Episode 43-Damian's memory lane

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“That’s not possible, could it be that he can see us” Rose questioned but then Morgan froze.   “What is not possible is while I’m feeling so much aura from him” Morgan muttered softly and he felt his vision blurred for a minute like the kid was drawing him but that ended immediately the princess eyes fluttered open, glowing bright white.   A vision hit him…it was princess Angelique apologizing for the hitting Ruby with a flying icicle. Two which had her bleeding.   “We have to hide, she’s not herself; we have to run now” Morgan announced grabbing Ruby’s hands. Rose slowly backed away from the princess and joined the others in running away while knocking Damian out with pollen powder which she always keep in a small bag around her waste. Morgan caught Damian as he fell as immediately start to moving.   Helen’s eyes was still glowing and for a minute she seems to be wondering who she was, but she felt in danger and started looking for who might be trying to injure her except few demons who amanged to survive her first power surge, she didn’t see any other person, angels or demons and then she recalled the angel that were standing around her, feeling they might be a threat. She started looking for them and managed to started following their aura.   “She needs us now more than ever” Ruby whispered in the dark corner they had hidden.   “I saw a vision; she is going to hurt one of us and she’s going to feel awful about it, we have to stay hidden, it looks like the princess had successfully learnt how to muster how power” Morgan sighed softly but they started to feel congested, they all started to rub their chest, something was wrong.   “I can’t breathe” Rose was the first to announce.     “She’s freezing the air, she knows we are here” ruby let out roughly.   “She could kill this child we have to get out” Morgan croaked and pushed open the door of the tiny space they were hidden leaving Damian there passed out.   Morgan managed to rush towards the princess and pushed her with all the strength he had in him. He was a non-fighting angel and he hated violence.   “Get a hold of yourself Princess; we aren’t your enemy. We are your friends, your real enemy is out there sitting on your father’s throne. Get a hold of yourself” Morgan lashed at Helen who stareed at him awkwardly as she felt herself calm a little but then her power flared again.   “You are absolutely right, my real enemy…Vera. She tried to kill me” Helen’s head flooded with images of Vera controlling a huge pile of water into her lungs in an attempt to drown her, maybe she wasn’t going to kill her but she tried all she could to weaken her.   “I’m going to find her” She concluded but Morgan got in her way as she tried to head for the door.   “Do you think-” Morgan didn’t get to finish before she waved him off to one side and freeze his leg to the ground and his hands to the to wall behind him.   “Princess, this is suicide,  you can’t do this alone” Ruby pleadingly tried to stop her but Helen made her go on her knees then froze her there. While she was doing that, Rose eyes glinted Green and she contolled weeds out of the snow and through the window to wrap around Helen but all which wither after Helen controlled after out of them.   “Well, you’ll have to freeze me too because there is no way I am letting you go get yourself killed” Rose gave up after Helen freed herself from the rotten weeds on her.   “How sweet” She commented before forcing er against the wall by controlling the fluids inside then freezing her against.   “You will tell me where this Vera is or I might as well hurt you” Helen threatened but the three angels were not ready to talk and before Helen could act on her threat she felt a strange, soothing aura.   ‘Our mate’ her phoenix danced in her head and she felt herself going unstable. She left the place and walked to hide from her ‘mate’.   Then he entered, and her heart started racing, his effect of her was indescribable. He was making her weak and she only get more furious. Morgan was about to open his mouth and tell him where the princess had gone to hide when she angrily froze all their mouths together while building an ice ball that she sent flying to his direction but she caught it with his hands blazing fire. She felt unsatisfied and her rage only increases.   “How dare he” Helen mumbled building a long ice stick as Alex plead for her to come out but before she could send the ice flying to him she heard him scream and her eyes instantly changed from white to a lighter shade of blue. Her phoenix had managed to assume a temporary control since their mate matters the most.   Helen raced towards Alex direction in an attempt to save him if he was in danger, but he was on the floor, his eyes were closed and he was still. Helen felt weak, the desire to protect her mate overwhelm her as she immediately knelt next to him and brought his head to his hand.   “Alex” She called softly as her aura level started to deplete to normal and her friends slowly unfreeze from the wall.     “Alex, please…open your eyes” Helen pleaded with her heart racing in her chest a million times per hour then he slowly opened but abruptly kissed her. He warmed her up instantly as his aura started to balance hers making her stable. For a moment Helen wanted to fight the kiss but instead she held unto him as Alex cupped her cheek while wrestling with her tongue.   Morgan groaned inhaling nothing but the scent of their pure lust making him crave for his mate as well.   “I think that’s enough you know” Morgan voiced after a long comfortable moment watching them and the two finally win the fight against the mate pull between them.   “I think mating season-    “Is starting tomorrow…we know” Ruby answered uncomfortably while walking out of them. They all looked at her back view with sympathetic faces. Ruby was among the few angels mated to a demon.   And the fact that her mate reacted to the mate pull and tried to r**e her didn’t really help matters for them. Ruby refused to accept him as his mate, her mate while trying to prove himself to her got killed during the war between the angels, and Rose, the secret she has been keeping from her best friend was that her mating dream had started, she was likely to find her mate anytime soon. Helen felt sorry for her but there isn’t much they can do.   “That boy Damian, he’s in back in the hospital…we locked him up when you were trying to suffocate us-   “I’m sorry about that, I seriously had no idea what I was doing” Helen apologized not waiting for Morgan to finish narrating what he did to them.   “No need  for that, we totally understand, what do we do about the boy?” Morgan asked and Helen sighed.   “Do you think you can look into his past, probably find his home address, it’s already late; his parents would be deeply worried especially since he was poisoned in school.   “I’ll try” Morgan said walking to where Damian was. He was still passed out, he was looking rather peaceful in his sleep. Morgan put an hand over his head and tried to see into his past but something unspeakable happy. He got sucked into his memory instead.     “What in the divine name” He muttered with his jaw dropping in awe. His eyes fell on someone sleeping on what looks like a white bed, his eyes were closed and his hands were brought over his stomach, just like the boy he was looking rather peaceful.   “You shouldn’t be here” The man spoke in his sleep right before he was sent right back into his own consciousness.   “What in the divine name just happened?” Morgan questioned right before he found himself seeing into Damian’s past. He really was a brilliant kid…he even has a high-school crush, but while does he has someone’s subconsciousness in him. Could it be? It couldn’t be…Morgan was confused for a minute but decided not to think too much into it but he still felt the boy was more than just a boy.   After a while of looking into Damian’s past he finally got what he wanted but he saw something absurd…it was the boy waking one day while acting as if he was possessed or controlled.   “Morgan, aren’t you done?” He didn’t get to see the full details as he was later distracted.   “Yeah” He responded wryly, looking lost and confused.   “Are you okay?” Rose asked in concern and he forced her a smile as he stood and raise Damian into his hands.   “I know his house” He declared and Rose smiled leaving to inform the others.   “It’s not that far from here” He told the princess after meeting them in the  hallway, they had opened the entrance and it was still heavily snowing.   “Can’t you do something? This is bad weather for flight” rose complained but Helen only shook her head.   “The only way is to tap into my phoenix power and if I do that…I might not be able to control it…I don’t want to go crazy again-   “You weren’t crazy” Alex corrected taking her hand. “Just distracted” He concluded.   “Right” Morgan scoffed his sarcasm under his breath before walking up to the door.   “I guess we have no choice, Princess you might need to stair off the snow as we fly to his house” Helen nodded to his request and they set off together with Lily who had just be watching the whole drama in silence. They reached Damian’s house with the princess staring away the ice but there seems to be a commotion in the house and it could be heard even from the door as they knocked softly on the door.   A woman in his early thirties opened the door, they were shocked to realize she was a demon, she also froze on seeing them.   --------     
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