Chapter 2

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Oakley wasn’t phased by this man’s attempt to fool around with her. “I am sorry, I do not have the time.” She declines in a well mannered way “Goodnight” she says, closing the door, but Nate wasn’t having it, he stepped forward and stopped the door with his thousand dollar shoe, determined to convince Oakley to agree to a date. “Please, what could a pretty young lady be so busy with during the day?” he asked curiously, his eyes boring into Oakley's. Annoyed Oakley rolled her eyes “My studies.” Oakley said while praying that Liv comes home any minute to save her. “And to study, you need a decent meal to concentrate.” Nate tried to convince her once again, to say yes to a date. He did not know why, but he knew in his heart that he wanted to know this lady, intimately, who declined his offer so wildly, it messed up his mind that he's having to work so hard to get even the slightest attention from her. Oakley had enough of playing nice “Please ,Nate, was it?” she asked unsurely, trying to show him how little interest she had. He looked baffled that the girl didn’t know whom he was, but he nodded yes as it only lured him in more, knowing that if she liked him that it would be for him and not for the title he carries around. She continues dramatically “I really do not want a one night stand or relationship, I am busy with studies and with work. Please leave me alone, it is strange enough that you know where I live because my friend definitely wouldn’t have told you our address to come stalk me in the middle of the night, so goodnight.” She said and hurriedly closed the door behind her, locking it. Nathaniel was shocked as the door came flying closed in his face once again , but he accepted her choices for the night knowing he won't win this way. As he walked down the steps, Liv was on her way up and she looked at him baffled “Mr. Hart, what are you doing here?” she said while fixing her hair, tugging a strand behind her ear and showing off her various piercings covering her ear. She fixed her shirt, trying to show off the little cleavage she has “Wanted to take your friend for lunch but she declined, again. Goodbye now.” He said in a sour tone and Liv called after him “How do you know where we live?” she asks surprised, he turned to her and gave her a knowing look, a look that asked 'Are you seriously asking ME that?' as he knew that she knew whom he was “A powerful man has resources” he finally said and climbed into the back of his black SUV. Liv was baffled that Mr. Hart knew where they lived but it quickly turned into rage as she thought of the attention he was seeking by Oakley in the middle of the night, showing up at our door without notice. Liv rushed into the house, “Oakley?” she called as she put down her bag in the foyer. “In the kitchen” she called back and Liv quickly made her way towards the kitchen “Are you alright? I saw Mr. Hart leave the front door.” “Who?” Oakley asked confused, a tablespoon inside her mouth. “The man, who just left.” Liv said, pointing a finger towards the door. Liv was slightly annoyed that Oakley would act as if he were not here at all. “You mean Nate?” Oakley asks, 'Nate' Liv thought and liked the way it sounded, she didn’t know his name was Nate. “Whatever his name is, how did he know where we live?” Liv asked Oakley, her mind raging with fury as Liv thought that Oakley might’ve talked to Mr. Hart behind her back, how could Liv compete with one on one action. “I don’t know, he just showed up here!” Oakley defended herself “Oakley, you can’t go messing around with men you don’t know.” Liv stated, trying to act like a caring friend while actually just trying to prevent Oakley from seeing Mr. Hart. “I know that” Oakley said while sitting on the kitchen counter top, eating a tub of ice cream. “Did he come inside?” Liv asked, looking around “No, he was outside Livvy. He stayed outside.” Oakley grumbled, thinking that Liv is just over reacting and hopped off the counter. Liv watched as Oakley jumped off the counter, her bare leg exposing “Oakley, do you have clothes on underneath that?” Liv asked baffled. “No, he interrupted my bath. But he doesn’t know that” she said as she shrugged and walked back to her room to change due to her bath probably being icy cold right now. Liv felt jealous knowing Mr. Hart could’ve seen his friend’s rocking body. Nathaniel went home and sat on his  big brown leather chair, drinking whiskey and thinking about Oakley and her fierce attitude, gorgeous body that was hidden behind the robe and beautiful face, he wanted to know her more and was determined to have her. He was determined to not give up on this particular woman. Oakley was sitting at home the next day, studying when the door bell rang. As she walked to the front door, she thought about all the people it could be, but hoped it was her sister, Riley, who came over for a cup of coffee in her lunch hour. Oakley got her own hopes up and excitedly opened the door but her cheerful face fell as she saw it was Nate. She crossed her arms over her chest “What do you want? I told you I’m not interested.” Oakley stated. Nate is standing with his hands behind his back in a gentlemen manner “I know, but I feel like treating you to lunch, so..” he took out containers from behind his back “I brought you some, for you to eat while studying inside.” He said with a smile and Oakley struggled to hold back a smile herself. “You’re not coming in here” Oakley protested, keeping her head up. “Wasn’t planning on it, I have a meeting.” He said and handed Oakley the containers full of food. Oakley tried to balance the containers as he stuffed it in her hands, Nathaniel tried to ignore the warmth of her skin as their hands touched while passing the food “Enjoy your studies miss West” he said, clearing his throat before turning to leave. Oakley glared at his back as he walked away, but she finally peered his eyes off of his attractive back and walked back into the house. She locked the front door and put the containers of food in the kitchen and went to sit back at her desk, continuing her studies. She planned to utterly ignore the food but soon her stomach started to grumble and she casually took glances at the food that was bought just for her. “If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger” she thought and stood up. She walked over to the food containers and opened it, seeing a meat dish, vegan dish, a salad and dessert with a side of fast food too. “How much does he think I eat?” she asked herself as she looked down at her stomach, wondering if he thought she was too skinny, before she saw a note “Didn’t know what you ate, so I got you a few things. Xx Nathaniel” she smiled at that but immediately rolled her eyes afterwards, refusing the connection she felt. Oh well, she thought and dug into the food. Nathaniel sat in the big conference room, listening to men talk financials and business but Nate couldn’t help but think about Oakley and if she liked the food he brought her, he wondered if it were the right portion size and acceptable meals. He had to know. He swiftly stood to his feet “Excuse me gentleman.” He said, fixing his blazer and left the conference room, his assistant stayed and took notes of the meeting while he went off and made a call to one of his friends in the federal industry. “Hey mate, do me a favour?” He said smugly, cutting right down to business “What kind of favor?” His friend asks curiously “I need a number” he smiled as he thought of Oakley “Who’s number?” Nate could practically hear his smirk through the phone “Oakley West.” He said and the silence on the other end of the phone indicated that he was busy looking for it. “She’s pretty on her photo.” Said his friend “I know. Do you have it?” “I do, I’ll send it to you right now.” “Thanks chief” said Nathaniel and hung the phone up. Nathaniel patiently waited for the Chief’s message to come through. He looked on his computer for some work before he busied himself with this girl that interested him so much that he'd skip his meeting. Seeing that he had no work, he picked up his phone as a message popped up on his screen. He smirked as he opened it, clicking on the number to save it as “Pretty Miss Oakley West” and decided to send her a text “Hello Miss West, are you enjoying your food?” He hit the send button and patiently waited for her reply as he attended the little paper work on his desk.
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