Chapter 5

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Pearl's POV I stare at the ceiling with a wide smile on my face. I made out with Trevor. His lips feel so soft against my skin. And everywhere he touched, I just felt fire. I don't know about his side of story. If he has a mate or if he is a rejected one like me. But, who would reject a person like Trevor? He is a nice person. He did not mind the fact that everyone here calls me an abomination. "But you cannot just jump into conclusions!" Mist says in the back of my head. "And what do you mean by that?" I ask her again. "Well, I mean.. you both were drunk. What if he wakes up tomorrow and realises it was a mistake? What if he hasn't found his mate yet, so he would feel bad about sleeping with another woman?" Mist asks. Umm.. yes! I slept with Trevor. It just happened in that moment. The made out went quickly to making love and no one of us had any idea of stopping. "We will see tomorrow, Mist. I am not sure about that too" I tell my wolf and I feel her sigh. I eventually fall into deep sleep. And for the first time, I felt happy even in my sleep. I don't know, it may be the tiniest bit of affection. But to me it really goes a long way. That too when he exactly knows who I am here. I wake up to the birds chirping and the pleasant smell of the morning dew. Scratch that, I woke up with a terrible head ache. Like they call it.. hangover! I sit on my bed and hold my head with both my hands. I groan as a wave of discomfort churns my insides. Before I know, I am running towards the bathroom and I puked everything in my stomach. I puke for what I feel a thousand times, I walk out of the bathroom and sit on the floor. Someone knocks my door and I am pretty positive that is my mother. After two minutes, the knocks die down and I collapse on the floor completely. "Where the f**k are you?" Camila shouts into the mindlink. And how do I tell her that I am half dead? "Too drunk to say hi" I mindlink her back. "The Beta of The Sundown is at the same state too. Were you both together?" She asks me again. I close the mindlink. Pink creeping up my cheeks. Together? Yes. Very much together. To a point, he studied every inch of my body. The body I am always insecure about. Because no one held me that way before. With much greater force from inside, I don't know what to call it .. I stand up and walk into the shower. A warm shower does a little magic. Just a little. I throw on a blue jeans and dark green sweater. And throw my red hair into a bun that is right now a perfect messy bun. When I try for me, it doesn't even look half good as it is right now. I walk out to see my mother's door to my mother's room shut. And on the kitchen counter I see a plate of eggs and bacon. I roll my eyes and grab a banana from the fruit basket. I start walking to the pack house. To see Camila. She is the only friend I have got so I would obviously go to her. That is all I do, train myself, talk to Camila, take patrols and do nothing. Of course, let Mist out occasionally. "Glad to know I am a part of your schedule" Mist says. "Was that meant to be sarcastic? Because I cannot laugh" I tell her to which she rolls her eyes and curls up into a fluff ball. I bump into someone and this is what happens when you talk to your wolf not paying attention to your surroundings. "I am so sorry. I am so-" I stop talking when I see it is Trevor that I bumped into. "Hung over? Yeah. Me too" he smiles at me and I cannot help the blush again. Moon Goddess! What is happening to me? Falling in love with someone I just met? Not just met, it all went into a whole different direction - "You can simply say you both f****d up in two ways" Mist says and I almost laugh at that. "How do you deal with this?" I ask him and he smiles. "Well, bananas does a little good" he says looking at the banana in my hand. Thanks to the conversation with Mist, I totally forgot I have a banana in my hand. I smile sheepishly at him but it feels so good to know that banana does a little good to treat hangover. Treat hangover? Is that a term? "Where are you going to, by the way?" He asks me again. "To Camila" I say offering him a banana. This man just takes it without even thinking twice. My stomach growls in hunger and he laughs giving me the banana back. Again, awkward! "Luna Camila and Alpha Maxwell are on rounds. The event clearing is a mess" he says and I nod. "So now where?" He asks me again and I look at him. He shrugs and looks around. "Hungry?" He asks and I just stare at him. Did he not hear my stomach literally yelling at me to feed it something? "Okay okay. I know what to do. Do you have a car?" He asks and I shake my head. A car? Me? Nice joke. He closes his eyes and maybe he recalls my story. A sob story. The story where I am called an abomination and not as Pearl. He leads the way and tilts his head asking me to follow him. I do and we go to Austin. I see Trevor and Austin are good friends. Trevor borrows Austin's car and takes his permission to take me out. To take me out. TO TAKE ME OUT!!!! We hop into Austin's car and it smells like spice. His scent. I take in a good look of how amazing this is. "Is this what they call a car?" I ask Trevor. He just looks at me and smiles. Maybe he thinks I am dumb. But I have never seen the interior of a car. I never touched anything like this, let alone sit in it! Trevor does something and this car springs up to life. He holds the what they call the steering wheel and starts driving. I press my cheek against the window and as I see everything. I am crossing the borders! I am crossing the freaking borders!! The patrol team sees Austin's car and lifts the gates up. They bow while the car passes but the moment they see me in it with Trevor, their eyes go wide in surprise. I feel something in my stomach. "Oh My God! Puking again?" Mist asks. "Shut up!" I roll my eyes and block her again. I feel butterflies in my stomach. That was what I exactly wanted to say but guess who ruined the mood? "Have you ever been to human lands?" He asks and I shake my head. "Pearl! The world is crazy out there. You need to explore more" he says and I nod. "I would explore when someone accompanies me. Like you did just now" I smile at him. He smiles at me for a moment and his eyes are back on the dirt road again. It feels so good to just sit and not do anything, still be moving forward in a crazy speed. But I bet Mist can run faster. Not like I am complaining right now, because this ride is new both to her and I. I don't know where I dropped the banana. Or did Trevor eat that when I was not paying attention? Whatever the reason, I really don't know where it went. I see we entered the human land because I see so many of them. The road is filled with cars like this one. And also vehicles with two wheels. Trevor doesn't stop anywhere until we reach a place that looks so nice. We walk in and the smell of freshly baked bread and the coffee brewing hits my nostrils. My stomach is right now burning with hunger. Trevor walks to an empty table that has three chairs and I follow him. He moves the chair for me and I sit on it with a smile. He takes the one before me and takes the card on it. I take a look at that as well and the food options sound really good. "Good Morning Sir, Ma'am. What would you like to order today?" A girl who is almost of my age chirps with a bright smile. "Egg muffins and hashbrowns, a regular latte please" Trevor and I say in Unison. The girl smiles at us and nods. She notes the order down and walks away. Trevor and I look at each other. We like the same food. It is nice to know. "I need to ask you something" I say and he looks at me. "Don't be a f*****g chicken!" Mist says in the back of my head. "And your comments are not really helping me!" I shout at her and roll my eyes. Trevor places his hands on the table and looks at me. I exhale out loud and decided not to be a f*****g chicken. "Do you regret what happened last night?" I ask and look at him. Even a slightest change in expression, I am going to leave about all of this right here and right now. But his expression doesn't change. In fact, he looks at me as if he is amused by a certain fact. Maybe amused because I am dumb enough to ask such question? "What makes you think so?" He asks me and I find myself shrugging as an answer to that question. "Because I know I am not that good in bed, and that I am not your mate" I whisper trying my best not to say that out loud. Trevor smiles as he shakes his head at me. "True, we are not mates. But don't feel that you aren't that good in bed" he says and I just look at him. What am I hearing? I study his face and I see his black hair boring holes into my soul. I feel nervous now all of a sudden. "Pearl!" He whispers and I look at him. He is now leaning closer to me. I can hear his whispers too. I look around to see if someone is looking at us, but everyone is busy with their own things. I focus on Trevor back again and he is already smiling. "Last night, was the best I have ever had" he says and I feel a sensation rush through every vein of my body. But, the same sentence brings another thought in my mind. "You have had girls before?" I ask him and he nods. My smile turns into a frown. I know he is not mine to begin with, but that sentence made me feel a little more insecure of my own self. I guess Trevor observed the frown on my face. Trevor extends his hand so he touches my cheek. And he makes me look up into his eyes. "But no one matches you. You are the best" he whispers and stands up. I stand up along with him as well and he claims my lips with his. His lips move as if he is already habituated to kissing mine, and I am not objecting it! The waitress clears her throat making us pull away. My cheeks are now flushed, and I sit back into the chair. She sets our food on the table and winks at me with a smile as she walks away. I never knew there would be a rainbow in my life too. And I see myself falling for Trevor a little more each passing second.
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