Wounded Heart

2113 Words
~ Hazel’s POV ~  “You’ve got some nerve to grab my whip, Hazel. Have you forgotten your position in the pack? An omega. You are just an omega who doesn’t have a saying in anything.  All you need to do is accept the things which are happening with you and nothing else. An omega is nothing more than a slave for the pack members so, even if Vivian is lying even then you need to accept the punishment gracefully. You see, I don’t expect anything less from the members of the Moon Stone Pack. No one likes a dominant woman so, behave like a submissive one. This is the only tip which I am giving you as I don’t want you to make me feel embarrassed in front of the Alphas of the other packs. They are here to buy a slave for their packs and I am ready to even give you to them as a gift”, the Alpha told me whilst he grabbed my hair in a tight grasp.  Does he think that this will be enough to shatter me?  Well, he needs to try something else if he wants me to scream in pain. I have gone through all this once and going through them again is not a big deal for me.  The pain of a shattered heart is something that can’t be compared with all these small things. Once the heart breaks, the person completely changes.  Their belief in all things gets bleak.  I hate myself for trusting Kara and I regret to give my everything to that so-called mate of mine who just used and throw me when his selfish desires got fulfilled.  How can I trust something like a mate bond so blindly?  Well, the fear of losing him and getting abandoned after meeting him made me lose my mind and I just agreed to mate with him in the woods. We chose the wrong choice when someone threaten to leave us and I did the same mistake. I believed in someone whom I should be wary of, I did the mistake of trusting the wrong guy and my one wrong choice made me lose my life.  Whenever I remember that time my wounds just gets green again.  “That’s up to me, Alpha Elliot. This time I am going to decide my fate and not the other way around. You have decided to sell me, but don’t think that I will behave according to your wishes”, I responded to him whilst I removed his grasp from my hair.  I can’t show him my powers or he will surely get in the way of my revenge which I can’t allow.  Vivian was gritting her teeth in anger and so was the Alpha which was enough to bring a smile to my face. “Today is not only your farewell day from this pack but also my son’s returning party. He and Alaric are coming back from their training. Prepare everything well and Vivian has prepared a dress for you which you need to wear to the party. If you dared to go against me then the consequences won’t be good for you. Don’t you dare to ruin my son's party? I won’t tolerate any kind of nonsense today”, he retorted in an angry tone whilst he glared at me with a dead look in his eyes.  Wait! What does he mean?  Alaric should be back after four years. So, why exactly is he returning so soon from his training? I just don’t want to face him at any cost.  Did something change?  The Alpha took his leave after warning me for one last time, but Vivian was still standing in front of me with a confident grin on her face. “b***h! You got lucky today that the Alpha didn’t punish you severely as he doesn’t want to scar that ugly face of yours. Oh, don’t think that he cares for you as a member of the pack. He is only worried about his benefits. You see, after getting scarred you will lose your so-called value and then there will be no one who will be willing to buy a damaged product like you. Let’s go. The Alpha has asked me to do your makeover. Argh! Because of you, I am not even able to get ready for today’s party. I wanted to surprise Jarred, but now I am stuck here with you”, she yelled at me with a frustrated look on her face. She came forward to slap me, but I immediately grabbed her arms and after that, I twisted her hand behind her back.  Vivian winced in pain, but even her painful sobs were enough to satisfy me. No, I won’t let her go so easily. “Hey! What the f**k are you doing, huh? Let go of my hands or else I will yell for help and you do know how much the Alpha cares about me, right? He surely won’t let this go so easily. If you know what’s good for you then leave my hands right this instant!”, Vivian was looking quite furious, but I seriously want to laugh at her condition.  She used to harass me daily, but now the tables have turned in my favour.  ‘You should just rip that annoying mouth of hers. Even her voice is irritating to hear. Don’t tell me that you even got beaten up by the likes of her? She seems useless to me. I mean, even her wolf is not strong enough to fight with us’, Adelaide said whilst I looked straight into Vivian’s eyes with a smirk on my face.  I remember the time when she used to throw all the leftovers in the trashcan and that too in front of my eyes. She was aware that the leftover was the only food that I was allowed to eat, but even then she didn’t take pity on me so, why will I, huh? I forgot that the more you will get scared, the more people will try to crush you.  Vivian tried to kick me, but I simply slapped her hard on her face which made her lose her balance and she then fell on the floor.  “You... you dare to slap me! I am going to complain about this to the Alpha. You just wait, Hazel”, she warned me and I just clicked my tongue in annoyance while I walked closer in her direction.  Vivian glanced at me with wide eyes and I only kept my right foot on her hands making her yelp in pain.  “Ahh... what are you doing, Hazel? Remove your foot from my hand”, Vivian cried in a loud voice whilst I crushed her hand under my foot with a smiling face. Her pained expression and tears are working like medicine for my wounded heart. “Shush! Lower down your voice. Do you want to let the other pack members know that you are getting beaten by a weak omega like me? Think again. Everyone will laugh at you if they get to know about this thing. You will become a laughing stock in front of everyone and even Jarred will stop entertaining you, let alone taking you as his mate and the next Luna of the pack. Everyone will ridicule you”, I whispered to her in a hushed voice while blood started to ooze out of her hands.  This is the first time when I even thought to hurt someone. The one who always bleeds was me, but now things have changed.  I removed my foot from her hand and after that, I crouched down on the floor.  Vivian tried to move away, but then her back hit the wall making her tremble in fear.  Her expressions are quite fresh for me as the one who always begged and pleaded for mercy was me, but now the one to suffer is not me.  ‘I didn’t know that you will be able to manipulate her so easily. She will now not open her mouth in front of others’, Adelaide exclaimed proudly. I can sense her happiness through her voice which I can hear in my head.  This is just the beginning. I have lots of plans in my head that will be enough to ruin their happiness. I gave my everything in my last life just to get out of this hell place, but all I get in return was betrayal and pain.  “Just go. I promise that I won’t tell anything to anyone”, Vivian yelled whilst she hugged her knees with a terrified look on her face. I should feel bad to see her in this terrible condition, but believe me, I just don’t feel a thing. If it was my past self then I would have bandaged her wounds, but not anymore.  Then suddenly, I heard something weird, ‘Just you wait, Hazel. I won’t let go of this incident so easily. You will have to pay for this thing. You are not aware of what exactly the Alpha has planned for you at today’s party. Selling you as a slave is nothing, but a cover. When an old Alpha will take you as his mistress then I will laugh at you.’ I think, I just heard her inner thoughts. Wait!  Can I do such a thing? Can I seriously read people’s minds and hear what exactly is going inside their heads?  ‘You don’t know this, but there is a reason why you have such powers. I can’t tell you about the reason as you need to find that reason on your own’, responded Adelaide inside my head whilst my eyes were fixated on Vivian.  It looks like even the moon goddess is on my side.  So, the Alpha wants to sell me off as someone’s mistress.  How stupid of him.  He wants to ruin me because of his hatred towards me, but he is not aware of my plans which will be enough to shake the chair of his Alpha’s position.  I left the room whilst I glance at Vivian for one last time before leaving the place.  While I was heading towards my room, suddenly I saw a familiar face. “Oh, here you are Hazel and I was looking for you all over the packhouse. You got me worried. Are you fine? Did something happen with you in the Alpha’s room? I hope they didn’t punish you for no reason”, Kara said in a concerned tone whilst she dashed straight towards me with a worried expression on her face.  She turned me here and there to see if I am wounded somewhere or not? Is she done? Adelaide is growling inside my head and I could sense her rage against her.  Even I want to strangle her to death, but I prefer a painful death over an easy one.  When I looked into her eyes, I heard her real thoughts for me, “She is so stupid to believe in me that I want to laugh on her face, but for some reason Alaric wants her and he told me that she will become quite useful for us in the future. He asked me to look after her and that’s the only reason why I am tolerating her.” Real intentions are hard to hide.  “How do you know about this incident, Kara? I mean, I never told you anything about Vivian and how they caught me in the Alpha’s room for no good reason. Is there something that you are trying to hide from me?”, I asked her in a calm voice whilst I placed my hands on her shoulders.  Kara only looked at me with wide eyes whilst she tried her best to come up with some good excuse. Her forehead was covered with sweat and so does her trembling hands.  “I asked you something Kara”, I whispered to her in a hushed voice whilst I leaned closer towards her.  She must be thinking how exactly a stupid girl who believed all her lies suddenly started to ask her questions.  Looking at her pale face is seriously quite funny, but just her pale face is not satisfactory, I want to see the same tears which I shed, I want to see the same pain on her face which I go through in the past.  Things are just getting more interesting by the day and I will make sure that things will remain in the same manner. 
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