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"She's sorry? " Yasira huff as she gulp down her cup of water in one goal. What does she think? That I'm going to forgive her, just like that? She should be thankful to Almighty Allah that she's my sister, if not. I would have done worst than this to her. Why am I even her sister and his daughter? I wish, Umma had marry a very good looking,rich man- She frustratedly thought. Yes! Yasira never liked her father for once, and there's no any other reason than because he was not rich. Though she's very afraid of him, but deep down, she hates him so much. And her mother, she knew deep down their Mom was not whom they thought of her to be. She knew from the way her mother behaves sometimes, she's from a noble family. Should I talk to Umma? Was that even necessary? She never like talking about her past, so how will I know what had happened to her in the past? Wait a minute Yasira! From where did this crazy idea of yours came from? She was still thinking on how to find out what had happened to her parents long time ago, when her cell phone started ringing. "Yes..." She rudely said immediately she placed the cell phone on her right ear. "Yas! Yas! Latest news!!!" Her friend screamed. "Are you crazy Shamsiyah! You almost break my eardrum!" she rolled her eyes. Even though Shamsiyah is not there with Yasira, she could feel the irritated tone laced in her voice. Instead, Shamsiyah smirked. "Try to be nice for once Yasira,you really need that a lot" she advised. "What are you? My mother?" She huff. "Whatever" "Why did you call Shams? As you can see, I'm not in the mood." "Yeah, I could sense that. But, I only called you because, there's a hot news for you" "So?" "But before that, what happened to you?" Yasira sighed "As usual, my sister" "Oh no. Not again Yasira! You should be thankful to God all the time that you have such a sister like Ya Yasmeen. I swear, Ya Yasmeen is not whom you thought her to be. Of all people, she's your blood sister! You should know her more than any other person" "You didn't ask what happened and you're already judging?" "Because I know she's always right and most of the time,you're always wrong" "Good! I can see, She had cast her spell on you too...Just tell me what you've got to say before I hang up on you" she threatened. She can't believe her sister has won over Shamsiyah's heart also. "Wait! wait!! wait!!!... Okay, the good news is that, Your Yarima Yamir, is coming to Katsina tomorrow!!" "What?! You mean the crown prince is coming here tomorrow? But how and why? I thought...I thought he was still in abroad" she confusedly stated. "Yeah,he came back two days ago and he's coming there. And you know what? Not only him but also His Highness Sameer is also coming along with him and so is the King too" "Wow! For the first time Shams,this is the most beautiful news, you'll ever give me" "Yeah, whatever" "Okay thank you,I'll hang up now. My regards to Umma. "Wait! You haven't heard all the news yet" "What again?" "You didn't ask me where specific are they coming to?" "Yeah that's true, may be it's because I'm too excited...so tell me, where?" "Babban Saura!!!" "What?! Are you serious?" "I'm very serious Yas Yas....so, gobe be prepared. Bye! Me too, my regards to Ummu" "Bye!" Yasira screamed the moment she dropped her phone. She squeal out in joy. "Her Prince is coming to her!" She thought. She was still screaming, jumping like a little girl who just got candy as a gift when Yasmeen rushed into the room "Yasira, are you okay?" She ask out of concern. "Do I look like I'm?" she retorted instead of answering. Then, she realized something. Since she would need her help,she should be nice towards her till she accomplish her mission then after that, she can be back to her normal self. "Sorry, I heard you screaming. That's why"Yasmeen said with a small smile. "Ukthy,stop acting like you care! Cause you did not!" She spat angrily. "What are you saying Yasira! I loved you and you know that." " Oh! Really? You love me? No, you don't and I really don't like you either Ukthy, let make this clear to you." "I'll never like you because you've snatch everything away from me. Umma, Abbi, the neighbors, my best friend Shamsiyah and everyone else. They got to love you easily even without you trying. What about me? Tell me, what about me? I have to work so hard just to be in their good books. You snatch the most precious person from me, Umma. You snatch Umma's love all to your self! You've got it all to your self! You should be happy!" "What are you saying Yasira, she loves you too. Can't you see it?" Yasira scoff. "Of course, I saw everything. I mean, I've been seeing everything. The love she had for you was very written on her face, in her eyes. Do you think I didn't see it earlier,how disappointed she look when she learnt that I was the one who washed the cloth instead of you! It shows in her eyes. She had expected you to be the one to wash them instead! You took everything away from me!" Yasmeen didn't say anything because she knows her sister was right. She also saw the look in her mother's eyes earlier. She saw the hope, how she wish she was the one who did wash them instead of Yasira. "I'm sorry for everything Yasira. I'll do anything- I mean, I can do anything just for you to be happy. Just tell me, what do you want me to do. And I promise, I'll clear all of this misunderstanding" "I know you too well sister. You won't ever bear to see me sad. And that's your weakness which I'm going to use all the time against you." She thought. "Don't bother, it's not like you'll do it any way" she replied turning her back at her. Please say something! Say it! Tell me once again that you'll do anything for me and I'm going to trap you down in my plan. "I told you Yasira,I'll do anything for you" Yasmeen turned her around to look at her "Tell me, what do you want me to do" "Sister, I don't know if you will be able do it" she fake nervous. "Tell me first" "You see- I mean, you know how I've been dying to meet the Yarima right?" "You mean your crush Prince Yamir" Yasmeen teased. "Yes yes whatever" "But you know you're funny sometimes right?" "What do you mean?" She questioned with an angry face. "I mean, how could you have a crush on someone you've not even meet for once. You don't know him likewise I too. Though, It's not like I wanted to but-" she paused when she saw the look on her sister's face "Never mind. So what about the prince?" "He's coming to Saura tomorrow" "What?!!!" "Yeah, I had same expression too few minutes ago....so, I'll need your help" "But how? It's not like I'm that important that I'll just go to him and tell him 'hello prince, my sister Yasira have really been dying to meet you. Will you please come with me and meet her in person' " she blab. "I'm not saying you should go to him and talk to him tomorrow" "Then what are you implying?" "Can you please talk to Umma,to...to allow us go to the chief's house tomorrow. I heard they'll come there tomorrow. Please tell her we won't stay long,I just want to see his face that's all. I promise, I won't do anything stupid" "What?! Yasira, you know mother is still mad at me! Right?" "But-" "Yasira, I don't think I can do this. I'm sorry" After hearing everything,you think I'll let you go just like that? Never! "Please sister,for my sake. You said you'll do anything just so I could be happy..please" "Fine! Let go to Umma" "Now?" Yasira shriek out. Now!!" • "Umma" Both Yasmeen and Yasira called. Zahrahu hummed in return. "What are you two doing here?" She asked facing them. "Actually Umma,we..we wanted to talk to you" "Actually Umma,only Ukthy wanted to say something. I'm not part of it" Yasmeen rolled her eyes at her. "Must she always put all the blame on her?" She thought. "If she was the only one who wanted to see me, why are you here with her then?" "I... actually I...I only came....I came....actually I came because-" "Never mind" she then turn to her first daughter "And you, what do you want to talk about?" "Umma you see, the..the ki..the kin-" "If you'll keep stuttering,may be you should just go back to your room instead. You know I don't have time for all this, I have many work to do at shop" "Umma actually,we- I mean, I wanted to ask you for a favor" "A favor?" "Yes Umma" "Go on then" "Umma will you please allow us...I mean, allow me to go....you see the ki...the king is coming to Saura to meet the chief" "So, what if the king is coming to the chief's place,what business have you gotten to do with that?" "Actually, Umma I don't know if you can allow us to go. I promise Umma,we won't stay long. We just want to see his face then we'll come back as soon as possible" "You want to see the King's face?" She asked surprised. Yasmeen nod her head, afraid of talking. "Don't tell me you have a crush on the king instead of Faisal?!!!" "What?!!! No Umma,we just want to see him. Many people have been talking about him that he's a nice king, we just want to see how he looks like...that's all" "If that's the case, why are you telling me then? Go! No one will stop you...but just make sure you two come back in time...okay?" "Really Umma? You mean, you approve us to go?" "Why not? It's not like the king will kidnap you any way,which I know many children will be there tomorrow just to see him,since he was the king" "Wow Umma! You're the best" the girls chorused at the same time before moving closer to their mother and engulf her into a tight hug. "We love you so much Umma,thank you! Thank you!!" "And I love you two too...mind you Yasmeen,just because I've forgiven you for what you did yesterday doesn't mean I have forgotten about it...don't try such thing next time" she pretend to glare but end up smiling at her. "Yes your majesty" Yasmeen saluted with a smile on her face but soon fell when she saw the look on her mom's face. "Umma, what's the problem?" "Nothing my child...okay, you two should tell me,who's this king you're both talking about?" "King Nasir Saminu El-Mubarak" Yasmeen and Yasira said at the same time. "What?!!!" She untangle their hands from her body as she stand up. "King what?" "King Nasir,The Emir of Kano" "What?!! Nasir? You mean..you mean the king you two have been talking about since was Nasir?" "Yes Umma" "What happened Umma?" The first was Yasira and the latter was Yasmeen. "Nothing, but let me make this clear to the both of you. Non of you will go there tomorrow. Is that clear?" "But Umma-" "I said you won't go! Don't dare me Yasmeen! You won't go and that's final" "But Umma, you said it earlier, that we can go and now you're changing your mind that we-" "Shut up! Shut up your mouth!" "I said you won't go and that's final! Don't test my patience Yasmeen. I swear to God if you should leave this house without my knowledge, I'm going to disown you! That's a promise from me to you!" She said before rushing out of the room. Yasmeen and Yasira on the other hand look at each other in bewilderment. They are both confused. "What connection does Umma have with the king, Ukthy?" "How am I supposed to know that Yasira! I don't know" "But she seems scared the moment we mentioned the King's name. Is there something Mom is hiding from us?" "That's for us to find out Yasira" "So, now I can't see my prince" she pout. "You just heard what Umma said. She told us not to go" "What a waste!" Yasira Puff. Zahrahu tried to calm her self down, but it wasn't working. Nasir is coming here? My love is coming? Did he know that I have his daughter? Is that why he's coming here? To take away my baby away from me? Did he really want to away my reason for living away from me? No, I won't let that happen! He'll never take my child away from me! No, I won't" she thought crying. • Don't forget to Vote, Comment, Share and Follow.
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