6. Aqax

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It's good we have 3 laptops, none of us want to even look away. The website has so much information. We talk randomly about different information we find. "There are 4 quarters per year. 4 to 7 classes per quarter." I read it directly off the website. "I guess it depends on how hard the classes are to how many we get a quarter." Clark scratches his head. I decide to read some more "The quarters are 10 weeks and 3 days each and then a 2 week break. Of course varies a few days from year to year depending on the calendar." Victor gets up and gets in the fridge for something. "So, it runs year round? No long break in the summer. That kinda sucks. Summer vacation was always the best part of school and, f**k man, you picked a hell of a day to not have beer." "The kids were here this week. They didn't need to be around that." "Did you see the pics of the dorm room? It seems like an apartment instead of a dorm." Clark points at something on his screen. "Where you see that at?" I'm searching all over trying to find it. "Click the dorm button, then scroll down to images." "Oh wow, full kitchen with a dishwasher." Clark starts to laugh, "Do you see what we're given upon starting? Each person will receive: 1 each-cup, plate, bowl, spoon, fork, knife, towel, washcloth, fitted sheet, blanket, pillow, pillow case, full-size bed, dresser." and he goes on, "The dorm will receive 1 each-refrigerator, stove with stove top, dishwasher, dish towel." "They are kind of skimpy on the dishes." "Right, don't break your cup, you'll never have coffee again." Clark laughs out. Then goes right into reading some more. "Then it goes into a packing list. Please contact V Movers at it gives their phone number. To schedule your items to be moved here. Please do this at least 3 days prior to your departure date. Feel free to bring whatever makes your dorm feel more like home. You will remain in the same dorm for all the years you study with us. If you choose to bring your own bedroom set/large kitchen appliances, the school issued items will be removed." "Well that's cool. I can have all this furniture sent and we will have places to sit." "And a tv to watch." Victor says as he searches the cupboards. "And extra cups." Clark laughs and keeps reading, "If you need to void an apartment lease, contact V Movers at least 3 days prior to your departure date. They will remove you from the lease legally." "That's convenient, you may need that." Victor glances at me. "Dress code is: Student casual. Whatever the hell that means... guess I'll ship all my clothes over." Clark is reading any information he can find. "Seems like we should ship everything over... I mean we'll be there..." I click some buttons. "How long will we attend that school? I don't see how long it is?" "Me either." Clark is searching everything he can find. "Well it's at least more than a year. I'm going to have all my stuff sent over. I really don't know how I would live without my keurig or my bed. Either of you want to use the spare room bed? It's a king size." I glance over the screen at them. "I love my bed. I don't want to switch." Clark shakes his head. "I'll use it." "This is interesting, we'll be given money every month to spend in the shops on campus. They have food vendors, hygiene, and clothes shops. But please note that the campus cafeteria will serve 3 meals and 8 ounces of blood per day to all students free of charge." Clark is still reading and absorbing any knowledge he can from the website. He really would be good to have in a study group. I made a mental note of that. "Did you guys see the fine print on the bottom of this page? V Movers express ships all items directly to the school and they will arrive within 48 hours. If you use another moving or shipping company, the wait times vary up to 3 months. This also includes all purchases made online. That's a hell of a shipping timeframe. Where is this school at?" "One of the many things the site doesn't say." "I got a notification. My ticket is in." Clark's got his eyebrows down, staring at the screen. "Click the ticket thing on the left side of the screen." I point at it. "Thanks.". All the color drains from his face. "I am leaving for Aqax in 6 days." Is all he manages to say. "WHAT?" Victor and I both yell. I check my ticket too and I can see Victor pushing buttons frantically. "I leave in 6 days too." "Same." Victor runs his hands threw his hair. "Why Aqax?" "Probably easier to hide the school." I guess. "All that snow and cold. Out in the wilderness." "Now I really need a drink." "Can you drop me off at my mom's, Victor?" Clark stands up. "Yeah, why your mom's on a Saturday night?" "Sarah kicked me out of the house again. I'm so done with her games. I'll be glad to be away." Clark throws his hands in the air. "Now you get to look for your soul mate. We all do. I think that's the best part of this." I'm looking forward to that part. "You might be right, but I'll probably need a rebound screw here soon though." Victor smirks, "Becca at the gym is always checking you out. She's a sure thing." "She's Sarah's friend." "Even better." Victor gets up. "Let's get out of here. I need a break from all this. Whose up for a drink?" Clark nods, "Yes please." I don't drink very much but going out for a drink sounds really good right now. "I think we all need a couple drinks after the last day. But I need to clean up first." "Okay, let's meet at the club at 8:30." "See you then." Clark is starting to panic. 8:30 is only an hour away, and he's going to need every minute of that for his hair, "Good plan." With that he drags Victor out the door with him. I sit back on the couch and take a deep breath. It has been a crazy couple of days. And now I'm leaving for Aqax on Friday. It's all surreal. I'll call this V Movers Monday morning. Nothing else I can do on the laptop right now. So I toss it on the couch beside me. My mind wonders back to my soul mate. I've had a few relationships in my life. But none ever worked out or even felt right. The thought of someone out there perfect for me is so f*****g amazing. I wonder what she looks like. What she sounds like. What her skin feels like. And with that my d**k is rock hard. God I want to meet this girl. This is all I want and it's so weird because I didn't even know she existed until yesterday. For a second I think about rubbing one out right here on the couch. My d**k jumps a little with that thought. I reach into my shorts and give it a good grab. Then reach down with the other hand and rub my balls. f**k, I need this. I run my hand up and down the shaft a couple of times. I'm going to get in the shower now. I am fully hard and precum is starting to leak already. I use my thumb and rub the precum all over the head of my d**k. I imagine it's my mates tongue circling it. I really can't wait to meet her. I stroke it a couple times as I enter the bathroom. f**k! I don't even know this girl yet and she is making me crazy. I turn on the shower water and play with the head of my d**k while it gets warm. I can't even help but to grab my d**k and start stroking it hard the second I get in. I dream about my mate being there with me. I can feel the orgasm starting to build. I imagine her soft fingers and hands rubbing my c**k. That's all it takes, my d**k swells a little more before I start shooting c*m all over the shower. "f**k yes." I get some shampoo and start in on my hair. I really needed that. I decide to wear a pair of black pants and a dark blue button down shirt. I tuck the shirt in and grab a black belt. Then I roll the sleeves on the shirt up a few times. I don't need a suit jacket to go to the club. I put a little gel on my hands and run it through my hair. Then I check the time. 8:20. "Shit." I sit down in the living room long enough to put on my socks and my black shoes. Then I grab my wallet and out the door I go.
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