5. Camping Area

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The 3 of us go to a camping area about 45 minutes outside of the city. It is a nice wooded area near a lake. We're going to have to find a lot of these places before school starts. I figure it is better for them to learn 1 thing at a time. So I get us each a rabbit. We sit around a picnic table and I talk them through drinking its blood the same way the old vampire talked me through it. They both take to it with no problems. We talk about the energy we need and how to make sure we don't go back into frenzy. Then I show them how to hunt. "I still don't really understand the speed stuff but if you are trying to catch some food, it seems like it works perfectly." They are each able to do it when trying to grab an animal too. Victor sees a raccoon and speeds after it. Right into a tree stump. He flies over it and lands face first in a stick pile. "Well, Fuck." I can't help but laugh at him "You're always the graceful one." He gives me a dirty look and throws a log at me. I super speed out of the way and the log hits Clark right in the ass. He was to busy focusing on something and never seen it coming. "Owe, what the hell are you idiots doing? Lets see if we can catch that deer." "You try, I'll watch." I sit back down at the picnic table. "I guess that's all I learned so far. We'll have to learn more as we go. It's a start though. We all know how to eat at least. Just remember we need 8 ounces a day so nothing bad happens." "Did you get your mail yet?" Clark asks. "Did you get that deer yet?" I joke. That thing is pretty far away and huge. It's got antlers. No way he's going for it. "Race you to it." Victor takes off in super speed. Clark takes off right behind him. All I can do is watch this disaster happen. Victor tackles this deer from the side. And then somehow manages to flip over the deer, so when he lands, the 500 pound deer lands on top of him. The deer gets up really fast. He checks around and sees Clark. He takes off running toward Clark, antlers leading the way. Clark screams and starts hauling ass away from it. The deer starts to catch up to him and finally Clark uses his speed to get away from the thing. He comes back over to the picnic table where I'm still sitting. Victor staggers up after a couple minutes "ughhh, that hurts." "But it was funny to watch" I smile. "You getting your ass kicked by a deer, then Clark screaming like a b***h and running away. You two should definitely try working together more often. It's entertaining for me." "Glad we could be of service." All 3 of us bust out laughing. I check my phone and there is 1 new email. I click it to make sure. "I got the same email you 2 got. It has my student number and everything in it." I received my email at 6:45 am. I feel stupid for not checking earlier. But I am happy I know now. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off me. I am so relieved. We all sit around for another hour talking about all the stuff the old vampire told me. I tell them how we will all find our soul mates eventually. And not to date other vampires. I told them the story of the current King Fane and the legend of the missing princess. How some day her mate is supposed to find her and they will be the new king and queen, like what was originally intended. I ask how I ended up turning both of them. I guess I woke up all crazy and biting at them. The 2 of them together were able to fight me off before I could kill either of them. Then I ran out the door. They tried to follow me but ended up passing out. And they both woke up eating the dog. After awhile, we practice more with super speed. Then we get a couple of woodland creatures, then we switch to catch and release. We are practicing and none of us really need any more blood. Apparently, vampires still need human food, because we are all getting hungry. "Everyone good? We can head back to my place if you guys got the hunting down. Maybe something will be on the website by now... We can stop and grab some food on the way." "I want a big fat burger." Victor uses his hands to show that he wants a burger bigger than his head. Clark looks at him, "Yeah, burgers sound good. Can we swing by my place on the way back? I got 2 laptops. Then we can all check at the website at the same time." "Awesome." With that, we all get up and pile back in the car. We go through the local burger place on the way back. Eating human food seems to be the exact same as it was before. It tastes the same. It is just as filling. This surprises me. I guess I expected it to be different somehow. By the time we get back to my apartment, it has been about 10 hours. I grab my laptop and yell out the wifi info. "Wifi: FBI Van 5, password: password12345." Clark says, "Oh yeah, that's really secure." and rolls his eyes. I log in and most everything appears ready.
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