1754 Words

"Yamir!!!!" She squeaked as she smacks his arm lightly. "What? That's the truth babe. Sooner or later, you will get married to me and have kids for me." Yasmeen choked for no reason as he made that statement. "Can you stop saying that?." She glared at him. "And why should I keep quiet? That's the truth babe and you know that too. So, how many kids do you want? Five? Six? Seven? Eight or Nine?." "Then go get pregnant yourself. Yamir, it's not easy to be pregnant? It's not as easy as you think." "Really? What's so hard in that? It's just to carry the baby in your womb for 9 months and then boom! You give birth to a bouncing baby girl for me." "Yamir! It's not that easy. I hate it when you're saying it like it's the simplest thing on earth." She rolled her eyes at him. "Come, one babe,

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