TWH Chapter 11: The substitute tutor

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Peter's POV Lately, I noticed Chloe for being too sensitive. I admit I am quite surprised when she suddenly walked out of the library. I just aired my opinion about Ella and then she suddenly got mad at me. I tried following her but to no avail. She already went inside the bus and headed home. I knew her, when she's angry, she doesn't want to talk to anyone. Unless she already cooled down from what she's feeling. "Are you okay now?" "I'm sorry I left a while ago." I can hear her soft voice on the other line. This kind of voice always makes my heart flutter. "It's okay. I also apologize for what I did that offended you a while ago." "No. Please do not mind it. Sorry that I have to react like that." "I shouldn't do it when I know it will hurt you." "Of course, it is not good to judge someone without us knowing Ella's real personality." "I was just telling my opinions. I never thought that it will offend you in any way." "I am not directly offended and you know that. I am just empathizing with Ella. I know she is already undergoing some difficulties. We might never know what she's been through, so instead of judging, we'll just understand her in any way we can." She explained. I can't help but sigh. Ella found herself a faithful fan in Chloe. She's very lucky. "Yeah, I regret what I did. I'm sorry." "Don't be. It's totally fine." "I guess I have to study the psychology of girls and their attitude. Girls are unpredictable most of the time." "I can't agree more." She giggled and I can't help but smile as I hear her. "I miss you, Chloe. Can I go to your house?" I said. I heard her chuckle on the other line. "You're silly. It's already seven in the evening. We'll just see each other tomorrow." She replied. I can instantly see her smiling face as she said those words. I guess I knew her for the longest time because I can even see her reaction even if I am just calling her. "Awww. Is that so? Well then, I can't wait for tomorrow to come." I sounded sweet that I can hear her laugh a little. "I miss you too. I can't last a day without talking to you. Please forgive my being unpredictable." "You always know what I feel for you. I understand you because I knew you well." He said in a reassuring tone. She said goodbye after three minutes of a call. Now I wonder, how long is she going to be a fan of Ella Grande? Is she really happy about it? Is she being a fan because she likes Ella that much? Or is she thinking something else? Ever since she started being a fan of Ella, she started to change. She's doing many things that she isn't supposed to be doing. She even breaks her own rules for her to try to please Ella. I wanted to stop her from idolizing her too much because it is not becoming of her anymore. However, how can I stop the happiness of the woman I love so much. ---- The next day, Ella started to stay in the library longer than she used to be. She remembered Ella bragging her promise to visit the library whenever she has a vacant time. Chloe can't seem to forget that and visit the place as often as possible. "I am so happy to meet you here." Darlene cheerfully said as she sat next to her. She looked tired from her facial expression. "Why do you have to work here when you already work for Ella?" Chloe asked her not blinking an eye. She wanted to see how she will answer her questions. Darlene sighed and eventually smiled. "I have my reasons." "It doesn't hurt if you tell me a little," Chloe said as she softly giggled. She inched closer to her as she roamed her eyes sideward to see if she's being observed by the librarian. "Well, I miss being alone with books. They are my safest haven. If I have to stay there at Ella's mansion, I can't see a lot of books and it is making me sad." "Is that so?" "All I can see are scattered magazines and different beauty stuff. She doesn't even have a study or a mini-library of her own. How can she live a life like that?" Darlene said, as if not hiding what she needed to say. Chloe saw her frown as she said those words. "Well, maybe that's her lifestyle after all." "I can't imagine myself having that kind of lifestyle. It's simply dull and lifeless." "Well, for us nerds..." Chloe raised her fingers to show her the "quote and quote" gesture to Darlene. "Books are life. Without them, we can't be happy." She added, smiling. She just wants her friend to understand that some people born beautiful and privileged in life mustn't put a lot of books nor keep one because they've got money to make their worlds go round. "And I will be happy with books, until forever. Forget salary for a while, you will just earn it soon. Go for a good read, the things that you will learn from books will last inside your brain forever. No one ever told me they regret reading one. "Yeah, you're right about that." She said as she nodded to me politely. "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot what am I supposed to tell you," Chloe added. "Huh?" "Have you told Ella about me being a substitute if in case you'll not be available, perhaps?" "Oh my goodness! I already forgot that I have a student council interview at this time." Darlene said as he stood at the library. "But you haven't answered my question yet." "No. I still have to figure out the way of how will I do it. Given that, of course, Ella is a busy woman. You can't simply talk to her without setting an appointment on normal days." "Whoah! Can you tell me more?" "Oh dear, oh dear. There will be no more. I better get going. See you when I see you!" Chloe waved and shouted as Darlene went ahead of her from the outside of the library. "I hope you'll remember me to introduce to her when you have time," Chloe said softly as she lets out a sigh. She followed Darlene by her eyes until she's nowhere in sight. "I am seeing a glimpse of hope, knowing that any time soon I can work with Ella, and I will be her private tutor instead." Chloe murmured happily. Thinking of the possibility of her job, she can't hide her excitement of meeting Ella face to face. She can't wait for more. ---- Darlene's meeting with the student council has finally come to an end. As she looks at the clock, she knew somebody must be diligently waiting for her to come. She rushed inside Ella's room immediately inside their house. She's already known by all of the people there as Ella's tutor. That's why she gained access most of the time, in going inside and outside of the mansion. "Are you ready? Sorry to keep you waiting for me." "As if I have a choice," Ella muttered as she rolled her eyes. Darlene smiled as she sits next to Ella's bed. On the other hand, Ella is lying down the bed, sidewards looking at her. She supported her head with her left hand, her elbow on the bed. She's wearing a pink, silk robe that glitters. Her face is also covered with white cream, except her eyes and lips. "You have to understand math phobias through understanding and memorizing them one by one," Darlene said, looking at Ella. She wanted to resign so badly, however, if not for Ella's father, she's not also here. There are many things her family has done for her and Darlene is very thankful for it and yet, It is making her feel the worst, either. It's like a lifetime curse that she has to be there for Ella. 'I hope she can able to stand for herself at least once in a while. She's not getting any younger she needs to think about the perspective of contrasting worlds she might encounter along as she faces her life independently. If she thinks she's dependent well enough, then I am never impressed.' Darlene saw Ella as she reached out to her personalized "Ella" pen on her bedside table from the other side of the bed. She is using it most of the time. "Please study effectively. Try to understand the contents of your book well, dear!" "I am trying, don't you all worry." "Try not to sleep because, in a week, there will be major exams that are coming. You have to understand what you're trying to answer one by one." "Okay, okay. Please do not remind me over and over again. I feel bad about myself if you continue that." "I'm sorry," Darlene said. As she looked at Ella, she saw her folding her arms tight and looking at her with an icy stare. "Oh by the way, before I forgot, I want to let you know that if I can't report to you or whenever I wanted to request a leave for work, you will have another substitute tutor that will take care of you." "What? Why? Can't I review whenever you're not here, instead?" Ella said as she smiled at her tutor. Darlene just smirked off the idea she's suggesting. "You shouldn't stop reviewing. Don't worry. I know the substitute tutor myself just in case it will happen. "Who?" Ella asked with raised eyebrows. "Chloe Prin."
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