Chapter 11

642 Words
Asher's POV By the time we reached the pack hospital, Sienna was still not panting so that is a good sign. Doctor Steph then told me that she will run a few tests and then let me know about Sienna's health status. Meanwhile I mindlink Holly asking her how the babies are doing. She said they both are still sleeping and it's a good thing. Sienna can be at the pack house by the time they wake up. I'll make sure to finish every meet and work so I can join them as soon as I can. The time where I get to play with both Deedee and Gigi right after Sienna and I have dinners is my favorite time of the day. I look forward to that every single day and honestly that is what keeps me moving. Once I am done mindlinking Holly too, I take a quick round in the hospital and talk to a few patients here. Even though we are werewolves and we heal pretty quickly, the age is not a great factor for us. Because like every other living being, we too get old and bag diseases. And once we get old, our wolf loses its capability to heal. So yeah.. the patients can mostly be old wolves unless someone wants to end their own life. "Asher!" I receive a mindlink from Sienna and for a moment, I am too stunned to speak. She got her wolf back? Hayley is back?? I run to Steph's office and see Sienna there. Both Steph and Sienna are talking about something and laughing together. It's funny how girls can instantly become great friends. "Did you-?" I ask her and she nods with a smile. I don't think anything as I scoop her up in my arms and hug her so tight. Everything is literally so perfect now. She is fine and she even got her wolf back. Now this really calls for a celebration. "She is still a little weak but she is back" Sienna says, mentioning Hayley and I smile pulling away from the hug. "And another good news is that she is perfectly alright now" Steph says that makes me even more happier. "Thank you" I greet Steph and we are already on our way out. I mindlink my mom asking her to bake a cake when she has time and then tell her about Sienna's situation. She is beyond happy and I see even Sienna mindlinking. Probably my mom. My mom loves Sienna so it wouldn't be a wonder. I walk Sienna to the pack house and wave bye at her when she is at the main entrance. Even after she left, I stared at the entrance with a smile like a stupid. The spot where she stood still has her scent and it makes me happy. I am about to turn around and walk but Sienna's scream and her mindlink both threw me off a little. She mindlinked me asking to come upstairs right now and I rushed upstairs. I followed her scent to the baby's crib. I see that she is fine. She is standing at Gigi's crib, about to take Gigi out of it. And I look around the room to find Deedee on all fours. I look at Sienna again but then it clicks me. Deedee is crawling now. My baby is crawling. I take Gigi into my arms and she is watching Deedee with a smile too. Sienna takes Deedee in her arms and blows raspberry kisses on both her cheeks, making little Deedee giggle. Wow how time flies. It really does fly. When did Deedee get so big and even Gigi is about to crawl any day now. I am not really a kisser but I do kiss Gigi. This girl is fast for her age. Just like her mother.
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