Ten Times Stronger For It

1996 Words
Outcast- Ms. Jackson Ashley: The school is buzzing with videos and pictures of Satan Couture. What happened is already old news. A riot started at his show and they had to be escorted out on Friday night. While I was checking people's groceries out. That's hilarious. He annoyed the s**t out of me last night. I never really know what I'm going to get from him, but last night was personal. My stupid ass thought we were having a moment. Glad he cleared it right up. "f**k," I groan when I turn the corner and slam into someone. I look up to see David. "Dude, watch where you're going." "My bad," he says and bends down to get my binder. He hands it to me. "Dante told me you ran into him last night," "Ugh, don't even worry about it. I'm over it," I brush him off. "He was high, Ashley," he tries to excuse his behavior. "Okay," I shrug. "I'm kind of getting used to his mood swings, anyway. Kels warned me about everyone," "Oh, yeah? Me too?" he smirks. "Yeah, she said you're all about Dante. So, I'm not surprised you're trying to apologize for him," I admit. "Mind if I walk you to class?" he asks. I snort. "Are you serious?" I look him over. "Yeah, we haven't been properly introduced," he nods. "Okay," I tuck my binder under my arm and offer him my hand. "Ashley Villanueva," "David Espinosa," he takes my hand and shakes it. "So, you and Dante," I whisper. He laughs. "Yes, and no," he shrugs. "How do you do it?" "What?" "Tolerate him f*****g around with all the cute girls?" "Mmm, I mean I get my fair share," he shrugs. "Oh, so you guys aren't exclusive? I thought he was just an asshole." "We got a weird thing going," he admits. "I mean girls come and go. But neither of us can look at another guy like that. I'm not sure we are, you know," he flicks his wrist. "He's fun. Can be a handful, but I love him like that," "Does he love you back?" I smirk. "Yeah, he does," the confidence in his tone is everything. "It's just hard to explain," "No, it's not," I wave him off. "You guys have your thing. It works for you. Your personal business is no one else's concern." "Exactly," he nods. "What about you? You got a guy?" "Uh," I laugh. "Not really. Eli is a lot of things but he doesn't do being someone's guy. I'd probably be in prison by now if he was just my guy. That and I have a thing for blondes." "Like chicks?" he smirks. "Like chicks," I nod. "Why blondes?" "I don't know. Look at them," I glance over at Aubrey and her friends. "You into blond dudes too?" he smirks. "Oddly, no. I'm not sure I have a specific guy type. All of you guys are pretty in one way or another," David is an easygoing guy. Everyone seems to like him. The number of greetings and waves from our classmates he's getting makes me question what the f**k he's doing with a guy like Dante Blackstone? I mean this guy is a f*****g cupcake. Why is he hanging out with a bunch of gangsters and rock stars? "I'm sorry about you getting the boot. Uh, you might not want to tell anyone else. If it gets to the Dean, you can probably get kicked out of school," he says when I stop in front of my next class. "Kelly told you?" "She told Tony. Rudy and I overheard. We won't say anything, but you should just keep it to yourself." he advises. "Thanks, man. I appreciate that," "Friends, remember. That's what we do. Try to stay out of trouble, Ash. Your hands look better," he looks down at them. "Maybe you can play something for me later. I'll see you," If I didn't know any better I'd say that little weirdo was hitting on me. I get through the day with no incidents. The word about me not slanging anymore got out quickly and I was left alone all day. It was peaceful but in all honestly, the peace brings on thoughts I don't want to have. So, I dive into the books Anthony has been insisting I read. This stuff is actually pretty good. So far, Jane Austen has been my favorite and some of Edgar Allen Poe's woes. I mean how can he not be one of my classic favorites, my dad named me after one of his poems. I'm kind of excited about Romeo and Juliet. He said he has movies. Even though it's peaceful, I don't miss the stares. Carter and Tiffany Kennedy have it out for me. Right now, they aren't doing anything because of Kelly. I feel like s**t about that because she might be f*****g around with that dude just to keep him off my back. The entire school knows that Dante broke up with her because of me. Aubrey has been keeping a distance from her because Dante ordered it. I feel kind of bad because of that as well. I am a mess of badness right now. On top of all of that, mom hasn't answered my calls and she hasn't called me at all. I've never felt more alone in my life. "Villanueva, what are you doing here?" I look up to see Dante standing in front of me. I look around to find that I'd wandered away from my usual routes while reading. "Uh, I was reading," I say, shutting my book. He takes it from me and smiles before giving it back. "About last night-" "Don't worry about it. I haven't given it a second thought. I'm sorry I threw my notes at you. Should I be worried that you know my locker combination?" "No, I only have it because you were running for us. I shouldn't have said what I did. It just kind of came out." "It's cool. Not the worst thing you've said. Probably won't be the last." "You must think I'm a piece of s**t," he laughs. "I'm sure I've told you that," I nod. "What are you doing over here? Aren't these the senior classrooms?" "Aubrey is senior," he grins. "No way," I laugh. "Good for you. I hear older chicks are hard to come by," "Not for us," he smirks. "That blonde begging for a kiss doesn't seem your age," "She's not. She is older. I think," is Alice older? He laughs. "You never asked." "I never asked. She knows everything about me and I am just now realizing that I don't even know her last name. Guess that makes me a terrible girlfriend too," "Are you calling me a terrible boyfriend?" he shakes his head. "I mean if the shoe fits," "It fits fine," he nods. "Go back the way you came, Ashley. The last thing I need right now is another fight." "Right," I hold my book up to my chest. "See you, I guess," "You can come back," he stops me when I turn away. "What?" I ask without meeting his gaze. "Take the week to think about it. You can come back and work with us. David told me what happened. You should tell Kelly the real reason why they kicked you out. She might cut his time more than his sickness," At that, I spin around. "What? You're lying," "Nope," he smiles. "f**k, dude. I didn't even think about that. Where is she?" "She's your master. You should know," "f**k off, Dante," I shake my head and start rushing back the way I think I came from. I can hear him laughing. Thank all that's holy that I find her in her room sitting on her bed surrounded by homework. At least, I think it's homework. She looks up at me when I tap on her door. "Hey," she greets me. "Are you alone?" I ask. She nods. I step into the room and shut us in. "Why did you lock the door?" she smirks. "Not for that," I glare at her. "Aww," she complains. "What's up?" "I didn't tell you everything last night because I don't even want to say it out loud," I start. "You mean about your asshole dad?" she scoffs. "Yeah," I sit down at the edge of her four-post bed. My room is completely basic compared to theirs. Mine is also the only one on the second floor. All the other girls are on the third and fourth floors. "My dad is dying." "Good," she sneers. I look back at her. "He doesn't want me around to see him die," "Why did you lie then?" she gets up and comes over to sit next to me. "He told me that I should consider him dead to me, so. It's easier to hate him for a bad reason. Then Dante was like Kelly might kill him for being a s**t head and I don't want that," "I was thinking that," she admits. "Kelly," I laugh. "What? I killed my parents," she shrugs. "What?" dread completely falls over me. These rich kids are all f*****g insane. "Yeah, I killed my mom and when I came here, I killed my dad. His name was Benedict Hunter. He's from here. One of the founding families. I fit in with everyone because of it. I kept my mother's last name because I hate him." "Kelly," I take her hand in mine, not knowing what else to do. "Don't feel bad for me. I've come to peace with it. Ten times stronger for it." "A million times," I agree. "I can't imagine having to carry that around. You can talk to me about anything, you know that, right?" "Okay," she shrugs. "I saw you talking to David," "Yeah, he offered to walk me to class," "Ash, David is off limits. He belongs to Dante. Body and soul. Don't f**k with him. If you think Tiffany and Aubrey are bad news, wait until Dante unleashes his possessiveness on you. He'll keep you from death so he can remind you that you're nothing to him. Promise me," "I don't-" she puts her index finger on my lips cutting me off. "Even if you don't want him. Just promise me," "I promise," I agree. "You in here, c***k?" a tap on the door makes us both look up. "f**k," she groans and stands up. "Pretend you're doing homework," she points at the bed. I look around and grab the first thing I can find. I sit on the floor next to the bed. "Perfect," she nods and goes to the door. "What?" "Why is your door locked?" Carter demands. He looks over her shoulder and sees me. I give him an awkward wave with the papers in my hand. "What the f**k is she doing here, Kelly?" "Homework," Kelly huffs. "Get the f**k out, new girl," he growls. I jump up and put the papers back where I got them. I grab my bag and hang it over my shoulder. He grabs my arm when I try to squeeze past them. "Carter," she warns him. "You are not allowed to be alone with my girl in a locked room, b***h. You got that?" he says an inch away from my face. "Loud and clear," I nod. He lets me go. The spot where his hand was makes my entire arm go numb but I don't move to touch it. "Stay away from my sister. I don't want some trash-ass Southside w***e around her. Got it?" "Sure," I step away from him. "Laters, Kels," "Tony is downstairs," she informs me. "Thanks," I nod. Carter slams the door shut and they start to argue as I make my way over to the stairs. I'm finally able to hold my arm. "What a f*****g asshole. They might just be perfect for each other,"
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