TWH Chapter 13: Blessedest bliss

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"I am free to file a leave any time I want." Darlene cheerfully said as she hugged Ella. She seems to be stunned after she hears that from her friend. "Sure. I will be more than happy to do that for you, my dear." "Well, Ella is quite good but most of the time, it depends upon her mood to do it for others." "From the way you sound, you knew her quite a lot." "Of course." Darlene confidently answered. "She is so hard to deal with. I had a hard time discovering how I could handle her." "How did it go?" "Well, after a lot of observation from her, I managed to get to know her attitude in the long run." "Really?" Chloe's expression is amazed by what she heard from Darlene. She badly wanted to know her idol more so that she will minimize the possibility of disappointing her if ever she will have to start working for her. "First, you have to show her that you're not predictable. I don't want to see you being manipulated by her. That's the worst thing to happen." "Whoah. Is she doing that?" "Well...I cannot exactly tell but please, notice how action speaks louder than words. She might not tell it directly to you but she's great when it comes to manipulating people without you even noticing it." "Well, it may differ from who she's dealing with. I strongly believe in this." "And I do not want you to be manipulated by her. I am telling you this because we're two different personalities." "You are assuming that I am always the underdog." "Why, is it not obvious? Do you know that Peter already assumed this one to happen? That's why he told me to remind you about this just in case." "Well, congratulations to him it is happening." "I know your best friend is only thinking about you because he cares so much." "I hope he's not judging Ella from what he's doing right now." "You will understand why he's doing it soon." ---- Chloe was tasked to do Ella's homework after three days of her being hired as her assistant tutor. She was able to do Ella's homework and so far, Ella is enjoying everything because the accuracy is great. Darlene is right. Chloe can do her duties and even exceed her expectations. However, Ethereal Ella's fashion show is only happening once in a year. She was able to invest a lot from that show. Being a perfectionist, she was disappointed with the outcome. All because of Chloe Prin. How can she ever forget her when she made a show for herself? Nobody could ever steal her show from her. No one. "Here's your homework, Ella." Chloe timidly smiled as she handed three pieces of paper to Ella in an awkward manner. Ella smiled as she received it. She examined it closely to herself and she noticed how Chloe exerted some efforts in doing complicated math problems. "Oh, there's a small ink that's making this page ugly." Before Chloe retrieve the papers from Ella's hand, she started to tear the paper into many pieces. Chloe can't help but drop her jaw in shock. Ella looked at Chloe's reaction as she did that thing for her. As she looked at Chloe's face, she can see that she's about to cry but she's just stopping herself from doing so. "I have no extra copy of that, Ella," Chloe answered her as she looked down and bit her lower lip. 'Dear, never allow yourself to cry in front of her, or else you'll give her the reason for her to manipulate you more...' Chloe just kept these words to herself. "Is that even a problem? I know it's just easy for you to do it again, right? Just answer everything from the very beginning and then bring it to school first thing in the morning tomorrow." "B-But..." "Are you going to resign now?" Ella asked her most sarcastically while not losing her smile. "No, that's not what I mean. It's just that--" "Well, just do what I say." After she heard those words from Ella, she can't help but run away from Ella's room. ---- Chloe's POV I want to believe what they are saying is true. I've been very patient in dealing with her attitude but today, it's just too much to handle. I am now sitting on one of the benches to the park near the cemetery. I noticed I am already sitting alone within that area because it is already a quarter to five in the afternoon. The whole place is getting quieter. The only noise that I am hearing is the silent breeze that touches my skin. I will be telling lies if I will say I can't feel any eerie feeling right now. I hugged my arms as I slowly looked around. I didn't notice tears already falling down my cheeks. Is it wrong to give someone the benefit of the doubt? The only strength I have is having a good heart but why is it that somebody is trying to steal it away from me? I thought doing good will always be an admirable deed to start with...why is it that it might seem so wrong for other people? Am I doing bad for doing good? What benefit should I get if I will change a bit? Is my life worth living? I slowly get up and walk to our house. I feel drained right now all I want to do is to sleep. I entered the house and I noticed my mom is holding the remote control of our TV while sitting in the living room. When she saw me, she paused from what she's doing. "Hey, darling. Eat your dinner now. You looked tired." "Mom, I'm not hungry," I muttered as I walk past her. I feel so tired and drained that I can't even feel my legs anymore as I ascend the stairs in going to my room. When I opened the door, I threw my schoolbag on a nearby chair and I walk towards my bed. I plunged my body at the center of it, feeling the soft, white mattress that covered my wide bed. The comfort I instantly felt made me close my eyes automatically. "Hello! I am a fan!" A lot of people flocked towards me as they forced to shake their hands to me. I am too stunned that I just smiled awkwardly. I have no idea what's going on right now... "Hey, babe. Let's go?" Somebody put his hand on my shoulders as he pulled me closer to him. When I look upward to see who's talking to me, I froze in an instant. "A-Axle Wiles?" My eyes widened in shock as I said those words. He just grinned. He even stole a kiss on my cheek I did not see it coming. I saw the people around me cheered as if they love what they are seeing at this moment. "They are made for each other." I saw a girl giggle as she pokes her friend who is also smiling like crazy. I am confused this time, I don't know what is happening anymore. "Yes, I agree. I love their loveteam." I heard others commented in unison. They even had high-fives. I can see Axle Wiles smiled at them. He held my hand in front of them. "Let's go?" Without hearing my answer, he pulled me away from the crowd as we head towards her fancy car parked to the VIP parking area of the school premises. I am more of being hypnotized because, well, that's Axle Wiles pulling me, shall I say no? If I already consider this my dream come true? "What is happening to you? Are you okay?" "Ella...what's wrong? Are you alright?" He added that made me stopped walking instantly. I slowly turned my head on one of the car's window to see her reflection. I suddenly opened my eyes and now, I can only see the white-colored ceiling of my room. A dream. Now I am wondering. If it is only a dream, then why does it feel so real? It is so real she could still feel Axle Wiles' breath on her cheek. The hand that held hers and his kind of grip that does not want to let go as much as possible. It's like more of a reality coming out from a dream. It made my heart race like crazy. I slowly touched my chest to feel my heartbeat. Right now, I can feel is that my heart wants to go out of my ribcage. I have mixed emotions this time. I don't exactly know if I feel excited, scared, happy, or neither from the choices. It is totally weird. Being the "Ella Grande"? In my dream, I could see all the faces from the crowd as they flock towards me for an autograph. I could feel my heart slowly filling with happiness. I saw myself the desperation from their faces just to ask an autograph coming from me. I could see how their eyes sparkled as I smiled at them all. So, I think that's the bliss that Ella Grande is feeling every time she faces her fans. No wonder, she has the right to feel so proud of herself. Now, this is the feeling of living the life of Ella. I can't help but smile. If that is a dream, I shouldn't wake up from this life of being "Chloe Prin". I wanted the life of "Ella Grande" better. "Darling..." I heard a faint voice that speaks right through my head. I looked around but nobody is there. I suddenly grabbed my blanket and covered it over me as I am now in my sitting position on my bed. "Who are you?" I exclaimed, trying to sound brave as much as possible. "Do you want to live the life of Ella Grande?" That faint sound followed a cackle as if I am hearing the voice of an old witch. That is a faint, whispering sound, I can almost feel somebody is telling all these right beside me, inch closer to my left ear. I shut my eyes. I closed it because I felt really scared. I can feel goosebumps all over my body, from the strand of my hair down to my toenails. "What do you know about? Go away! Please!" "Is that what you wanted? Darling, you can still change your mind. I can grant your wish. You can be Ella Grande..." I automatically opened my eyes and right in front of my face under the white blanket, I can see a beautiful woman that's wearing all black staring at my face as she grinned. Our face is close to each other I can hear her breathing. I wanted to move but this time, I think I am just frozen. Maybe because of this scared and shocked emotion that controlled me already this time. But what did she say? I can be Ella Grande? Can she do it for me?
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