At Last...

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Chapter Three: At Last... ELIANA His kind replies were short and seemingly forced as we discussed my impending education. My expression must have fallen despite my best efforts as I changed the subject back to the food, which led Egan to bring his hand up, his large fingers slowly engulfing my slender hand, regretfully apologizing, “I’m sorry, Angel. I’m doing it again. You always go out of your way for me and deserve to have that reciprocated. Something Carson, Ryker, and Zixin reminded me of during lunch today.” I knew Egan was incredibly close to the trio of wolves, especially Zixin, who had become a father-figure to him after his own father’s passing and was appreciative of their positive influence on his life as he humorously continued, “Carson is pretty protective of you, by the way. Truthfully, they all three are—as well as Horacio, who has sought me out for several conversations since the day you came into my life. He even gave me several suggestions—and warnings—before he left on his training maneuver. I’ll say one thing—Tink has nothing on Horacio when it comes to verbal intimidation.” Flashing him a shy, apologetic smile, I earnestly murmured in return, “They have all been so kind to me and I have come to adore them all greatly, but I hope they have not been too hard on you.” “They haven’t. They’ve simply said what I needed to hear and realize myself—that I shouldn’t let my past dictate the future I have been gifted with you,” Egan sincerely breathed out, “I am working on that, Eliana—really, I am. I know it hasn’t been easy on you—my reluctance to move forward in our connection—to complete our mating ritual and have you live here with me.” “I understand that your wish for a slower pace is for good reason. You have suffered through many losses, Mi Cielo,” I emphatically responded in a soft, affectionate tone. Smiling warmly, Egan stood up, my head turning to curiously watch as he walked back into the kitchen towards the counter by the back door, covertly pulling something from his worn-out green messenger bag that he always carried with him to work, “You have no idea how much I adore hearing you call me that— Mi Cielo—almost as much as I love coming home to hear your incredible voice filling our tiny cottage with beautiful, soothing music.” I was rendered frozen—shocked—not only by Egan referring to the perfect little house I had come to love as ‘our tiny cottage’, but when he returned to the table, placing two square velvet boxes down in front of me as his strong, bulky arms slowly wrapped around my shoulders, his lips softly pressing against my cheek before he whispered in my ear, “You’re my heaven too, Angel.” Peering up at him, I was suddenly the reluctant one, afraid I was dreaming as Egan slowly nodded towards the box on the right, silently encouraging me to open it. Returning my attention to the beautiful smooth blue velvet treasures, I shakily lifted the top up—my immediate reaction to the beautiful necklace and matching ring inside sending my fingers flying up to my mouth as I peered down at the deep blue round stone that looked like the night sky with sparkling stars, set in a white gold setting that had what looked like a shooting star of diamonds wrapped around the bottom... His lips still pressed against my ear, Egan smoothly and lovingly whispered, “I wanted to show you the beauty you have brought to my life from the very first day we met. Orion created them after I described the design I had in mind and brought them to me just before I headed home. It’s a sandstone—and the shooting star—that’s what you are to me, Eliana. My greatest wish come true and the center of every dream I will ever have. I will fight for you and us always—and I will always want you to shoot for the stars.” Reaching down, he removed the necklace, carefully unclasping the delicate chain to place it around my neck as he wholeheartedly declared, “And while I know that I need to work on my fears and overprotectiveness of my incredible mate, your dreams are my own and I will do whatever it takes to help make every single one come true.” My hand coming to rest on the smooth surface of the round stone, I steadfastly replied, “We will work together to ease the fears that continue to weigh heavily on you, Mi Cielo. And while I love these gifts more than I could ever say, especially knowing they were so thoughtfully designed by you, I don’t require such extravagance. The heartwarming words you just spoke, your touch—everything I need and want resides in you.” Taking hold of my hand, Egan then slid the ring on my finger, saying the words I had desperately wanted to hear from the moment I laid eyes on him, bringing tears to my eyes as he devotedly exhaled out, “Your selflessness and tender heart are just two of the countless reasons why I love you, Eliana. Everything I need and want resides in you too, but spoiling my beautiful Angel every chance I get is something I’m afraid you are going to have to get used to, because I plan to do it regularly. In particular, by adding tokens of the good memories we’ll share together to what’s in box number two like Zixin has done for Zahlia over their many years together. So, if you will—humor me please?” Laughing softly, I opened the square box, beaming up at him as I pulled out a beautiful white gold bangle charm bracelet, just like the ones Auntie and Zahlia wore, mine containing a glittering shooting star charm, as well as a large diamond heart charm that held an infinity symbol in the center with our initials engraved on either side, and a charm that had a yellow stone representing my magical aura and a white gold wolf representing my handsome mate... Jumping up, I slid the bracelet on my wrist, throwing my arms around Egan’s neck afterwards, ecstatically gushing against his chest, “I love it! I love all my beautiful gifts. Thank you for spoiling me so, Mi Cielo!” At first, there was a laugh, but as his head dropped down and his lips brushed against my neck, there was a huskiness to Egan’s usual tenor that I had not heard before, as he thickly responded, “There’s something else I want to do to display my eternal love for you, Eliana—something my wolf has been desperate for since the moment I saw you—if it won’t overwhelm you and you are willing.” Leaning back, I stared deeply into his hungered hazel gaze, mesmerizingly replying, “I want nothing more than to make love to you and for you to mark me, Mi Cielo, but are you sure? You have given me so much already. I don’t want you to be overwhelmed or have any regrets about moving too fast or—” I’ve never heard anything sexier than the low growl I heard in Egan’s reply as he dropped his head back down, his lips brushing back and forth across the skin of my neck, sending electrifying tingles and desirous shivers throughout my body, “The only regret I feel right now is waiting so long to make you all mine, Eliana. Please say you forgive me for that—for not saying I love you before now. Because I do—I love you so desperately, my sweet, beautiful little Angel. I have from the very moment I laid eyes on you. And what I want more than anything is to place my mark upon your skin—to see it on your neck—so everyone will know—you are MINE forever! My love—my mate!” A sensual groan expelled from deep inside me as intense heat rose between us, my whispered broken response breathlessly forced out, “Oh, Mi Cielo, there is nothing to forgive. Your beautiful words. I have known them all along. Every touch, every kiss. I have always felt your love—and hope that you have felt mine. I love you just as desperately, Egan—and I want—I need you to mark me. I am and always will be—all yours—just as you are MINE!” Literally sweeping me off my feet, Egan carried me to the bedroom, both of us lost in the throes of long-awaited passion. The pain I expected to feel the first time I made love was completely negated as Egan’s every move was done with sweet, endearing caution and care. Instead, all I felt was exhilaration, devotion, and undying love as I took him in whole—every thrust, every touch, every kiss shared and placed upon our joined naked bodies relished and soaked in as I felt the first waves of climax. But that wasn’t the most beautiful part to me... The feel of Egan’s teeth elongating against my neck intensified my glorious first rapture. A moment I will never forget. Nor would I ever forget the deepening of our connection with one another, physically feeling the melding of our hearts and souls as one when his sharp incisors slowly sank in to complete our mating ritual. The sounds of our perfectly synced climaxes afterwards filling the room with harmonious sounds of love that were now my new favorite song—for I had finally found the love I always dreamed of—at last... ************ HORACIO The sun was setting after another grueling, scorching day of training, but in truth I didn’t mind as our day ended with a fast-paced race home—to Spirit Walker and my Fairy Queen... Barreling through our borders after four more days of being without Tati—early, thanks to the swift pace I initiated in my eagerness to get home—we entered the last stop of our training excursion, the Spirit Walker training field not far from the main house. Instinctively, my wolf anxiously peered up at our bedroom window on the third floor, excitement officially at a feverish pitch as I wondered if Tati would fulfill my greatest wish and be waiting for me there to share a long, steamy shower together as I washed off all the dirt and grime from what was a very, very long two weeks without her... Upon our arrival, we were met by Alastor and Vivian, who cordially welcomed us home as the boys ran off behind the bushes in the back to shift and change, while Devlin and I made a running leap, shifting mid-air to land on our feet directly beside them. Sounding exactly like his father always did when I returned from one of our extended maneuvers, Alastor stoically greeted with a hint of playful sarcasm, “I had a feeling we would see you two showoffs earlier than expected and the boys look completely exhausted, which tells me they were put through one of our Beta’s infamous rigorous training adventures. Any problems I need to know about before we have our full debriefing meeting in a few days?” “I just thought I would show you that I’ve been practicing with the very appreciated gift from your Aunt Tatiana, Alastor. And as far as this group, Horacio and I saw no weak links to speak of, other than they all need a bit more work on endurance and bringing a couple down a few notches in their overconfidence,” Devlin earnestly replied, “Particularly—” “Let me guess—Corrado and Orwin,” Alastor knowingly broke in, “And their new battle to outshine one another as leaders of this group, in turn creating a divide?” Nodding in agreement, I steadfastly relayed, “Yes, though, based on the conversations they initiated with me on our way back, Durand and Wyatt already have plans for a few more lessons at home. And I must admit, Caelus was right about having Tassilo join this group. He impressed me a great deal with his ability to convince the two cliques to work together more cohesively at times, despite Corrado and Orwin’s influence, showing great leadership and earning a great deal of respect from all the boys, which is saying something, as he is barely seventeen and up until now, has stayed under the radar in training.” “Caelus is much like his Unc—very intuitive,” Vivian warmly complimented, “He saw great things in Tassilo, despite his initial intention to simply blend in with the others. It seems he lacked confidence as he is the first in his family to join the Spirit Walker army. Caelus even had Kingston come assist with some private workouts over the last couple of weeks.” Grinning, Alastor proudly asked, “His initiative in that regard is something else about the young man that has impressed me greatly. Do I take it that Tassilo will be receiving the commendation and bonus for outstanding performance this week? Knowing the extra work that he’s put in with my future intuitive Beta and what I’ve heard just now from my very formidable Beta and Lead Warrior, I would say he deserves it and gets a yes vote from me as well.” Devlin quickly voiced his yes, followed by mine, bringing bright smiles to my future Alpha and Luna’s faces as I amusingly chided, “Are we not allowing Alpha Lorenzo to have a vote these days, Alastor?” Tilting his head high, he arrogantly returned, “As Father’s performance has been disappointingly flippant when it comes to his duties this week, I’m voting no in that regard.” I couldn’t help but laugh, as Tati had already informed me that her brother and Priscilla had been enjoying some downtime at Crescent Moon this week with her, Aruna, and Orion. I also couldn’t help but agree that it had been good for Alastor to take on the responsibilities without guidance from Lorenzo, especially as it wouldn’t be long before he took on his father’s role as Alpha permanently... Right on cue, Lorenzo, Priscilla, and an eager Caelus appeared with my Alpha authoritatively stating, “Don’t disappoint me after your outstanding performance in training this week, Alastor. Especially as I am incredibly proud at how you and Vivian flawlessly excelled in performing every duty. However, until all becomes official, I am still the reigning Alpha of Spirit Walker, which means your vote to negate my say on the subject just now is of no matter. Mine is still the one that makes it official. Tassilo will be bestowed the honor.” I had no doubt that Vivian was linking Alastor, solidified by the soft hip-hit she gave him before stepping forward to greet Priscilla with a warm hug, leading our future Alpha to reluctantly concede, “Thank you for your kind words regarding what I can now see was a test of my abilities, Father. And admittedly, even when you retire, I will seek your guidance and expertise on certain matters when they arise—” A mischievous grin crossing his face, Alastor slyly added, “Let’s just hope for both our sakes, matters will be few.” Clearing his throat, Caelus kindly interjected, “Because, as you have said to me many times, while you will make it your own, you intend to lead Spirit Walker with the same strength and diligence as your indelible predecessors.” Glancing over at him appreciatively, Lorenzo warmly responded, “Very well said, Caelus. Between that and taking the initiative to encourage and help bring out the best in Tassilo, you have further proven that you will carry on Horacio’s legacy better than any of us could have imagined. And it must be said, your ability to quickly smooth over his inevitable verbal transgressions makes Alastor the most fortunate of Alphas to have a Beta of your caliber waiting in the wings when our Horacio decides it’s time to step down from dealing with the handful that is my legacy. Which is why you have also earned a commendation and a bonus from me. Well done, son.” Alastor knew he couldn’t deny his father’s words even if he wanted to, instead choosing to graciously inform my protégé, “Well done, indeed, Caelus. And in appreciation for all that you have done for me and Spirit Walker over the last few months, particularly this past week in Horacio, Devlin, and Father’s absences, an additional bonus was signed off on this morning and has already been deposited into your account from me. Thank you, my future Beta.” Beaming, Caelus politely thanked Father and Son before turning his gaze to me, receiving a proud wink in return as all the boys ran back to line up on the field for their final dismissal. Tassilo, who was shocked upon hearing that he was our chosen recipient of the best performance award, further impressed us all by coming up and relaying his great appreciation of not only receiving the commendation and bonus, but the opportunity to learn with Devlin and myself, as well as respectfully expressing his heartfelt gratitude to Lorenzo and Alastor for their encouragement when he expressed his desire to be a part of our Spirit Walker army before eagerly walking off with Caelus, who was excitedly congratulating him as a burst of long-awaited green ignited just behind me... ******************** ELIANA Egan was being so attentive and sweet, jumping up to start our shower to make sure the water had time to warm up before carrying me in and apologizing for the tight quarters of his bathroom before helping me clean up. Quickly throwing a towel around his waist, I found myself enraptured by the small droplets of water dripping down his perfectly shaped firm pecs as Egan secured a new oversized pink one he bought specifically for me around my body, smiling as he brought his hand up to my neck, tracing his finger along the newly placed mark, contentedly breathing out— “My wolf and I are finally at peace again, not that I didn’t deserve the loud irritated growls and howls ringing out in my head.” My step more of a bounce towards the mirror, I picked up a hand towel to wipe away the steam, tilting my head to the side to get a better look, elatedly singing out as I ran my fingers over it, “Oh, Mi Cielo! I’ve always found a wolf’s mark to be unique and enchanting, but your mark—it’s so beautiful! And our connection—it’s so much more than I ever expected—I can literally feel your love with every beat of my heart!” Turning back towards him, I curiously asked, “And I can feel that you are—still hungry?” My next response was instinctive as I anxiously urged, “Of course you are. We got so swept away, you didn’t get to finish your dinner. I’ll get dressed quickly and reheat the food for y—” Before I could finish, Egan laughed, reaching out to pull me into him, the feel of his bare upper body pressed against my skin stimulating all my senses and halting my words before he silenced me completely with a passionate kiss, lovingly murmuring afterwards, “There’s no need to rush off, Angel, or reheat anything. I happen to love cold fried chicken and have every intention of finishing off what’s left before digging into Auntie’s strawberry cake for my first of two desserts this evening.” My hand flying up to my mouth as I let out an embarrassed roll of giggles, my mate chortled, “You’re awfully cute when your cheeks go crimson like that. I wonder if they’ll stay that way for a while when I ask if my Angel will stay here tonight and let her know that I plan to ask her parents’ permission to make that a permanent arrangement tomorrow morning?” With the exception of my jaw dropping, I was frozen in place, shockingly gasping, “Really, Egan? You want me to move into your little cottage?” Lowering his head to stare deeply into my stunned caramel eyes, he softly replied with deep sincerity and love, “Our little cottage, Eliana. And hopefully, once everything is settled with my aunt’s estate, I can get permission from Alpha Nicholas for us to do a major renovation and expansion of the old homestead. Selfishly starting with a much larger kitchen for my girl to cook and sing in, as those are two things I can no longer live without. In the meantime, you rearrange and decorate our little cottage to your heart’s content. I’m off tomorrow, so we can go shopping after my talk with your parents. Furniture, knick-knacks, bedding—whatever you want to make this place our home.” Bursting with excitement, I elatedly breathed out, “You’ve spoiled me enough already, Mi Cielo, though a new frying pan would be quite useful. The handle on yours goes all—” Trying to remember the correct wording, I paused for a moment before confusingly asking, “It’s—wobble—gobble—what is the word?” I felt Egan’s loud laugh rumbling up from deep within his chest, “You mean wobbly? Not that it won’t forever be wobble gobble for me from now on.” After I sheepishly nodded, he dipped his head down, lovingly murmuring, “I offer my Angel a shopping spree and her only request is a new frying pan that isn’t wobble gobble.” With rising heat flowing across my cheeks, I bashfully admitted, “To me, a shack, a small cottage, a large house—the size doesn’t matter. This—this moment—you and me, Egan—this is what matters. The love we share—your heart—that is home to me.” I received a touching ‘I love you, Eliana’ to my honest reply, followed by a tender kiss that rendered me completely weightless by both the love and adoration Mi Cielo infused into it and my feet leaving the floor as Egan lifted me into the air, carrying me back to our bed where those feelings were shared openly by us both before my mate proved he was a man of his word— My heart-stopping, strikingly handsome mate devoured the remainder of the cold chicken and placed a huge slab of cake on a plate to sweetly share with me, Egan feeding me bites in between his own as I leisurely laid against his side on the couch, watching the sun slowly begin to set in our little home, utterly exhausted but overwhelmingly happy—at last...
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