Chapter Five

1023 Words
"So, where are we going after this?" Amber said. "Oh, I know one place!" she added and clapped her hands which made Noah chuckled. "How about staying in the room, Bear?" Noah suggested. Amber glanced at him and rolled her eyes. "Na-uh, Hunny! We are not going to stay all day in our rooms," Amber said while shaking her head. Noah scratched the back of his head and gave Amber a small smile. He wanted to avoid going out as much as possible until the Moondaya Season ends. Noah doesn't want to see Josh, but most importantly, he wanted to avoid Nox. "Let's enjoy the event, okay? I'll be right behind you. I got you, Boo," Amber said with a reassuring smile on her face and touched Noah's hand. "Okay. So where do you want to go?" Noah asked, which made Amber squealed in delight. "So... there's this lake I want to check out," Amber said while twirling her hair. "And a club...but that would be out on the list because it was too crowded. The lake is fine," she added. Noah smiled, knowing that Amber considered his feelings. He has been lucky to have her as her friend. "Thanks, Bear," Noah sincerely said. Amber winked and raised her glass. "You're always welcome, Boo," she said and blew her a flying kiss. After eating, they went strolling in the garden before leaving for the lake. The unmated ones can enjoy socializing with other werewolves while following the strict rules of Moondaya Season not to cause unnecessary fights and respect each pack. "So, what do you think of Shadow Wolves, Boo?" Amber asked and slumped on the ground covered with grasses. Noah felt his ear reddened and face flushed upon remembering every detail of how beautifully crafted Nox was. He was definitely loved by Moon Goddess, seeing how gorgeous he was. Those ocean blue eyes could pull Noah into the depths, his nose, face, and the way he speaks. Everything about Nox screams majestic, and Noah felt little to stand next to him - as if that was going to happen. Noah knows he was going to be rejected by Nox. "Hey...Boo? Yuhoo!" Amber said and waved her hands in front of Noah. He snapped out of his thoughts and smiled at Amber. "What was your question again, Bear?" Noah asked. "I asked about the Shadow Wolves, Boo," Amber said. "They were okay?" Noah answered, unsure. Amber eyed him and pouted her lips. "You don't find them hot as f**k?" she asked with her eyes wide like a child. Noah shook his head at his friend and ruffled her hair. Amber was definitely obsessed with Shadow Wolves. "Okay, okay. I find them they were not from this planet," Noah said and chuckled. "Right!?" Amber agreed. "You and Nox would look great together," she added, which surprised Noah and made him choke. "What are you saying, Bear!?" Noah answered incredulously. "What!? I said what I said. No take-backs," Amber said and drank her juice. Noah turned away his gaze and slightly fanned himself. How could his friend say that without shame? "Are you angry?" Amber asked. "I'm not. I was just surprised," Noah said. "There was no way he and I would look good together," he added. "Whatever, Boo. To me, you'd make a wonderful couple together," she said that made Noah blushed even harder. "Shall we go to the lake? I think they already went to another place," she added, talking about the unmated ones who went to the lake. "Okay," Noah answered. They walked inside the forest. They had no difficulty finding the lake because the werewolves kept entering and leaving the forest. They served as Noah and Amber's guide reaching the lake. "Wow," they both said in unison. The lake was skyline-silver and lay in the middle of the forest. "It's beautiful," Noah muttered, to which Amber silently agreed. They sat on the ground and watched the lake. The calm waters gave them a sense of tranquility. Noah closed his eyes and felt the breeze and the noises around. "Noah," Amber whispered. "The Shadow Wolves were here," she added with a bit of squeal. Noah froze as he slowly opened his eyes. He glanced around and saw the Shadow Wolves. He breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Nox wasn't with them. "So, as I was saying, Nox. How do you think forming an alliance with the Mystic pack?" Alpha Miche and gave Nox a glass of brandy. Nox took it and drank. "I'm going to think about it, Miche," Nox replied while crossing his arms. His beast had been bugging him non-stop to go and find their mate. "At least I didn't get a no from you," Alpha Miche said and chuckled. "By the way, how was Moondaya Season's experience to you? Was it good?" he added. "It was okay, Miche. You did a great hosting this event," Nox answered. Miche grinned. He looked like a proud werewolf hearing a compliment from none other than Nox Vanidestine. "I'm glad," he said. "Anyway, Miche, I'll see you later. My pack members' must be waiting for me," Nox said and stood up. "Oh, okay," Miche said. Nox left the packhouse and immediately mind-linked his gamma. "Did you find anything about him?" Nox asked in the link. "Yes, Alpha. Do you want me to give the documents to you?" Alex said. "Give it to me later. Tell me his name first," Nox said while walking back to his room. "Noah Hattman," Alex said. Nox couldn't help but smirk. "Okay. If you ever see him with his friend, do not disrespect them or make them feel uncomfortable. Am I understood?" Nox said. "Yes, Alpha," Alex answered. "He currently here in the lake with his friend," he added. Nox looked straight ahead before opening his room. "I'll be there in a bit," he said and cut the link off, and closed the door. Nox stared at his reflection on the large mirror in his room. A mate. Moon Goddess actually gave him a mate after waiting for years.
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