I Know E is For Ecstasy

2206 Words
3 Doors Down- Kryptonite Dante: "Hey, ma. It's me again. I just wanted to tell you that my recital is coming up on Friday. I left a ticket for you at the front desk. You don't even have to say hello. Anyway. I hope you're doing okay," Ashley's low voice makes me want to get up to find her f*****g mom and curb-stomp her until the top of her f*****g head falls off. "Nervous?" I call out from my spot. She lets her head fall back and laughs. "No?" she says unsurely. "Kels said your new song was really good," I get up and move toward the center rows. "It's okay," she shrugs. "Can I hear it?" "Tomorrow, with everyone else," she glances at me. "Come on, Villanueva. It's just me," "And you are?" she laughs. "Ha," I nod. "I can play something you might like," she turns around to face me. "Oh, yeah? Like the vampire song?" "Tocatta," she corrects me. "You like that song?" "It's my favorite creepy song. Yeah," I nod. "No, it's not that. Since everyone is playing your stupid hit single. I learned the notes and I have been working it into a G minor." "I kind of wish I knew what that meant," I admit. "Wait, you play instruments. You play the cello. How do you not know what a G minor is? Do you not know how to read notes? How do you play guitar?" "I don't know. I just play," I shrug. "You're f*****g with me right?" she grins. "You'd know if I were f*****g you," I smirk. "With," "Right with," I nod. "Okay, freak. Are you ready?" she asks. "Go," I nod. The tune starts off slowly. At first, I don't know what it is she's playing, but that's only because she's not playing the entire song. She's playing my song Phantom of the Opera. The gentle melody hidden in the lyrics. Not the rage of the music. I get up and go over to her, watching as her hands move over the keys expertly. The way her delicate fingers sway over the keys is beautiful. It's one thing watching from a distance but here. This close. I feel her all around me. She gets the point of the song. She feels it and it's something that bothers me. At least it should. I put my hands over hers, making her stop, because if she doesn't I don't know what I'm going to do. "Did you not like it?" she pulls away from me. "How did you do that?" I ask her. "How did you turn something violent into something so soft?" "I didn't do anything that wasn't already there," she turns away. I grip her chin making her look at me. "Dante-" "Shut up," I whisper. "Stop f*****g talking. Every time you open your f*****g mouth, something hateful comes out of it." Her eyes search mine as they fill with tears. She pulls away from me and looks down at the keys. She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. She positions her fingers on the keys again and starts playing again. "Liebestraum," she says. "A-Flat major," "Play something fun," I request and she smiles. "Do you know what Rush E is?" she asks. "I know E is for ecstasy," I shrug. She laughs. "No. It's a song. A fun one," she grins. "It's better with two people, but I think I can pull it off just to show off," "Okay, go," I nod. She presses the key and then presses it again. I sit back when she starts picking up the pace. Her hands are moving over the keys quickly. "Ready?" she smirks. "For?" "Magic," she grins wildly. The song picks up speed a little more and then she plays a little tune and goes even faster. She slows down and then takes off again. It's hard to follow her movements when her excitement takes over. I stand up when she's all over the place. A little excited squeak comes out of her the faster she goes. She's not even looking at the keys as she once again picks up the pace faster than before and then it's over. "f**k," she laughs. "I haven't done that in a long time," "Oh, my god. That was f*****g amazing," we both look up to see David and Kelly coming down the aisle. "What the hell was that?" Kelly jumps up on the stage and stands behind her. I have to take a moment to calm down from the high of her emotions. "That is called a Rush E," she smiles. "Dante said he wanted me to play something fun," "Good s**t," she bumps her. "I can duet you," I proclaim. She snorts. "I don't have the notes and even if I did. You don't know how to read them," "Scoot over," I go back to the bench. She scoots over so I can take a seat again. "You do the first part and I'll take the tune," "Dante," she rolls her eyes. "Humor me, b***h. I can show off too," I bump her. "Whatever," she motions the piano. I put my hands up on the keys and close my eyes playing back the way how was playing earlier. She puts her hands over mine. My eyes snap open and I look over at her. She positions her hand over mine and taps my fingers, making them press down on the keys. "Not too hard. Relax your hands. Breathe in through your nose and release slowly. Got it?" "Got it?" I nod. "Okay," she pulls away and positions herself. "Here I go," "I'm ready," I smile and shut my eyes again. She starts slowly and I jump right in when the keys pick up. I can feel it when her hands move over mine. We start picking up speed. The excitement from earlier comes back and I swear I might as well be balls deep inside of her because I'm about to f*****g bust in my pants as we move perfectly in sync. I growl, feeling her inside of me. "Dante," she laughs as we get close to the end. I open my eyes to look at her to see her face flushed bright red. There's sweat streaming down the sides of her sideburns and her breasts. We both pull back at the same time. I groan, feeling my d**k twitch inside my pants. Hot c*m is trailing down my leg as I try to calm myself. "Holy s**t," Kelly slaps my back. "That was-" Ashley screams in the back of her throat and throws her arms around me. I tense, not knowing what to do. "Perfect. How the f**k do you have a perfect pitch? How did you do that? There is no way this is the first time you play," "Get her away from me," I whisper to Kelly. "Oh, my god. That was amazing. I kind of want to go again," she laughs. "We're not doing that again," I shake my head. "Actually, I think you've had enough excitement for tonight. Let's get some food in you. I know you didn't have dinner," Kelly grabs her arm. "Aww," she complains, but doesn't fight it. She looks back at me and then looks away. "Did I do something wrong?" "No, baby face. He's just crazy," she says as she pulls her away. "What do you need from me?" David asks. "Go wait for me in the restroom," I close my eyes. "Okay," he rubs the back of my neck as he moves past me. I reach down to unzip my pants. I am still rock-hard. Just putting my hand on my d**k hurts. If I try to f**k anyone right now, I can probably kill them. I grip myself as hard as I can stroke using my c*m as lubricant. My body is on f*****g fire. I stroke myself six times before I c*m all over again. I push the bench back, holding onto the piano. Ashley is everywhere. Her smell, her heat, the fire inside of her is burning me alive. Hot tears stream down my face as I keep going. This has never happened to me before. I'm tugging on myself so f*****g hard it hurts. I stop when a low growling sound comes from the darkness when I'm usually sitting. The lights all begin to flicker and then everything gets dark. I jump, tucking my d**k back into my pants when a screech echoes in the darkness around me. "David?" I call out, but I get no response. The sound bounces around the room again, closer this time. I back away from the piano when I feel a sudden coldness brush against me. Fear overwhelms me as the sound echoes from behind the piano. The top suddenly drops and there's something crouching on top of it. "Dante," the thing calls out of my name. "What the f**k?" I take a step back. I've read about darklings but I've never actually come across one. The thing makes a low clicking sound in the back of its throat. It arches upward and lets out a terrifying screech. "It's time, Dante," the sound it makes when it moves makes me sick to my stomach. "Time for what?" I ask. "It's time to hunt," its voice changes as the shadow steps down on the keys. They echo when its feet touch them. It's only then that I realize that it's not a darkling. The thing is wearing a black cloak. Its skin is as pale as the piano's keys. Its toes aren't actual toes. I mean they are, but there's no skin. Just bones. When its hand reaches down to completely come off the piano, I see more bones. The tips of it's fingers look like they were dipped in black tar. "Reaper," I whisper. The robe moves as its head snaps up to look at me. I can't see its face. "Oh," it coos. The voice becomes more feminine than demonic. "You're beautiful," she says and crouches in front of the piano. The black mamba slithers out to greet her. She holds a bone hand out and picks her up. "Pretty little snake," she licks the top of my snake's head, and then it disappears into her robes. I back up when the hood turns in my direction. "Look at you," "Are you here to kill me?" I ask. "Kill you?" she laughs. The familiar tone frightens me. The lights behind me flicker on and off. She disappears. I look around trembling. "Boo," "f**k," I jump when she pops up behind me. A cold bony hand grips the back of my neck. I gasp desperately for air as coldness floods my body, stealing all of the warmth inside. Ashley's heat is completely overwhelmed by whatever the f**k this thing is doing to me. I can't hold myself up anymore and I fall to my knees feeling lightheaded. The thing comes around looking down at me. "I'm not here to kill you, silly," she laughs. The lights above us flicker again and I choke as the face under the robe reveals itself. "Ashley?" "Mm-mm," it sings. "You and I are going to be together forever. I am your reaper. You are my vessel." "I have a familiar. I'm the black mamba." "Yes," she nods, crouching down in front of me. "You're a special boy. Born and raised in darkness," she caresses my cheek. "Created to be a King among Hallows," "I don't understand," "You will. Close your eyes, sweet boy," it leans into me. She has Ashley's face but it's all so f*****g wrong. Why doesn't she look like that? "Shh, shh, shh, shh," she puts her hands on my face and covers my eyes. "Don't be scared, Dante. Nothing will ever scare you again, my love. I'm here. You're all mine and I am all yours. I will never ever leave you." The promise should terrify me, but it doesn't. As the coldness in me settles, I feel relief. I take in a deep breath and it feels like I had been drowning, but I can finally breathe again. Tears slide down my face as the fire she had awakened in me dulls enough for the blood flowing straight to my c**k to let up and the pain floods away. I adjust myself feeling really f*****g embarrassed that this just happened to me. "Danny?" a voice calls out to me. I open my eyes and see David standing by the back curtain. I look over at the piano to see that it's exactly the way Ashley had left it. There's a wet puddle where I came like six times in a row under it. "David," I choke out, feeling out of it. "Hey," he runs over to me and kneels down in front of me. "You're okay. I'm right here. What happened?" "I don't know, D. I have no f*****g idea," my voice is trembling and I can finally feel my own emotions again. No, Ashley. No coldness. Just Dante. "I don't know what's happening to me,"
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