TWH Chapter 10: The loneliest road

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Chloe's POV I can't remember the last time I felt so upset, not until today. I hurriedly got on the bus right after Peter said those words. I admit I am getting used to his harsh opinion as always. However, this time I guess he's already crossing the line too much. I understand that he's only trying to think of what's best for me and I always appreciate that. However, it is not always good to say something against someone you don't even know personally. I know Ella is beautiful and popular but then, who gave us the right to judge her? Who knows, despite her, being so popular and all, she is also undergoing a lot of struggles other people are not aware of. I'd often see her as my inspiration. I prefer admiring her, to the point of accepting the fact that she's not perfect as other people will perceive her to be. I don't want to be like other people who love to see her faults, even bash her to the core until it hurts. That's not simply me in the first place. I guess Ella doesn't deserve to be hated because she's not doing anything wrong for people to judge her that easily. I would often feel that it is not always fair to treat other people depending on how she would look like. If she's ugly and unappealing, people will just put hate over the things that person is capable of doing, rather than appreciating what's unique in her. Maybe that's life sometimes. It isn't fair, and will never, ever be. Well, except for Ella, though. She's always the queen of exemptions, I wonder if sometimes she's getting tired of all the attention she's having. My thoughts were interrupted when the bus finally stopped near the place where I live. I stood up from where I am seated and got off the bus. I walked slowly along the wide pavement surrounded by plants and trees all over. I still need to walk for about one kilometer until I reach the doorstep of our house. On my way, I will have to pass a wide children's park and an abandoned, old cemetery. The rusty metal gate was all locked up. No one is living near it because of the eerie feeling that it is giving to almost everyone that passes beside it. I heard from my mom that the landowner filed bankruptcy because most of his businesses went down. He has to pawn one of his properties to the bank. That includes the cemetery and we never heard of him ever since. The children's park is already closed at four in the afternoon. That's why I can only see many cars running on the road, as if also in a hurry. I think they don't want to pass by the cemetery at dusk because it looks creepy to me, too. I tried walking as fast as I could so that I can reach home and finish my homework quickly. I suddenly wanted to eat dinner with my mom who often goes home late. "Oh, dear...I am hungry. Please give me some food." I heard someone from behind me. "Oh my gosh! You startled me." I softly uttered as I looked at someone who called my attention. "I am so sorry dear. Sorry to make you feel that way. Did I scare you?" The old woman, who looked more of a beggar roaming around the streets. When he looked at me, I was able to notice the details of her face. I was also able to look at her from head to toe. She's a bit tall, with saggy skin all around her face. She's having a pointed nose and thin lips. Her teeth were a mixture of yellowish and black, obviously not taken care of for a long time. She's wearing all black, with a cape on her back and a hood that's covering her hair. "No, not at all." I tried to sound calm but I can't help but feel nervous at this point. It is because, for me, she looked like a witch more than a beggar. She looked scary to me. I am having goosebumps all over my body when she shows me her smile that creeps the hell out of me. "Are you alone? Do you have your daughter or son with you? You should not go here often. Car accidents are happening here most of the time." I added, looking around me. I realized there were only two of us talking to each other now. "I am alone but thank you so much for being so thoughtful. This humble, old woman is very happy." "I don't mind at all, ma'am," I answered. I was surprised as hell my heart almost skipped a beat when she called my attention a while ago. I wasn't even feeling a presence going past me because that's one of the loneliest roads this city has, most especially at this time of day. "I am so sorry but I am so hungry, my dear. Please give me some food to eat." She said, teary-eyed as she looked at me directly to my eyes. "Oh, okay ma'am." I awkwardly smiled at her as I removed my backpack from my shoulders. I opened her bag and I saw a beef sandwich and a small box of the chocolate drink inside. Peter would often leave many kinds of food inside my bag, it became my wonderland. "Here, ma'am. Please take it." I held the food on both my hands and insisted on her to take then. I can see the old woman's excited reaction. I can't help but smile as soon as I realize this precious moment. I'm already used to Peter's simple sweet gestures. I knew that I'll never run out of food because I'm always hungry. It is just today that I missed eating what he bought for me because I immediately walked out after that library incident. "Thank you so much, dear. You have a good heart." She smiled after she ate all of what I have given her. I noticed she's very quick in eating all of those. "You're welcome, ma'am. I better get going. My mom is waiting for me now." I said as I nod. She also smiled back at me. I walked past her but I stopped when I heard those faint, creepy voices. She's very sure that it was the voice of an old woman that has been bugging her for days. "Well, every person with a good heart deserves a reward." I was able to turn my back quickly to look at her for the last time but I can't see her anymore. "Huh? Where is she?" I look around but all I can feel is the cold breeze touching my skin, instead of her presence. I hugged myself this time. Am I being tricked by my thoughts? I knew I saw her just now but why is she gone all of a sudden? I turned on my phone and dialed my mom's number. I can feel my knees trembling from what I just witnessed. "Where are you, dear?" "M-Mom...I-I am on my way home." I tried to sound calm as much as possible. I can hear my mom is doing something, most probably preparing our dinner for tonight. Maybe she's just putting her phone in between her shoulders and cheek because both her hands were full and busy. "Okay, honey. Please take care. Come home quickly, alright?" Before I say another word, she already hung up on me. I started walking as fast as I could. I admit I feel really scared right now. I want to think that everything that happened tonight isn't real. I think I need to take a break and rest. ---- Belladonna Grimm is slowly ascending the stairs as she goes to the room where she's making her potion. The crow alighted on her shoulders but then she noticed he seemed to be quiet this time. "My crow, what happened to you? Can't you talk?" She asked him, frowning. The crow squealed right away. "I don't want to bounce against the wall again, our highness." He said as he flapped his wings. He seemed to be stretching his body well. "Oh, silly creature." She said as she laughed out loud. The crow laughed nervously with her too. "So, our highness...what is your plan?" "Have you seen the girl, my crow?" "Yes, our highness. What about her?" "She can help me complete my potion. In return, I can grant her wish, her very desire she's been keeping deep within her heart." She said as she smiled. She stopped in front of the old, wooden door of the room where the potion is. She walked towards the iron cauldron of the potion. It is still boiling. The green-colored liquid is almost brimming as it rose above. "I can feel her burning desire." "What? Desire? When?" The crow suddenly shut his beak off as soon as he saw Belladonna Grimm's killer stare at him. "Poor you my dear. You're not observant enough." "Is that so?" "I can feel her earnest desire for change and I can do her a favor if she'll let me." Belladonna Grimm smiled, a meaningful one. She got the tissue wrapper and the box of chocolate she enjoyed a while ago inside her cloak. She threw them on the boiling potion and it slowly sank into the boiling green-colored liquid. After a minute, it created a tiny exploding effect. It emitted white smoke as it arose in the air. "The iron cauldron is not a trash bin, and you know that, right? Our highness?" "And do you know that if I will be pissed, you'll be included in there, too?" "I did not say a thing, our highness. You never heard a word I said..." The crow defensively replied to Belladonna Grimm. Before she loses her patience to the crow, she shifted her gaze to the things she had thrown inside. "These are the things that she offered as a sign of good deed to others." "I still don't understand." The crow said as he looked upward. Belladonna sighed aloud as she rolled her powerful eyes. "You don't need to. Just watch and learn, my dear. Watch and be amazed." "Well, I am with you always, you're highness. I will know everything, eventually for sure." "We'll continue to go to the world of the living. I like that girl, I shall keep my eyes on her." ----
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