TWH Chapter 12: Chloe's second best

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"What?" "You heard me right. I put my confidence in her since she's my friend and I know her for many years now." "How dare you hire someone I don't even know?" Ella said as she frowned. She even put her hands on her hips as she raised her eyebrows. "It doesn't matter if you didn't know her. What matters the most is her effectiveness to help you pass the coming exams. "My gosh, you know what? Let me tell you a secret, I can pay so that I can pass the test without any question at all." Ella said, folding her arms as she rested it below her chest. Darlene smirked her idea off. "How will you feel about it afterward? Will you be proud of yourself when you will pass because you "paid" for it? How ridiculous could it sound? Do you even hear yourself?" "Ah, you piece of s**t," Ella answered. She's pissed as hell because of what Darlene is saying to her. "I'm the piece of s**t you're benefiting from. Stop talking nonsense. Start reading and learn from them one by one, understood?" Ella rolled her eyes at her while grabbing the snack her maid prepared for her. Darlene handled the books that she needed to study. Ella finally found herself a seat and a table for her to sit down. As she is reading a few pages of the book, she looked at Darlene and smiled. "Well, what can I do? Anyways, you can select anyone as my tutor because I trust you a lot." Ella finally said with a sigh. "That's good to know." Although a bit hesitant, Ella accepted the deal because she had known Darlene for almost a year already. Her tutor smiled at her because Ella agreed right away. "Please tell her to see me at my house. It would be much better for you to go here with her tomorrow instead." "Wow. I never see that coming." Darlene answered, a bit amazed. "Well, I guess we have to talk to us to know each other a little. Also, I want to tell her about my rules and the payment scheme for her service." "You're not planning to fire me, right?" "Well, if you give me a reason to do so, I will not hesitate and you know me well." "Of course." "Just remember what I said. I have to meet her tomorrow." "Clear enough. I will make a phone call with her right away." Darlene said. She just nodded and smiled. Well, the whole plan is not bad at all. Besides, she has her plans, too. She knew Chloe Prin a bit. That senseless, ugly girl who almost ruined her Ethereal Ella's fashion show. How can she able to forget her? She must not feel bad about Darlene hiring Chloe for her. It might turn out to be a blessing in disguise for her and she might have her revenge for what she did. She smiled as she continued reading some pages she didn't even understand. ---- "Good news, girl. Ella agreed." Darlene excitedly called Ella minutes after Ella allowed what she wanted. "Oh my, that fast?" She heard the other line giggled with happiness. She can't help but smile. "Of course. As if she has a choice." "Whoah! You don't know how happy I am, dear! How can I ever thank you?" "My gosh, you're one, lucky fan," Darlene answered. She can't help but chuckle because she can hear Chloe's enthusiasm after hearing the good news. "Yeah, and you made it possible." "Well, do not feel very happy, though. It's more of a nightmare rather than a job opportunity so must be prepared at all times." "I will keep that in mind, dear." "You have to go with me tomorrow. She'll talk to you about the job.' "Wow! Oh my! Really?" "Don't be too excited. Go get some sleep first and be presentable. She wanted girls who take care of their physical appearance." After all, Darlene will be the one who will benefit the most because she can now take her to leave without feeling any guilt. She's very happy that she hasn't got a hard time convincing that brat. "Okay. Thank you once again dear! I will always be grateful for this favor." "Gosh, the coming nightmare should not be thankful for. This is more of a warning: Goodluck!" "If you like what you want to do, no matter how hard it is, at the end of the day, you will only feel happiness." "Well, we may have different perspectives. I just wish you the best." "Thank you, Darlene! You're the best friend I've ever had." "Second to Peter." Chloe chuckled. "Ah, yes. How could I ever forget that punk?" She said and they laugh together. ---- "Our highness, I still don't get it. Why did you put all those trash inside the cauldron?" "You are one, thoughtless crow I don't know what to do with you anymore." "Curiosity doesn't kill, our highness." "But if you're one, senseless crow, you'd better say goodbye to your body now." "Oh our dearest queen, you know a joke, right?" "I know and do not make a fool out of me." She said, really pissed. They are facing the boiling cauldron again, this time Belladonna grinned as she smelled what she's making. "Those are the things that she owns, my dearest crow. I used them as my main ingredient for my special potion to add its power, you'll see." "So, she's the girl that you plan to have?" The crow answered, sounding annoying and curious at the same time. Belladonna just looks at him with a meaningful look as she grinned. "I will just wait for an opportunity to make someone's dream a reality." "Well, Trekke might be happy to know that your potion could help someone in the living world. Imagine the queen of the undead finally supports the queen of Flaura." "Yuck. I want to sulk about the idea." "But you're doing it anyway, right?" The crow saw Belladonna Grimm's smile. From her reaction, he suddenly shuddered. The crow is scared of Belladonna and what she does with her power, how much more with the things running in her mind that's not known to him? That is the real scary thing. "I can already smell my success. It is almost done." She said as she cackled aloud. The crow just alighted on her shoulders. "I am just on your side, our highness. I want to be the first to witness your sweet success." ---- Darlene held her hand as she entered Ella's guest room. She can't help but be amazed because of the overall interior design. It followed a minimalist interior design of floral and spiral themed combined. Sophistication and elegance is the first thing you'll notice inside the room. She can't help but smile. She was impressed by how beautiful the mansion is, including the rooms she hasn't got the chance to see. She remembered the last time she passed out. She was placed in a room but not in this type. That room is just simple and the interiors were almost white all over. "You're both here." They both turned their backs and saw Ella. She went home from school because she's still wearing a skimpy uniform. 'I haven't got the chance to see her up close and I never realized she's even this beautiful.' Chloe said to herself, almost gasping with awe. The three of them sat together on that meeting table Ella prepared. Ella smiled sweetly as usual, while Darlene smirked with full of disgust. As of Chloe, she secretly pokes Darlene's left part of her waist with her right elbow under the sheets of the table. "Nice to meet you, Chloe Prin. My name is Ella Grande." "I already knew you. I am a big fan." Chloe answered as she shook hands with Ella in a tight manner. It's now Darlene's turn to poke her elbow secretly on Chloe's waist without Ella noticing it. She let go of Ella's hand right away and bowed her head down in an apologetic way. "Oh. Thank you so much." Ella said as she smiled more. "Shall we start?" Darlene interrupted, obviously impatient from what she's seeing right now. "Oh, yeah. Chloe, here's a folder of the things you should know more as a substitute tutor, just in case Darlene will be unavailable or she has some urgent matters to attend to." "Why don't you tell her about it more?" Darlene commented one more time. "Well, I guess that would be a waste of time already. I only spared twenty minutes for this meeting." "Whoah. You're that busy." Chloe said, really amazed. "Yes. I am sorry I will not take long. Do you have any questions before I go?" Ella straightforwardly asked her. "I-I don't know. There are too many questions for you but then I guess I will keep it and ask you next time." "Okay, then. It is all settled. Thank you for attending now. Ella said as she stood up. Darlene just rolled her eyes from what she's seeing. She came near Chloe who is still smiling as she followed her gaze to Ella who is leaving the room right now. She folded her arms as she comes near her best friend who looks like she's in cloud nine. "How I wish she could be like that all the time." "What do you mean?" Chloe said as she hears Darlene's voice. Chloe's smile suddenly faded away after what she heard from her best friend. "She's just keeping her temper at school but here, it's the total opposite of her behavior. Please take care of yourself." Darlene warned her as she receives the folder. "I still don't understand what you're talking about." "Chloe, there are things that Ella does that we don't know yet. Please do not stay too close to her or you will regret it for the rest of your life!" "You sounded like Peter but this time, it's the girl's version. I love it! You're my best friend second to Peter, Darlene!" "You make my heartache. You're making it clear that I will forever be your second best." "At least there's still "best" in it." "You're silly." Darlene accompanied Chloe until one of the personal drivers of Ella to fetch Chloe home. As soon as the two got off the car, Chloe is surprised when Darlene hugged her. "I just want to make you feel well. Please remember what I am telling you about Ella. You don't know her yet, but if you do, I hope you will not regret it." "What are those things I should regret about Ella Grande? Gosh, call me to fool but do you even know her." 'I do not personally know her, that's for sure. However, I knew her enough to warn you to stop idolizing her too much." "Fine, Darlene," Chloe said as she sighed aloud. How can she argue to someone who just helped her? "Never, ever put your trust to Ella Grande. That would be the last thing you'll ever do." 'Do not worry, I will remember every reminder you said now." Darlene hugged Ella and went inside their house. She had a long day because of what happened. However, she is happy because her dreams are finally becoming a reality. She will work for Ella Grande. It means she will be close to her. She can't wait.
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