Chapter Three

1347 Words
It's been a week, and now everyone was busy for the upcoming Moondaya Season, but for Noah, it was another usual morning. He continued placing the goods on the shelves and cleaning them with a cloth. "Hey, faggot!" a voice behind him yelled. Noah heaved a sigh. In this century, through the years, some still hated the idea of having homosexuals in the packs. They weren't welcome, and most gays coming out had been shunned or, worst, banished. Noah's current Alpha has completely ignored him, and that's okay with him. He tried to stay under the radar as he went on his daily life. "Give me one of these and make it faster!" the customer yelled. Noah hurriedly put his orders on the bag and gave it to him. The man looks at him with a disgusted look before grabbing the bag harshly from his hand. "Thank you for coming. Please, come again," Noah whispered as he watched the man went out of the store. He continued doing his work when the chime rang again. "Hi, welcome to... It's you, Bear!" Noah said and smiled. Amber rolled her and rested her head on his shoulder. "Why aren't you dressed yet?" Amber asked. Noah's brows furrowed. "Why? Where are we going?" Noah asked and glanced at her. "Duh! It's the Moondaya Season, and we're going!" Amber said. Noah chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Okay, I'm just messing with you," Noah said. "I'm going to clean and wait until Arman comes. I don't want to leave the store unattended," he added. "Fine, let's wait for him," Amber said and sat next to him. "Hey, Boo! Did you know?" she said while holding her compact mirror and fixing her makeup. "Know what?" Noah asked her again. "The Moondaya Season will be a two-day event!" she said and squealed. Usually, the Moondaya Season lasts for a day, but this time it was different. "Really? Why did they decide to do that?" Noah asked. He's curious as to why they wanted to extend it. "You know Shadow Wolves? They're going to come," Amber said. Who wouldn't know the Shadow Wolves? They are the strongest pack around. The entire world knew their feats. The Alpha conquered many fights in his teens. He's a known monster. And he's still a bachelor. "Really? What change their minds? I thought their Alpha doesn't like the event," Noah stated. True to that, Alpha Nox and his pack never attended the Moondaya Season. Noah doesn't even know his face. "I don't know, but Boo! It's the Shadow Wolves!" Amber squealed. She's a fan of them. "I bet they're hot as f**k!" she added dreamily. Noah shakes his head. As the hearsay progress, there's something about Alpha Nox that he couldn't tell. As much as possible, Noah would like to stay away from their radar too. He doesn't want trouble, and Alpha Nox smells like one. The chime rang once again. "Hey, sorry for the delay. Delia wouldn't let go of me," Arman said and apologetically smiled. Aside from the Beta's family, Arman never judges Noah but accepted him as his co-worker. "It's okay, Arman," Amber said and smiled. She gave Arman the apron, and he gladly took it. Delia is in her third trimester, and Arman works two jobs to provide Delia comfort while waiting for their child. "We're going now, Arman," Noah said. Arman nodded his head, and the two went out of the store. "I'll be back, Bear. Just wait for me here," Noah said. He doesn't want to inconvenience his friend anymore. Amber raised her eyebrows at him. "Hop on. I'll take you back home. I want to see Aunt Lea too," Amber said. Noah scratched the back of his head and followed Amber to her car. They drove to Noah's house to get his things. Lea greeted them at the door. "Auntie! How are you?" Amber asked and hugged Lea. Noah's mother smiled and pinched her cheeks. "I'm fine, Amber. You're still pretty!" Lea muttered. "Thank you, Auntie! You too, you still look young!" Amber said. The two talked while Noah grabbed his back and put his clothes on. The host of Moondaya Season provides accommodations to the unmated werewolves who will join the event. "Bear, let's go," Noah said. "Mom, we're going now," he added and smiled. His mother bid her goodbye and watched them leave. Amber started the car and drove to Red Moon pack. Noah and Amber sang along and banged their heads when their favorite music played on the radio. Noah was happy he's with Amber. He felt like all his anxiety disappeared because of her help, and he's forever grateful to her. The ride soon ended when they had arrived at Red Moon pack. Noah immediately saw Jacob's car parked in one of the parking areas of the pack. He felt his anxiety return as he began to sweat profusely. "Boo? Are you okay?" Amber worriedly asked. Noah snapped his head towards her and forced a smile on his lips. "I'm fine...Let's go?" he said. Amber nodded and went out of the car. They were greeted by young unmated wolves coming from different packs. Amber held Noah's hand to prevent him from wandering off of his own. "I requested that our rooms were next to each other," Amber said. "Wow, I didn't know they allow faggot like you to join the Moondaya Season," a voice behind Noah said, which made him froze. His eyes looked around the area and saw wolves looking at them. "And I didn't know assholes like you were allowed to come here," Amber retorted. Josh's face darkened. "Shut up, Amber! I'm still your Alpha," Josh said. "Not yet. So if you don't have good to say, f**k off! Or do you want me to tell Alpha Miche that you're harassing a guest?" Amber threatened. Miche is the current Alpha of Red Moon pack. Noah squeezes his friend's hand while Amber gave a reassuring smile. "See you around," Josh said seriously and left with his underlings following behind him. Noah breathed a sigh of relief and put his hand on his chest. "I'm s-sorry, it's because of me that..." Amber didn't let him finish his sentence and silenced him. "I don't want to hear it, okay? Don't mind them. They're a waste of time and energy," Amber said. "Now, let's go and leave our things," she added. After unpacking, they went outside, and the event was about to start. First, the unmated wolves gather in the field to see if their mates were along with the many wolves. Second, when and after they meet, they will be presented in front as the Moondaya Season's couples. "Welcome to Moondaya Season! We hope that you will find your match," Alpha Miche said. The crowd cheered and clapped their hands. "To the children of the Moon! Cheers!" he added and raised the glass. Music started, which signals the beginning of the event. Noah and Amber walked through the hoard of unmated wolves. Noah felt his heart was about to burst from his chest as he looked around, searching for his mate. Soon after, a dominant aura engulfed the crowd. Noah felt his eyes widened. He sniffed the air, and the smell hit his nose. It was blue spruce, strong and powerful. "Now, some asked where they are or why they were late," Alpha Miche said and chuckled. "It's their first time joining the event, that's why. Let's all welcome Shadow Wolves!" Alpha Miche yelled. The crowd filled with murmurs as the Shadow Wolves emerged, and the scent Noah smelt was getting stronger that making his insides tightened and his head dizzy with feeling. Noah looked at the Shadow Wolves, and he felt like the time had stopped when the man in the front stared back, locking their eyes together. Volts of electricity traveled through the stares they were making. Noah snapped back, and his eyes widened once more. It was Nox. He was staring at the Shadow Wolves' Alpha - Nox Vanidestine...his fated mate.
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