TWH Chapter 9: What have I done?

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"What help, our highness?" The crow excitedly asked, flapping his wings. He can't contain what he's feeling right now. Belladonna smiled as she stretched her arms. The crow started to walk from her shoulders to her arms, and eventually to the tip of her pointing finger. The crow instantly transformed into a black rose clip for her hair. She's able to put on her beautiful clip as she fixed her hair to a different hairstyle again. She grinned. "You have to go with me. We'll visit the world of the living where people have their own desires." She held the special wooden spoon again and mixed her pot of potion. As she mixed it slowly this time, the surface became clearer and she was able to see the world she wanted to visit. The world of the living. The world where people are all busy doing whatever they want or required of their lives. "Look at them, my darling. I guess they are ready for me to make their dreams come true, what do you think?" She said as she cackled aloud. Her boisterous laughter echoed the whole Wiltshill which made the whole place creepier this time. ---- "Peter, where are you?" Chloe asked, looking very impatient as he called him. "I'm still in the library. You can go here if you want." She sighed as she ended the call. She went there right away because she's really bored, she got nothing to do. As soon as she went inside the library, camera flashes greeted her. She was able to cover her face with her hands. When she noticed that the flashes of cameras moved into another direction, she slowly opened her eyes. She saw Ella Grande standing to one of the center aisles opening some books as flashes of camera followed her. She smiled sweetly as other students cannot get enough of her beauty. She sat on one of the tables, crossing her legs. She's wearing the University uniform but a skimpier one. "Ella...thank you for visiting the library. I know many students will be inspired to go here because you visited us." One of the working students said as she greeted her. "Oh, it's a pleasure." She said, smiling even more as she flips her hair. "What's your favorite book so far?" A curious student suddenly asked. Chloe can see a sudden change of her facial reaction. It's as if she's caught off guard, not feeling comfortable this time. Chloe remembered what Darlene said, that even if Ella could answer all her homework, she's not a fan of studying. Some of her classmates even secretly gossiped her to other students of having a very low score on her quizzes. She's just smiling and yet other students became curious too, they all went silent to hear what she's going to answer. "She loves Romeo and Juliet. A girl like Ella Grande is a fan of William Shakespeare. A fun fact about her!" Chloe exclaimed at the back of the students crowding around her. They were able to turn around and others stepped on the side for Ella to see who said those words. Chloe instantly put her hands on her mouth. She could see Ella's relieved look as she stared at her. Chloe felt happy deep inside when she saw Ella Grande smiled at her for what she did just now. "Wow! We never knew that! She's indeed a real Ella Grande fan!" Other girls said as some clapped their hands because of amazement. "Not really." She smiled at those students who happened to be her colleagues. She know they will not stop interrogating Ella if they will not hear any answers coming from her. It's better to speak on her behalf so that her idol will be safe from further questions. "Yes. I love that book. A classic love story of all time, it never grows old." Ella said and other students focused their attention to her now, rather than Chloe who just saved her from possible humiliation. "We hope to see you here more often." "I'd be more than happy. If my schedule permits, you will definitely get tired of my presence most of the time." "We never mind. It will always be our pleasure to welcome beautiful guests like you here." One of her boy fans quickly exclaimed out of nowhere. Chloe just smiled bitterly. Well, she's somehow happy, too. At least, she's eventually making it up for Ella and what she did that almost ruined her show. She didn't exactly know what happened but she's very sure that Ella will somehow appreciate her help from what she did just now. She slowly stepped out of the crowd, unnoticed. A lot of people still were into Ella that they did not care about Chloe at all. She took another step and everything around her seemed to stop right away. There were students opening their books and the two seemed to be happy, but now they stopped moving even a muscle. She snapped by looking around her and she's shocked when even the ticking of the clock stopped. She rubbed both of her eyes and everything are not changing. She gently slapped both of her cheeks using both her palms but the people around her seemed to be not moving at all. They all paused from what they're doing. It's like everyone was participating in a statue dance. "What? Am I the only one that's moving?" Chloe exclaimed aloud as she started to move around their wide library, walking around, looking through the aisles one by one, peeking from the other side between the books arranged neatly on the shelves. "Are you not getting tired of everything that's happening in your life right now?" She heard a faint, whispering voice of an old woman. She tried looking around but she cannot see who is talking to her right now. "Who are you?" "I could be someone you badly wanted to meet." "Why would I?" She said, as she keeps on looking for that voice she's hearing. All that Chloe is seeing right now are all shelves of books and the people who stopped moving from what they are previously doing. "Well, I know the very desire of your heart. I can make it come true..." "Who are you? Please tell me!" Chloe exclaimed, still looking around like crazy. She didn't like the idea that somebody could see her and what she's doing right now, but she can't see that voice that seemed to echo in her mind. She started to feel afraid because she doesn't know whom she's talking to. The voice became faint as she slowly took her every step. The sound of the heels of her shoes is like knocking the ground for the silence seemed to be deafening. "Chloe...please wake up." When she realized her name was being called by an unfamiliar voice, she quickly opened her eyes in a snap of a finger. She can see Peter gently tapping her shoulders. "Am I sleeping the whole time?" She rubbed her eyes and looked around, this time, everyone around her is moving like crazy. She is still inside the library and she's sitting in one of the numerous chairs scattered inside. In front of her were the books that they usually study with Peter. "Yes, you've been sleeping for fifteen minutes now. I just woke you up because the librarian might notice you." Peter inched closer to her ear as he said those words. Being noisy inside the library is prohibited, except for special occasions. "Ella was here a while ago, right?" She asked, remembering what happened a while ago. "Yes. And I always hate it when she will draw much attention. The library went wild a while ago." "Isn't she cool?" Chloe dreamily smiled as her elbow is on top of the table and her hand on her left cheek. Peter frowned in response to what she said. "I will never be impressed. I didn't even like what you did a while ago." "I just said that so that she can notice me." "You don't need to do it, Chloe. Look, she's not into books. She doesn't even know a thing about it and it is very obvious." "I am happy to do it." "Don't be too generous. Not everyone can appreciate your efforts, remember that." "Do you really think so?" She softly said as she started to cry after what she heard from her best friend. Peter was startled after he saw Chloe crying this time. "N-No dear, it is not what I mean. Please don't get me wrong." He said, looking so worried as he held Chloe's arms. She shrugged off his hands in a forceful way. "What do you mean, then? Because I don't even know what I should do for others to approve it." "C-Chloe...I'm so sorry." Peter said as he tried to hold her hand once again. She suddenly stood up and straightened her books, started packing them up inside her bag and started to walk outside the library. Peter tried to catch up with her but she was able to run as fast as she could until she reached the bus stop. A bus stopped right in front of her. After a minute, it went away before Peter could even step inside. He hurriedly searched for his phone inside his bag and started dialing Chloe's number but it is out of reach. "She really turned off her phone so that I can't talk to her. Oh goodness, what have I done?" Peter said in a low voice as his eyes followed the bus as it quickly went away from his sight.
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