Chapter 3

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“Hello Miss West, are you enjoying your food?” A text came from an unknown number on Oakley’s phone. She glanced at it curiously, her eyes grew in shock as she couldn’t believe he had found her number. What a stalker! She felt disturbed as she opened the text and closed it again, leaving him on read, which made Nate felt confused as he sort of felt upset that this girl he didn't know ignored his texts. Nobody has rejected him like this before, girls usually text him, non stop. Oakley went for a run in a pair of yoga pants and a sports bra in the afternoon, returning just before five pm. She found Nate sitting on the front steps of their home in a suite attire “Enjoyed your run Miss West?” Oakley groaned “Why can’t you just leave me alone? You are a stalker.” She bellowed as she sat on the front porch and stretched her limbs before going into the house to take a well deserved shower, she did not fear him but she was annoyed that he would not leave her alone. “I just want to get to know you. How about you let me take you out for breakfast or lunch, for the minimum of three hours. If you still don’t like me after that, I will leave you alone.” Nate tried to bargain with her as his eyes trailed her body as she stretched her legs. Oakley carefully listened to his offer as she stretched. She looked up at him and nodded before standing up. “Alright, tomorrow, lunch. I have a test in the morning.” She stated and he smiled at her satisfied, nodding. “Have a lovely evening Miss West.” He said as he walked down the steps “You too Mister Hart.” she said teasingly. He looked back at her stunned “I thought you didn’t know whom I were.” “Oh I don’t, but my friend calls you that.” she said uninterested. He nods in understanding and turns to leave. Liv was very upset when Oakley told her about her date the next morning after her test, Oakley didn’t understand why but it didn’t stop her from going. A deal is a deal. Oakley went to bed, thinking of her date with Nathaniel the next day. It made her excited in ways she never was before, even if Liv disapproved of it. Oakley woke up early the next morning, taking a shower and getting dressed in a simple pair of blue jeans and a white blouse with black boots. She grabbed her coat at six forty five, an apple from the counter and her keys. She jolted out of the house before Liv woke up to judge her decisions once more. She was thinking about her exam all the way, thinking about everything she studied. She rushed into the building, taking her seat just mere minutes before the test started. She waited patiently while reading instructions, her leg bouncing up and down nervously as she thought of her date after this test, she actually wished she could escape it as the anxiety crept up in her chest. “Begin” said a voice over the speakers and Oakley gently flipped her papers over, starting to read and fill in the blank spaces of the page. It was mere seconds before the time was up for Oakley’s test, her mind wandering to Mr. Hart and her hands were trembling as she tried to focus on the last question she could scramble in before the buzzer beeped. Oakley was in the middle of her sentence when the buzzer beeped and an annoying voice come over the speakers “Put your pens down” Oakley felt distraught and felt as if she wanted to cry and yell, but she didn’t, she could not due to the amount of people surrounding here. She knew it would do her no good, it would not help her with her test now. She put her half written test to the side and a supervisor collected it. She hurriedly collected her stuff in annoyance and ran off to her car, the feeling of fresh air filling her lungs calmed her down in a way that nobody understood. She looked down at her watch on his wrist, seeing its only ten thirty she went home, making it a long drive thus she only got home at ten forty five. She lazily got out of the car and unlocked the front door, shoving her stuff onto the table in the foyer, she walked up the stairs, stripping out of her clothes as she entered her room. Oakley wasn’t feeling this lunch date with Nate due to her exam, but she knew what a deal meant and she really just wanted him to leave her alone, so she opened her closet in frustration and chose to wear a white floral dress and short white heels which straps wrapped around her ankles. Oakley walked over to her dresser, sitting in front of her make up, she decided to put mascara on and a darker shade of lipstick. She hooked some hoop earrings into her ears and looked herself over in the mirror. “This just has to do” she said and walked back into the kitchen where she drank a cup of water and grabbed her keys , sending Nate a message “Don’t pick me up, meet me at La Pool on street 45” she locked her phone and got into her car, driving to the restaurant “Got it.” He replied and looked at the time, seeing its only eleven forty and knew the restaurant wasn’t far from her house, he left his fancy villa in a black denim and black tee shirt that fitted him like a glove, showing off his muscles. He grabbed his denim jacket on the way out and got into his fancy black SUV and told his driver where to take him. He glanced down at his phone quite a few times, smiling as he got closer to the destination. Nate got out of the car, walking into the La Pool building and saw Oakley sitting at the bar looking out onto a big pool, a martini in her hand. A perky blonde waiter came over to Nate, batting her eyelashes at him. “Hi, can I get you a table?” the girl asks, she usually expects a hand full of handsome men when a man as hot as Nate walks into the restaurant alone. “No, my friend is already here.” He said looking at Oakley, not even sparing the blonde waitress a glance as he brushed passed her and took a seat next to Oakley. “Well you look stunning” he says. Oakley lazily turns her head and looks him up and down, “Yeah? You too” Nate looks stunned, without thinking twice, he asked “What?” and Oakley takes a sip of her drink, swallowing the big sip and turn towards Nate “You, you look stunning, I have a appreciation for hot guys in black” she smiles, turning back to the view as she saw Nate’s flushed cheeks and shy smile. It made Oakley's heart rate raise. Nate and Oakley sat and ate a plate of chicken strips and chips. It was a big platter with various of sauces in the middle. “What is your thoughts on the supernatural?” Oakley asked when she sat and thought about Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries as she looked at Nate’s outfit. He c****d his eyebrow in confusion “Why?” he asks “Because your style reminds me of a few fictional characters that I love” she says honestly, smirking. He looked at her with admiration “So you’re the typical vampire diaries fan” he said, his eyebrows rose in surprise “You totally watch it” she says agape. “Perhaps I have an obsessed sister” he states, trying to protect his status in life. “It’s honestly not a shame to watch it, it is amazing” Oakley shrugs. Nate nods his head and Oakley knew to drop the subject, knowing it’ll cost him his pride. Oakley glanced at the handsome man, whom took her on a date he desperately pleaded for. After small talk and stupid jokes, Oakley found herself enjoying her time with Nate. The deal of the date was three hours but it extended to five as the two strangers slowly connected over drinks and finger foods. Nate wanted to object towards the food the moment Oakley ordered it because of the high class meals he always ate during meetings and lonely dinners, but Oakley objected saying she needed comfort food, thus he let it slide and damn it was the best decision he has ever made, he thought as he took his first bite of the chicken strips. It was currently five pm when a message popped up on Oakley’s phone that was positioned next to her drink. She picked it up, thinking it was Liv who might wonder where she was but it was not. Pure horror flooded Oakley’s eyes when she saw the message from her professor “Terribly disappointed, you failed your exam. Meet me in my office Monday morning at eleven am.” She read. She quietly put her phone down, turning around and calling the waiter over. The perky blonde rushed over, ignoring Oakley completely while giving all her attention to Nate, whom was looking at Oakley with curious eyes as she realised her mood changed for the worse the second she picked up her phone, he didn't even notice the waiter only looking at him. Oakley got annoyed at the fact that she’s being ignored and that this perky blonde waitress wasn’t ogling her date. She tapped the waitress on the shoulder “Excuse me, if you’re not going to do your job I’ll happily talk to the manager to get you fired for being such a lazy employee” Oakley stated with a sarcastic smile on her face while the waitress looked at her agape, horror flooding her eyes in the fear of losing her job.
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