Beginning Of Their End

1912 Words
~ Hazel’s POV ~ I walked towards the table and picked the calendar which was placed on the table. My eyes then fell on the calendar and a smile appeared on my face.  “So, I am back in the year when everything began. According to the calendar, today is my eighteenth birthday”, I mumbled to myself in a low voice while I clenched the calendar tightly.  There will be soon a commotion and they won’t hesitate even for a bit to declare me guilty for the things which I haven’t even committed.  I marked the calendar date with the maker which was placed on the table. “This day will be marked as the beginning of their end. I never felt happy about my birthdays as that’s the same day when my parents decided to throw me in the dumpster so that they could get rid of me”, I asserted in low voice whilst a drop of tear fell on my cheek. I then threw the calendar on the floor whilst I turned to look at the box in which I was locked. This kind of treatment was quite normal for me in the back of the day. There was not even a single day when the pack member didn’t bully me in the name of making fun of me. Does being weak a crime? This is what used to think whenever they harassed me.  Well, now I know that it is indeed a crime. If we let the people take advantage of our kindness and let them use us like a doormat then we won’t be able to survive for too long as only three strong has the power to make decisions and decide what they want to do in their life and how they want to live it.  ‘Happy birthday, Hazel’, my wolf wished me and a smile appeared on my face.  She is the only person after the Luna who genuinely wished me on my birthday. Kara did with me, but now I am aware of why exactly she behaved with me in such a sweet manner.  People may leave us, but the things which we learn with their departure is something which we never forget. Sometimes experiencing betrayal and pain makes us strong and after some time we just stop feeling anything. The heart becomes numb and so does the pain.  ‘There is nothing happy about my birthday, Adelaide, but there are some changes that need to be made. In this life of mine, there is no place for regrets. The one who is at fault should be the one to pay the price for it’, I responded to her inside my head whilst I closed my eyes.  Then suddenly, I heard a loud voice which was coming from outside the room.  “Alpha, I am telling you that I saw that b***h lurking in your room. She was finding something in your closet.  When I asked her what exactly she is doing, Hazel just pushed me away and I fell to the ground. Not only that, but her eyes are also set on the position of the next Luna of the pack as she was trying to seduce Jarred”, I heard Vivian voice which was getting closer.  Now, that I have finally awakened my powers, I am also able to use my special abilities. Being a werewolf also has its perks, like enhanced hearing, smelling and seeing things more clearly. I am aware of the fact that nobody likes me in this pack and most of them are responsible for my death.  I closed my eyes to remember what exactly happened on my eighteenth birthday and after focusing for a while I finally remember that what they did with me on that day. I was here to clean the room of the Alpha and while I was cleaning the room suddenly someone hit me hard on my head which made me faint on the spot and when I opened my eyes, the next thing I know was that someone locked me in the wooden box.  In the past, they accused me of trying to steal some important documents from Alpha’s Elliot closet and the Alpha just punished me without even listening to me.  He was not interested whether they are telling the truth or not, he just wanted to punish me.  I am not angry with Alaric and Kara as anger gets cooled after some time and we even forgive the people with whom we got angry. Alaric and Kara betrayal left a deep wound on my heart and wounds just leaves scars that are hard to heal. I got scared because of them so, how can I let go of them easily?  Even if I hide right now then the Alpha will be able to find me with my smell so, there is no point in running away from this place.  The door of the room opened with a bang and there I saw Vivian with a smirk on her face. “See, I told you. She is here to steal the documents, Alpha”, exclaimed Vivian with a foxy smile on her face whilst her eyes were fixed on me. My knuckles were bleeding because of the punch on the wooden box.  She is not even surprised to see me breathing.  Is she the one who locked me in a wooden box after hitting on my head or not?  The Alpha was looking quite furious to see my face.  Well, this is not at all new to me. He always gets angry and frustrated whenever he looks at me. I don’t know why does he love to blame me for his wife’s death when I didn’t even do anything. “How dare you! Just because my wife I am still bearing you in my pack, but even that won’t stay for too long. I have decided to hold you to some other pack. You are useless for our pack and I am not stupid to let you stay here. You do know that there is nothing like free lunch in this world, right? You thought that nobody will notice you, but Vivian saw you entering my room. Did you make some sort of deal with anyone outside the pack, huh? Tell me!”, he yelled in a loud voice whilst he walked closer to me.  Alpha Elliot is known to be ruthless as he loves to torture people for his satisfaction.  He then slapped me hard on my face and I almost got tripped because of his sudden action. He again slapped me, but this time on the other side of the face.  My lips got split and even my face got swelled. Each time he slap me, I just clench my fists so that I could calm my anger.  I can’t show him the I have awakened my powers or else he will surely do something again to absorb all my powers.  “Alpha, look at her eyes. I am sensing rebellion in those hazel eyes of hers. Why are you glaring at us? You won’t be able to do anything even if you want to, b***h! An omega like you is made for releasing frustration and anger so, why don’t you silently accept your fate? Well, it’s a good thing that the Alpha finally decided to get rid of you by selling you off to the other packs. Oh, I have even seen your suitors. You will surely become a nice toy for all the oldies who are here to get you. It’s up to them how they want to use you”, Vivian said with a wide grin on her face. Alpha Elliot clenched my jaw tightly while he asked Vivian to bring the whip which was placed on his table.  I still remember how he used to lash me with the leather whiplash in the name of disciplining me. The scars of the lash are still on my back and even the painful experiences that I have gone through are imprinted in my memory.  ‘Stop him, Hazel. How can you let him beat you? You got the second chance to take revenge from the people who have hurt you, but instead of showing them their places, you are letting them beat you. How can you expect anything to change when you are not ready to change yourself, huh?’, asked Adelaide inside my head while I was still looking straight into the Alpha’s eyes. Fear, pain, tears and sadness nothing is left inside me now.  From this day onwards I won’t let anyone waste my precious tears, not even my bad memories.  ‘Who said that I have not changed, huh? Do you think that even after getting reincarnated I will repeat the same mistake of believing in others? The one who got burnt alive was me, the one on whom the people spitted was me, the one who got betrayed was me, the one who became the scapegoat was also me so, why exactly will I not change myself? Not every battle is won with strength alone, some are won by willpower and brains’, I responded to her whilst I closed my eyes.  The Alpha was still grabbing my face and he then threw me on the floor with a pissed expression on his face.  “She is the reason why I became mateless. She is the sole reason why this pack doesn’t have a Luna, this b***h is the reason why Jarred never received his mother’s love. She is the bad omen. Wherever she goes, she just snatches everyone’s happiness and nothing else. I don’t want to see her smiling face and that’s why I have decided to throw her out of the pack. She deserves to be punished”, the Alpha exclaimed in a cold voice whilst he raised the whip to beat me, but before he could lash me, I grabbed the end of the whip singlehandedly and Vivian only gasped in shock while the Alpha glanced at me with disbelief written all over his face. I know that this is the first time when I have dared to stand against them, but I am seriously not regretting this decision of mine.  “Have you finally gone insane, Hazel? How dare you stop me from disciplining you! I am doing this only for your good so, let go of the whiplash before I start to kick you on the gut”, Alpha Elliot warned me while he tried to remove my grasp from the whip by pulling it with all his strength.  I only did what was necessary to do.  “There is one thing which Vivian didn’t tell you and that will be enough to prove my innocence, but there is one problem", I replied to him with a smile on my face and the Alpha only raised one of his eyebrows in confusion.  I know that being an omega, I have to follow the orders of the Alpha, but that doesn’t mean the Alpha can do anything according to his desires and an omega can’t even raise their voices against the wrong.  Now, that’s stupid, right?  I will have to plan everything out so that they won’t be able to escape my grasp this time. My grasp will be so strong that they will only get freed after losing their lives. 
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