Wrongfully Accused

1014 Words
"Bell, sweetie...tell mom the truth. Are you pregnant?" My mom asked. I almost fell from my seat because of her question. My knees still feel weak from all the vomiting that I have to endure. Thankfully, it finally stopped and we're back at the dining table to finally eat the oven baby back ribs. "Of course, not! What are you talking about?" I replied to her with a disgusted tone. She looked at my dad who was quietly eating. He seems to be in deep thoughts. I can't believe that my parents will think that I'm pregnant just because I vomited.  But now that I thought about it, maybe it was the food from Tanya's restaurant. I think it was food poisoning! "Excuse me, I have to call Taylor!" I said in a panicked voice. I immediately walked to my room and I didn't see my parent's meaningful glances at each other. Let them think about what they want for now. If the cause of her vomiting was Tanya's food, maybe Taylor feels sick as well by now. What if all the customers who dined at her friend's restaurant also felt sick? Tanya will be in big trouble for sure. But I have to check on Taylor if he's fine before informing Tanya what happened to her. "Hello!" Taylor said on his phone. He sounded better now compared to when they met up earlier.  "Hey, are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, why would I not be okay?" He replied. "I think I just had food poisoning from Tanya's restaurant earlier. Are you sure you're fine?" I informed him. "What? I'm going there, right now!" Taylor exclaimed. Before I could say anything, he had already hung up his phone. Knowing Taylor, he will not answer his phone now. He will be here soon and I can't stop him from doing it. I heard the panic in his voice and I'm sure he will be here soon. I think there's no stopping him from coming here now. What I can do is just wait for him to arrive. I decided to go back to the dining room since I feel hungry from almost vomiting my guys out. I need to eat so I will feel better.  When I arrived at the dining room, my parents suddenly stopped talking. I guess they are still talking about the pregnancy thing. It's funny that they will suspect me of that. If only it's not embarrassing to tell them that I'm still a virgin. "Now, I'm hungry! Let's continue eating!" I told my mom and dad.  "Did you call Taylor? Is he coming?" My dad asked me in a serious tone this time. "Yeah, he said he will be on his way," I replied in between bites. My dad looked at my mom's detection and they signaled something to each other. I don't care what they are up to now. I'm so hungry and I have to eat first. Maybe when Taylor arrives, I can just get back with him to the city.  After eating, I decided to rest in my room for a bit. Although I no longer feel nauseous, I still feel weak because of the food poisoning incident. I forgot to call Tanya because I fell asleep for a brief moment. When I woke up, I checked on my alarm clock from my bedside table. It's almost 9:00 PM1! I suddenly remembered about calling Taylor earlier. He must be here already, waiting for her to wake up. So I decided to fix myself and get out of my room. As I walk my way downstairs, I can hear people speaking from the living room. When I got there, I saw Taylor and his parents. They seem to be planning something. I thought maybe they have decided to go on a trip. But why are they all here?  Taylor hasn't talked to his parents for a few years. But it looks like they have finally reconciled. I'm glad that they were able to set aside their differences. It's been a long time since our families got together like this. "There she is! My beautiful goddaughter!" Taylor's mom greeted me with a kiss on my cheek.  "Hello, ma and pa! Glad to have you here!" I welcomed them with a smile on my face. Taylor looks at me with a worried expression. Is he trying to tell me something? But my mom pulled me closer to her and we took our seats on the couch. Taylor and his parents did the same to the couch facing us.  "Are we going on a trip?" I excitedly asked my mom. My mom just ignored me for the first time in my life. She's always attentive to me before tonight. But the parents look serious about whatever they are planning to do. When I looked at my dad, his eyes were piercing to Taylor's face. The tension between all of us is unbearable. I wanted to just pull Taylor so we can get away from here. But he also looks serious and he's avoiding my eyes. I wanted to signal him but he seems to be doing a good job ignoring me. "Now that everyone's here, I guess we can already set about the date." My dad said in a firm tone. Taylor's parents look at my dad nervously. It never happened before and if getting the date is that important to them, maybe I should just butt in. But I caught Taylor's eyes sending me a signal to stop whatever I'm planning to do. "Well, it depends on what the kids prefer." Taylor's dad replied. "Maybe we can do it this summer!" His mom suggested that it made my mom excited. "That's a good idea, Katie! That will guarantee a bright sky without worrying about the rain." My mom agreed. "Summer? Are we going to the beach?" I can't stop myself but to ask. "No, you two are getting married!" My dad informed me. I feel that my world suddenly turned upside down again but it's not because of food poisoning.
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