for the benefits?" I asked him. "Do you have any other ideas? Common, Bell, it's our only chance not to get married to some random people! You have to help me!" Taylor said in a pleading tone. I hate it when he's right even if we both know that it can lead to a disaster. We both believe that marriage is for people who are in love with each other. But in his family, arranged marriage is just a normal thing to do. He told me that his dad called him while he's on his way here. My dad told his father that I'm possibly pregnant because I'm throwing up. His dad told him that I'm their first choice to be his wife. But if we do not end up together, he still needs to marry someone right away. His hands are all tied up and he's under a lot of pressure. Maybe that's why he has had some mood swings lately especially after the full moon. It may be just a coincidence since his parents are pressuring him to get married. If not, they will disown him and he will not get his inheritance. Now that he explained everything to me, I know what I have to do. I need to help my best friend to avoid marrying someone he doesn't even know. After all, I don't think I can even date anyone seriously with him around. I need him more than he needs me. He's always there for me and now is my chance to be there for him. Even if it means that I have to put my freedom on the line. Although we don't have any romantic feelings for each other, we are so used to being around each other. If he gets married to another person, I will lose him for sure. "Alright, let's just do it!" I finally told him my decision to go through this marriage. "Okay then, let's tell the oldies that were ready to get married then!" He suggested it with a bright smile on his face.
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