They Will Regret

2188 Words
~ Hazel’s POV ~  When pain becomes unbearable and there is no reason left to live then only good memories helps us to continue our lives, but when there is nothing like those things in someone’s life then only hatred helps them to keep going in life. I used to ask myself that if there is something that can hurt more than death? Now, I know that there is indeed something painful than death and that’s betrayal. My only mistake was that I got blinded by love, I got blinded by my belief that my mate will surely come to protect me, I got blinded by my fears. I lived all my life with nothing, but regrets. I thought that once I will find my mate everything will be sorted out in my life, I thought that he will take me away from this place, I believed that he will take all my sorrows away and heal the wounds which I got, but I was so wrong that I want to laugh at my stupidity. Trusting someone always comes with a heavy price and sometimes one has to pay it with their life. Kara used to tell that trusting and belling doesn’t make us weak and I just listened to her like an obedient kid. I still remember how they made me the scapegoat and how they took advantage of my weakness. One thing that I learned after death is that if someone wants to live then they need two things the most and that’s money and power. Without these two things, one can not survive in this world. They chose me as their scapegoat because I was the weakest one that made me easy prey for them. I thought that Alaric was helping me and he will become someone who will pull me out of the darkness, but he just used me for his own selfish reasons. He became the one to push me into the abyss of darkness. For me, the warmth of having a person was a luxury that I never had and so, I treated Kara in the best way possible. I believed her words like a blind follower, I tried my best to keep her happy, I told her everything about myself. Letting our guard down surely makes us feel comfortable and nice, but that same thing can make us vulnerable. I am not sure for how long I am surrounded by this darkness, but for some reason, I don’t feel a thing right now. All the pain, the screams, the blood everything has stopped now. There is nothing left now. My heart is now only filled with one thing and that’s hatred. ‘You have paid the price for something which you didn’t even commit. You paid for someone’s else greed and that’s why the moon goddess has given us a second chance. So, what are you going to do, Hazel? Are you going to forgive their sins or are you going to make them pay for what they did with you’, I heard a voice inside my head while I was surrounded by nothing, but only darkness. Wait! I have heard this voice somewhere. Yes, I remember now. This is my wolf’s voice which became silent after I bore all the atrocities of the pack members. They didn’t stop their torments, but I stopped listening to my wolf’s voice. ‘I became silent, but it was not my choice. Those people whom you considered close to yourself were the reason why you were not able to hear my voice. They planned out everything beforehand. This was all the part of their plotting’, said Adelaide, my wolf. She did tell me her name in the past and I still remember it as that day was the only day when I felt genuinely happy for the first time. So, they were the ones because of whom I lost the power to hear Adelaide’s voice and I thought that she stopped talking with me as she believed that I am a useless person. I seriously believed Kara’s words over my wolf. How can I do something like this? I never even tried to find the real reason why I was not able to hear her voice and I just agreed to what Kara told me at that time. ‘Forgive them? I am not a great person and neither I tend to become one. All I want from them is my revenge and nothing else. I want to see them in the sorry state, I want to hear their pleas, I want to see them beg for their lives in front of me, I want to see their blood, I want to see them in tears. You said that the moon goddess agreed to give us the second chance to relive and to make the people pay for their sins, but how? I certainly don’t have any sort of power and neither I am strong like the Alphas so, what should I exactly should we do right now?’, I asked Adelaide. If I got the chance to reincarnate then she surely has given me powers, right? ‘No, that’s something which the moon goddess has left on you to search. The closer you will get to your goals, the more you will unfold the truth and the powers which the moon goddess has decided to bless you with. Just remember one thing that once you will start the game of revenge there is no stopping. Either you will die in the process of taking your vengeance from them or else the people will lose their lives in your hands’, responded Adelaide in a calm voice whilst my eyes were fixated on a particular place. They all will regret even thinking about harming me and the one who will make their life a living hell is going to be me. I will make sure that the one who will die with regrets will then and not me. Finally, I opened my eyes, but the darkness still didn’t leave me. Instead, this time I was not even able to breathe properly. Am I locked in a wooden chest? I do remember the time when someone locked me up just for fun and to laugh at me. The one who saved me at that time was none other than Kara. I am thinking right now that why I never got suspicious of her? Whenever I fell into any kind of problem, the one who always came forward to save me was none other than Kara. The memories of their fake concern, their betrayal, their cold-heartedness and ruthlessness all are quite clear inside my head. They chopped off my tongue, they spit on me, they threw stones at me and after that, they set on the fire to burn me alive in front of all the pack members. I still remember everything quite clearly and the memories of my past will surely help me to take my revenge on them. Now, that I have returned to the past so, everything will go according to my plans. They won’t even know it, but this time the one who will have the string of the other will not be them, but me. I punched hard on the chest box. Inside, but it didn’t get open in my first attempt. So, I again tried to open the box and this time I got successful in opening it. I gasped for some air and after that, I glanced at the empty rooms. Now, they will understand my pain as the one who is going to bear everything is not me, but they will have to face it. My eyes then fell on the calendar which was kept on the table so, I walked towards the table. Meanwhile, “Why are you so against having a mate, Alpha Draven? You did have won most of the pack with your strength by killing their Alphas, but you still haven’t defeated the arch-enemy of the Blood Moon Pack. I mean, the so-called Moon Stone Pack”, asked Beta Emmet in a calm voice while he filled the glass of champagne with a confused look on his face. He was not sure why, but Draven was looking quite pissed for some reason. He thought to ask him the reason for his sudden change in mood, but he was a little bit afraid of his anger and that’s why he kept his mouth shut. He placed the file on the table which Draven asked him to bring for him. Draven was going through the files, but he could feel Emmet’s gaze fixated on him, so he looked up from his file and after that, he responded to him with a smirk on his face while he gulped down the champagne, “Mate? Well, will she be able to help me out in winning the powerful packs? Nah, I don’t think so. She will be only capable of raising my children and nothing else. Well, I don’t think that she has any kind of important role in my life, so why will I even bear her, huh? That she-wolf will be nothing more than a symbol of weakness which I surely don’t need in my life. As for the Moon Stone Pack and Alpha Elliot, I do have my own plans, so you don’t need to get worried about that thing. Refill my glass and give me the file of William’s. We need to even focus on the business if we want to survive with the humans. We need to blend in with them. I can’t let them find about our existence.” Beta Emmet only nodded his head while he refilled the glass of Draven with the champagne. Draven just circled his index finger on the rim of the glass and while he was thinking all of these suddenly, someone opened the door of his office room without even knocking and this thing was enough to piss Draven. “What are you doing here, baby? I got tired of waiting for you in your room”, said Ava, one of the she-wolves of the Blood Moon Pack. She always tries to win Draven’s affection by getting closer to him, but in the end, she just loses. Draven got up from his chair and after that, he walked towards Ava with a pissed expression on his face. He was smiling, but only Emmet is aware of the real meaning behind that smile of his. He was standing only an inch apart from him and after that, he tightly grabbed Ava’s jaw and she only winced in pain. “I don’t discuss the matters of the bedroom in my office room, Ava. If you understand my words then just nod your head”, Draven asserted to her in a cold voice and she immediately nodded her head with a scared expression on her face. Draven left her jaw and she quickly dashed out of the room. Emmet told him that he will take care of the rest of the work and he can just relax in his bedroom to which Draven agreed. He then walked straight towards his room and the moment he entered his room, he saw Ava with a photo frame in her hand and she was about to throw it on the floor, but before she could do such a thing, Draven dashed towards her direction and he immediately stopped her from throwing away the frame. “Why are you treating me so coldly, huh? Did you forget that I am your girlfriend and I will even back the future Luna of this pack”, she declared in a loud voice while she was looking straight into Draven’s grey eyes? “When did I say all this stuff to you? Come out of your delusional world before it’s too late and if you dared to touch this photo frame without my permission then I will f*****g cut those cute f*****g little fingers of yours”, he exclaimed in a cold voice while he was glaring at her with eyes filled with rage. Ava immediately dashed off his room as she knows that Draven doesn’t believe in giving empty threats. Draven just slid his finger on the photo frame. He then stopped his fingers in front of her throat and after that, he opened the drawer of the side table and then kept the frame in the drawer. “You changed my complete life, girl”, he mumbled to himself while he moved straight to his bed. The sleep soon take him over, but suddenly he started to hear weird voices inside his head. Draven also felt quite scratchy near the chest area and when he opened his eyes, he just opened the buttons of his shirt and when his eyes fell on his chest, he just screamed in a cold voice, “What the f**k is this? Emmet, come here quickly.” He was not sure what was happening, but the weird mark started to spread all over his body.
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