Chapter 4

1296 Words
After about four strong drinks later, Nate finally picked up that something was definitely wrong as Oakley downed her drinks as if she were in the dry desert without anything to drink for weeks. She slouched forward, resting her head in her hand miserably as she desperately tried to keep her eyes focused on Nate who was talking about his business, she didn’t hear a thing but she tried to. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Nate finally asked as he reached over, touching her arm gently when he saw she zoned out. “Nothing” she sat up, smiling at him, her alcohol breath fanning his face. Meanwhile all she wanted to do is cry, she has never failed an exam before. She felt dumb and embarrassed. “I think I want to go come” Oakley says softly as she tried to stand on her feet. Oakley tried to stand on her own two feet and if it weren’t for the strong arm that wrapped around her waist to keep her up, she would’ve fallen over from all the alcohol consumption. She giggled “I can stand on my own” she mumbled as she finally stood on her own, she leaned over the stool and put a hundred dollar bill on the table, grabbed her keys and said as perky as she can “This was lovely, thank you” she said, walking out of the building. Nate didn’t miss the sad look in her eyes. He put a two hundred dollar bill on the table and grabbed his things, following Oakley to her car. Just as she unlocked it, he grabbed the keys out of her hand “You’re in no state to drive Miss West.” He stated and locked her car. She spun around, looking at him baffled and huffed “I can not leave my car here, I will be alright to drive.” she insisted as she leaned forward, trying to grab her car keys back. Nate stepped back and Oakley fell forward into his arms. “I will arrange for someone to take your car home, can I take you home?” he asked as his arm instinctively wrapped around her waist, his eyes full of concern as he saw the small tears flowing from Oakley’s eyes. She looked down at her feet “Yes please” she mumbled in embarrassment. Without question, Nate picked Oakley up bridal style, taking her to his car. “I can walk” Oakley mumbled “Sure you can” Nate said sarcastically. Nate placed Oakley in the back seat and closed her door, he walked around the car and got in next to her. As the door closed and the car started, Oakley forgot she wasn’t alone and she started to cry. Nate reached over to her, worried she might’ve hurt herself “What is wrong?” he asked as he grabbed onto her hand, looking her over. Oakley looked at him “I failed my test today” she said, pulling her knees to her chest and removing her hand from his. Nate felt terrible seeing Oakley cry, it made his heart ache in a way he never cared for. He would usually just leave his escort in the hotel room if she started to whine about her personal life, but Oakley seemed different. He reached out his hand, tucking a string of hair behind her ear. “Would you like another drink?” he asked Oakley as he thought of the only way to cure her sorrows right now, knowing the feeling of failure. She nodded her head yes and he changed their route. “Home please” he said to the driver and home is where he took them, home to his fancy villa. Oakley walked in the villa agape as she took in the dark interior. This was much bigger than her house, she thought as she walked around looking at the interior. “What do you want to drink?” Nate asks as he made his way to the bar. “Anything is fine” she said and Nate remembered her drinking whiskey, he poured them each a glass and took it over to the big leather couch. He put her drink on the glass coffee table as she sat across from him on the other big leather chair. “So, why did you fail your exam?” he asks, taking a sip of his whiskey. “Honestly, I didn’t finish it but I really thought I’d get the answers right, you know the ones I actually answered. I was just past halfway through.” Oakley stated as she took off her heels. Nate naturally looked as Oakley leaned forward, extending her leg as she loosened her heels, her hair covering the view to her breasts. Nate desperately wanted to pull her hair, kissing her but he was a gentleman, especially to Oakley whom was drunk off her ass. “Can I put my feet on the chair?” Oakley asked respectfully, looking questioningly at Nate, “Of course” he said, giving her a small smile. Oakley pulled her knees up, exposing more of her back thigh. He smirked at the view but quickly looked away before he got caught. “I’m sorry if I ruined your evening” Oakley apologised sincerely as she awkwardly took a sip of her whiskey. She smirked when she realised what she was drinking, he did actually notice her at the bar. “It’s alright, you’re the first compony I have ever brought home.” He shrugged. “You got to be kidding, why?” she asked surprised, “You’re the only compony I enjoyed enough to bring home” Oakley was baffled at his response, was she really the only one he has ever brought home? She nodded her head and they sat in awkward silence, both trying to act oblivious to the connection they’re building. They had drinks after drinks, later on Oakley became hungry again. “Got any food?” she asks, her words slightly slurring as she stood to her feet and made her way to the kitchen as if it was her own home. “Yeah I think we have chicken in the fridge” Nate said as he stood to his feet, walking into the kitchen right after Oakley. “Chicken?” she asks as if it were an uncommon meal. “Yeah, it was suppose to be my lunch with a salad but I had better plans” he looks at Oakley with admiration in his eyes as she smiled at him, knowing that she was the better plans. “Your plans had definitely better food” she chuckled and took out the chicken. She searched through the cupboards and found some mayonnaise and bread. “Let’s make chicken mayo sandwiches.” Oakley stated and searched for a toaster or anything like that. Opening up the first appliance cupboard she saw an air-fryer.. BINGO! She thought as she took it out, placing it on the counter. “You know we can just order something?” he suggests. “I want to make chicken mayo sandwiches” Oakley states with an attitude. “Okay” Nate chuckles as she takes a seat at the kitchen’s table. “Butter the bread, don’t just sit there lazy bum” Nate c****d an eyebrow at her for calling him lazy but she didn’t seem to notice as she started humming and swaying her hips as she cuts the chicken in smaller pieces. He admired her lose hips as she obliviously mixed the mayo with the chicken. He handed her the bread as she made their sandwiches and placed them in the air fryer for five minutes.
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