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Honestly! I don't know how to thank you guys enough. The support and love is getting bigger day by day. We're almost 400 subscribers.... • She was almost done when she heard someone knocking on the main door. With a confused face, she walks slowly towards the door. Who could that be?- she thought. If she could remember vividly, Yamir never told her that he will be expecting a visitor and she isn't either. She chuckled at her thought. Who do I even know that will come to visit me?- She thought. She opened the door and screamed out in joy. "Surprise!!!" The person said to her before engulfing her in a tight hug. "Miss Zeena!!!." Yasmeen screamed out her name. "No, no, no Yasmeen. I told you not to call me miss again. I can't believe that I came all the way here to meet you again and

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