Crescent Falls

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CRAIG "Where were you last night?" I asked him as soon as he entered the saloon. He didn't answer me. Instead, he signaled Joey, the bartender, and asked for a beer. "I was patrolling outside the border." He said. Alec, the Alpha of the Blood moon pack is restless. And I know the reason why. He's been having weird dreams. I know because I often see him having them. "And did you find out what you're looking for?" God. I hope he did. Alec has been a pain in my ass since last month when the first full moon occurred. It means one thing. He needed to find his mate before the next full moon or he’ll go crazy. He is crazy now, but a mateless alpha? I heard stories about how one cannot survive without the other half. “If I already found her, you won’t find me.” He growls, baring his teeth at me. I felt shivers down my spine but I didn’t let him see it. Alec is like a brother to me and if he finds out that I am scared of him, he’ll feel guilty. “Relax, you’ll find her. Don’t–” My eyes went wide open as the air changed. A faint smell of Jasmine and white rose assaulted my nose, tickling my senses. ‘Mate!’ My bear screams at me. It became restless, it wanted to be set free and look for the owner of that smell. That seductive and delicious smell. “f**k!” I heard Craig beside me. His nose flares as if he’s smelling that too. Oh f**k, it’s not unusual for a female werewolf to have more than two mates. And a different species. And I’m just not ready to share my mate with Alec. Alec is someone who doesn’t share too. He is a greedy son of a gun. “Did you smell that too?” I asked him. Please don’t let this happen. Please let me be wrong. “Did you?” He asked me back. He has this look, one that says ‘Say yes and you’ll die.' “Uhhh..” “There is nothing wrong if the two of you share the same mate. It is normal.” Joey interrupted us. She put down another two bottles of beer on the counter. “Come on boys. Don’t be a p***y. If you don’t want to share, it’s not really your decision to make. It’s still your female's decision. She can either accept both of you or you accept her decision. All you have to do is to show her what you can do and help her decide. You know what they say, may the best man or best shifter win. Joey has two mates. I can’t understand how she manages to do it but her mates are two of the oldest, and strongest pack members. They are the Alpha and Beta of our pack before handing it down to us. Joey is Alec’s mom. She’s also my mom but not my birth mother. My mom’s mate was a human and when she died, Joey raised me as her own. Dad later married her with the permission of Alec’s Dad. So to make the long story short, she's mated with a human and a werewolf. My father is human but he plays a huge role in the development of Crescent Falls. He manages the human side of this town and makes sure everything is well and in order. Growing up, I was often teased for being a half-breed and Alec usually is the one who defends me. He’s always beside me, fights for me. I remember the first time I shifted. The first time is always the hardest. It was the most painful and the longest night I endured. My bone cracks as my body dislocate, I moan and growls and hisses as the excruciating pain goes through my body. Alec was there, he waited for me until I finished shifting and we ran and hunt and play with the faeries inside the forest. Crescent falls is a magical place. It may appear normal to normal people who pass by but this is the only place in this country where werewolves, faeries, vampires, witches, bears, and other shifters live together peacefully. To maintain the balance, they made a pact. Stay away from each other's business. And it’s been going on since my father took over. He's the only one who makes logical thinking since it is a known fact that creatures like me and Craig are hot-headed. But that pact and that balance are about to be in danger. Because as soon as Joey left our table, Vladimir, the leader of the vampires, showed up. Joey’s saloon is open to everyone, but it is rare to see a vampire here. I don't know what’s keeping him busy, probably in the city, raiding blood banks for food. “Vladimir, what are you doing here?” Alec asked. I can feel his beast on high alert. Vladimir and Alec are always on good terms but that doesn’t mean they’re really on a good terms. “Nothing.” He looks around as if looking for something. “I just came here to unwind." He said and he walked towards the counter. Now, who is this person who's making all three of us a bit restless? — SASHA Crescent Falls must be really far. I've been dozing off a couple of times before Arden and I reach our destination. I admired the rich land and the sea I saw earlier. We passed by several mountains, rice fields, and huge farms before we stop in front of an old town hall inside a busy town. And maybe I lacked some sleep or maybe I was dreaming, but I saw werewolves and bears running and playing in the meadows. "We're here." Arden announced. I sat down properly, trying my best to tame my wild red hair but I know, no matter how I try, they won't listen to me. "I… Uhmmm… Thanks for the ride." I awkwardly said. Now that I am here, I don't know what else to do. I don't have any plans, hell, I don't even have a place to stay. "Don't mention it." Arden smiled. A faint glow of haze in his eyes. Come to think of it, Arden's eyes change colors. He exhaled--more like sniffed the air and I got conscious. What if I smell? I was so busy last night that I even forgot to change clothes. "I sting, don't I?" I said, a nervous, awkward laugh escaping my mouth. "All I thought about was how to leave that awful place that I forgot one important thing. Where will I live?” I chuckled. I don’t know anyone in this town, and even if what you said is true, about living here via invitation, I don’t know where to start.” I look outside the window. “Uhmm… Can you drop me off at a nearby motel so I can check in and you can leave? I've disturbed you long enough." He smiles at me. “My child, you did not disturb me. It is my job to bring you here.” I blink twice. I have no idea what he just said. His job is to bring me here? In Crescent Falls? He inhaled again before murmuring a few words. ‘What the hell?’ I have no idea what he just said but my mouth starts moving on its own. It is as if I am mimicking him. “What the hell was that?” I asked myself more than I asked him. Why am I chanting words as if I know them by heart? "Cloaking spell. So it won't be easy for them to find you." Who's gonna look for me aside from my asshole ex-boyfriend? "You are where you’re supposed to be, Sasha. But that won't stop them from trying to take you away.” He took my hands and gently squeezed it. I am still clueless as to what is happening but the warmth of his hand is unexpectedly nice. "Try to take me away?" Things are getting more and more confusing the more he explains things to me. “The next full moon is near, your cloak will lose its effect and I no longer have enough powers to protect you. A lot of fiends will roam the streets in search of preys." "W-what?" Preys? What preys? Who preys?" I try to formulate my question into words but all I can think of is this: What the hell is happening? "I don't have all the answers to your question, my child." He sighed. "Trust me when I say, everything is as it should be." This is the second time he called me his child. Is he my father? No... That couldn't be right. My father died in a car accident when I was little. No... that can't be right either. "This is your destiny, Sasha." All of a sudden his grip loosens and I notice a guy walking toward us. Arden murmurs another word before that ginormous guy standing on Arden’s side. “You’ll be safe here.” He said before leaving the car. I look at him and I look at the two guys beside him. Both are equally handsome but there is something raggedly delicious about the bearded guy that made me swallow that invisible lump on my throat. They both look old– no, not old. Matured. The kind of guys you wanted to call Daddy while they’re spanking you. I mentally slap myself. ‘What is this behavior, Sasha?’ Oh well, it’s so much better than crying over that bastard who broke my heart. The two men looked at me and Arden nodded, giving me a go signal to leave the car and so I did. But as soon as Crescent falls air touched my skin, I felt a shift in the surroundings. It’s as if the people around us stopped what they were doing just so they can look at me. Great, now I am in an awkward situation. “Sasha, come here,” Arden said. And like a very obedient child, I followed him. I stood behind him. Oh, God. If I can even hide behind Arden just to stop the people from staring at me, I would. I feel like I've entered a cult and I am here as a virgin sacrifice. “This is Sheriff Denver and Deputy Jeff. They’ll take care of you.” “They will?” Arden nodded and I look at the two guys. They are both handsome. One is more rugged looking than the other one. Sheriff Denver looks scarier than Deputy Jeff. “Yes. Although I think you’ll cause more chaos in Crescent falls that you don’t need protection from them, they need protection against you.” “W-what? Why?” “You’ll see, Sasha. You’ll see.”
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