1960 Words

Katsina, Nigeria. "So, young lady tell me, why are here in place of that woman?" Mamman Rabi asked, inspecting Yasmeen. She was nervous but she tried her possible best to stay calm. "She's a little bit sick" she lied. "And?" "Look ma'am, I think you shouldn't interrogate me for now. Give me the chance to cook any food of your choice, then after that, you can decide. For her to send me here, she was very sure I won't disappoint you" "Okay ,you're right. Let's go" • "I must say Yasmeen, you're really talented. From whom have you learn this cooking skill from?" Mamman Rabi asked, impressed by the food she just cooked. Yasmeen smiled, feeling proud of her self. She's happy with Mamman Rabi's complement, she knew nobody would be able to resist her food. "I learnt it from my Umma" s

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