Chapter Four

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Noah ran away from the crowd as fast as he can leaving Amber with the unmated wolves. His chest was rising from running and he was panting heavily. Noah stopped at the rooms and leaned on the wall. "It can't be happening," he whispered. He must be dreaming. There's no way Nox is his mate and if he was, Nox will surely reject him. "Faggot," Josh called. Noah glanced at him. He was leaning on the wall and looking at him. "What? You ran away because you haven't found your mate? Well, a faggot like you will be forever mateless," he added and smirked. "Josh, I don't want troubles, please," he said. Noah was thinking another thing, and that was Nox. Josh's expression darkened, and the smirked on his lips vanished. He slowly walked towards Noah and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Are you talking back to me now!?" he said and glared. Noah gulped and shook his head. "I wasn't…I was just trying to tell you that I don't want troubles," he whispered as low as possible. Josh chuckled and pushed him. "You should've come here. You will only bring unpleasant vibes with you," Josh spat. "I was i-invited, Josh," Noah replied which made Jacob angrier. He grabbed Noah's arms and pushed him to the wall. Noah grunted as his back hit the solid wall. "I f*****g told you, Noah. You don't belong anywhere," he spat. Noah felt his heart sunk. Where did the old Josh go? Is there no way to change him back? "What do you think you're doing?" a baritone voice said behind them. Noah felt a shiver run down his spine. When he looked behind Josh, he saw Nox. Nox stood out because he was tall, has a well-built body, and a strong aura lingering around him that people avoided. He wore a white shirt and pants that gave out his charisma. His hair was disheveled jet black and he has an intricate wolf tattoo on his arm. Their eyes locked once more. "I'm disciplining my member, Alpha Nox," Josh said and gulped. It was his first time talking to Nox, and he's glad he managed well. They were both Alphas, but Nox is on a different level. Josh hates to admit it, but Nox was way more powerful than him. "State your pack," Nox ordered. "Rook pack. I'm Josh, a soon-to-be Alpha," he answered. Nox looked at him from head to toe and spoke. "Act like one," Nox said which made Josh confused, but Noah knew Nox was lecturing him. His heart flutters at the sight of his mate. Did he just save him from Josh? Noah doesn't want to assume things. "What the hell, Josh!?" Amber shouted and stood by Noah's side. Josh glared at him. "What do you want!? Why do you keep on pestering Noah when he's not even doing anything to you!?" Amber angrily asked. Josh's eyes squinted and gave Amber a silent warning with his eyes. He doesn't want to appear bad in front of Alpha Nox. Knowing that it's his first public appearance, Josh wanted to earn his trust and make his father proud. "Amber!" he threatened. "What's happening here?" Alpha Miche interrupted. The three looked at him and bowed their heads. "I'm sorry, Alpha Miche. It's nothing," Josh said and smiled. Alpha Miche nodded his head and turned to Nox's side. "Oh, Nox! Do you mind? I have something to ask you," Alpha Miche said. Nox eyed Noah once more before following the host of the event. "Just wait until we get back to the pack, you f*****g b***h. You better watch your back," Josh said and left. Amber rolled her eyes and raised her middle finger. She doesn't care if ever she got reprimanded when they get back. Josh's being too much. "Boo! Why did you leave me?" Amber said and pouted her lips. Noah looked at Josh's retreating back and patted Amber's head. "I'm sorry, Bear. Being in the crowd still terrifies me, I had to get back here," he said. Half of it was true and the other half was because he found his fated mate, but seeing Nox didn't approach him got him thinking that he's not interested in the bond. It made Noah dejected. After all, he's gay. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have forced you to attend this event," Amber said and heave a sigh. "Bear, it's not your fault. You're being kind to me and you mean no harm," Noah said and smiled. "By the way, what happened while I was away? Did you find your mate?" he said, changing the topic. Amber's eyes lit up and she squealed. "No!" she answered. "Then, why do you look happy? Aren't you sad that he's not here?" Noah asked. "You silly, of course, I felt sad, but seeing the Shadow Wolves was enough for me! Dang, they were all hot as hell!" Amber said. "You're crazy woman, Bear," Noah said and shakes his head. "Maybe? But hey, that's Alpha Nox, right? What happened when I wasn't around?" Amber asked. "Nothing," Noah replied immediately which made Amber stomp her feet like a child. "Come on, Boo! That wasn't anything. He's clearly oggling at you," she said. It was obvious. Amber heard some hearsay that Nox was a snob, a man who doesn't care about anything unless his pack is involved, but seeing him talking earlier, surprised her. Not just that, Nox save Noah from Jacob's assault, and Amber saw all of that. "There's no escaping from my eyes, Boo. This is the mighty Amber you are talking about right now, so don't lie to me," Amber said which made Noah chuckle. "It's nothing. He just asked what we are doing and from what pack are we. That's all," Noah said. Amber wasn't convinced, but she couldn't force her friend to answer more of her questions. "Okay fine. Let's go eat? They prepared a portion of food for the guests," she said. Noah nodded his head. Amber clung to his arm and they walked away.
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