2864 Words

Katsina, Nigeria. "As salamu Alaykum.... Ammi!!!!" Yasmeen screamed the moment she entered the room. She can't wait to give the good news to Aunty Maimuna. "Ammi! You-" She stopped when she spot her sitting on the small mattress with her phone pressed on her right ear. She smiled at her and move closer to her "No.....no.....yes.....of course, she's one......no, she just came back......come on, we've talked about this Faisal" she heard her say. "Oh! So it was Faisal Ammi was speaking with" she thought with a slight blush on her face. "Here, Faisal wants to speak with you" Aunty Maimuna said whilst she passed the phone to her. "As salamu Alaykum, Faisal" she said more like a whisper. "Wa alaykumu Salam, my love" he smiled. Even though Yasmeen couldn't see him, she still blush. Why is

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