The Longing Heart, Part II

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Chapter Two: The Longing Heart...Part II HORACIO Leaping in the air following a ferocious charge towards the high hill that had the wind whipping through my thick black fur, I landed on the other side of it, shifting back to my human form with ease, followed soon after by Devlin, who came to stand beside me, chuckling, “I believe all the boys are bitter that Tati has enabled us to shift like this. A gift I am utterly grateful for, by the way, as well as your willingness to share the spoils of her love every morning. Her coffee definitely beats the sludge we are feeding our youth.” “Mmmmm,” I distractedly hummed, the sound of her name causing a twinge of pain in my heart that was sent further reeling as my wolf howled loudly in my head, both of us desperately longing for our Fairy Queen and—despite my best attempts—continuing to worry about her faltering balance a few weeks ago, even though I had managed to push it aside enough to make love to my beautiful mate again before I left. Tati’s little surprise for me earlier, however, had helped quell my deep concern tremendously in many ways... The greenery around us faded into a blurred background as I recalled Devlin and I sitting down in front of some rocks discussing actions taken by several young warriors during the day’s maneuvers. Our attention diverted to the sky as a sudden flittering object appeared, emitting a light dusting of green sparkles above me that landed all over my head and black t-shirt. My breath caught in my chest as I spied a familiar sight—one that I had gazed upon many times in the dead of night over the course of our trip—the favored treasure tucked safely in my bag before I left... I sat in utter disbelief as one of Tati’s glittering paper fairies spun and swirled down towards me from the sky. A broad, bright smile across my face as I jumped up, extending my palm up in elation at the surprising gift—the intricately cut piece of paper instantly meaning the world to me. Sitting back down, I ran my fingers over the wings before slowly opening it to find the words—Life and Passion, forever as one. Never surrender, our light as bright as the sun. And on the other side—You are the King to my Queen. The half that makes me whole. You are forever my heart and forever my soul. I love you, Horacio. All my love, forever and always—your Tati. “Not that I haven’t benefitted from this magical love of yours and am enjoying the cheesy, love-sick smile on your face, my Beta, but I feel I must point out that overt, open displays such as your little fairy love note are a big no-no on training maneuvers. Longing for loved ones is part of the lesson, remember?” Devlin lightheartedly murmured under his breath. “I’m fully aware that it should remain hidden like the notes Cora always puts inside your shirts to find each morning and the benefits I have shared with you from Tati,” I sincerely returned, staring down at my green fairy note, “But believe me, Devlin. If Lorenzo and Alastor feel the need to reprimand me for this—it’s totally worth it.” With a knowing grin, Devlin patted my shoulder, kindly returning, “Oh, I doubt any reprimands will be made. Like me, I’m sure the Alphas will understand that you’re in unfamiliar territory—being away from your mate and family for an extended training excursion—and your pregnant mate at that.” Letting out a long sigh, I earnestly returned, “I’m the one who owes you an apology. I have never got it before now. I’m sorry for giving you a hard time over the years, whining over missing Cora and your kids during trips like these.” Chuckling, my old friend amusingly chided, “I know you call them ruinations, but I’m very appreciative of the many changes Tati has brought to you and your life, Horacio. And I can’t wait to see what fatherhood brings to your world—other than your hair and beard quickly getting greyer.” Laughing, I readily admitted that I couldn’t wait either before linking my Queen to relay my appreciation of her sweet surprise, receiving more loving words in return that I didn’t even care if my cheesy grin was on full display for all the boys to see... Clearing his throat, Devlin brought me back to the present, almost inaudibly muttering, “Horacio? Did you hear me just now? The boys are almost finished getting dressed, so we need to wrap up our mate check-ins.” Silently nodding, I took off my pungent black t-shirt, sending out a playful tease, Just thought I would let you know that it was another scorching hot day out in the field, leaving me no choice but to stand here in just my nylon shorts while we continue to train the boys on how to sustain themselves during times of battle. If you really loved me, you would rescue me from our slop dinner and this torture that I endure for their benefit. There’s a really nice dense forest behind me for you to appear in—and me to sneak into. Come on, beautiful. It won’t be long before the dark of night is upon us. Pop over after everyone goes to sleep. Relishing the sound of her soft musical voice—and in all honesty, grateful for the return of wickedness to our conversations—I laughed out loud as she staunchly replied, You and I have an agreement, Fury. I will never intrude on your Beta duties, nor will I unfairly distract you from your work by showing up and stealing you away to fulfill our intense, passionate desire for one another, no matter how badly I miss your tremendous warmth and gentle touch—among other things. My fingers are already eagerly anticipating running over every perfect muscle they’ve been deprived of for almost two weeks. In fact, I’m salivating now at the very thought of what I want to do to you. Very dirty play, my King, almost convincing me to give in to your cheating tactics with that sexy tease. What kind of example would that be for the boys? You’re one to talk, my little pint-sized pixie—and touché. Those treacherous words of yours and the thoughts they bring to mind will be haunting me all night, leaving me completely exhausted in the morning, I amusingly fired back, And I hope our girls are asleep and not hearing their mother talk so dirty to Daddy, love. Don’t worry—I’m keeping this conversation private from their prying ears, Tati sweetly echoed out, earnestly continuing, I miss you more and more with every day that passes, Horacio. Going against the rules or not, I can’t tell you how happy it makes my heart to enjoy this little moment of banter with you. I also love you more—always—which is why I am willing to offer a slight compromise. You and Devlin need to sneak off to the rocky area to your right, fifty yards up where a basket of goodies will be waiting for you in fifteen minutes behind the large boulder in the center. You’ve had enough slop, so I’m sending some dinner for you there—fried chicken and all your favorite starchy sides to go with it, along with a strawberry cake and fruit tea. Any idea how much I adore you right now—and the fact that you love me the way you do? I excitedly returned, I accept your compromise and am very much looking forward to what I hope will be a very long and satisfying welcome home. Thanks, beautiful. After a slight pause, I taunted a little more, Link you at bedtime to further express my gratitude and share a little more dirty play? I’ll make it worth your while. Might even finally convince you that sneaking up here will help us both get through the next couple of days. Insatiable, Tati musingly chastised, but admittedly something I adore about you. Enjoy your dinner—and I do love you, Horacio—you are and forever will be the passion to my life. Link me again soon, hmmmm? Hearing your voice often is the only thing sustaining me. Devlin had the same cheesy grin on his face when I turned to look at him, subtly breathing out under my breath as I spied the boys jogging towards us out of the corner of my eye, “We need to hurry with the slop. Fried chicken will soon be found behind the rocks over there.” His eyes widening with anticipation and glee, Devlin quietly murmured, “Tell Tati thank you and my love for her is eternal.” Chuckling, I slowly brushed my fingers across my favorite tattoo—the one of Tati perched atop my massive black wolf that resided on the left side of my solid, broad chest—animatedly agreeing, “Mine is too, which is why I can accept every ruination she brings with a welcoming smile!” Swiftly working with our youth to put together their makeshift dinner—amid the usual compliments and questions about all my tattoos—Devlin and I informed our young warriors that they would be left on their own while we privately discussed the next day’s excursion, which we did—while enjoying a scrumptious dinner—a benefit of serving the Spirit Walker army all these years—and my fortune of wholeheartedly loving and being magically loved by my stunning and vivacious Fairy Queen... ****************** IGGY Peering out into the front yard from our picture windows in the kitchen, I was bouncing up and down in place as I anxiously waited for Ryker to get home, excited to show Te Amo my dinner surprise. Nothing to me was more thrilling than to see his gorgeous brown and white wolf bounding towards the house and my reaction was always the same, sprinting towards our front door to greet my incredible mate when he finally made it home... Throwing the door open, I was met with a matching beaming smile, throwing my arms around Ryker and ecstatically rambling out words of love before grabbing hold of his hands to forcefully drag him inside, which filled the house with laughter as he breathlessly chortled, “Hang on, Iggs. I may need a minute to catch my breath after the mad run I just made before you show me this intriguing surprise of yours that you’ve taunted me with all day.” “Okay,” I giggled, unrelenting in my hold as I planted a fervent kiss on his lips, which he returned with a chuckle that vibrated across my lips. Grinning, he happily murmured afterwards, “Alright—show me.” Dragging him into the dining room where I had meticulously arranged all the platters and bowls, for once, I remained silent as Ryker’s reaction was everything I hoped for and more. His eyes went wide as he took in all his favorite foods—fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, extra buttery corn, and green beans with ham—my favorite smile expanding across his face as he murmured under his breath in awe, “Wow, Iggs! How did you—" Unable to hold in my words any longer, I interrupted him, proudly boasting, “Auntie and Zahlia gave me and Eliana recipe boxes with all the instructions on how to make your favorite foods. They even helped us make you and Egan some of them for dinner and Auntie gave us each one of her strawberry cakes, but they are a secret recipe!” Grabbing hold of my waist, he pulled me close, elatedly replying, “I can’t believe you did all this for me. Thank you.” “You’re welcome,” I softly sang out as the calmness he brought me slowed my thoughts, “I know you said you didn’t mind me always cooking my favorite foods, but I wanted to be able to cook your favorites too. The best of both worlds.” Resting his head against mine, he softly replied, “I love that—and I love you—and since you’ve cooked enough for an army, why don’t you invite Pacha, Esma, and Sacha to join us while I link Zahlia and Auntie to thank them?” I eagerly agreed, loving the close relationship that Te Amo had formed with my familia, my parents and Sacha appearing mere moments later, enthusiastically complementing me on the food as they took in all the amazing aromas. There was something else I loved too as Ryker walked me to my seat beside him and pulled my chair out for me—a sweet gesture he always performed—my gleeful gaze locking with Papacito’s, who was looking back at me and my blue-eyed mate with a gaze full of appreciation and love. Suddenly remembering her nervousness as she left our house this afternoon, I couldn’t help but hope that Eliana was able to relax and have the same wonderful evening with Egan that I was having with my familia. Not that she would ever let him know that anything was troubling her or put any pressure on him about the slow pace of their relationship. Her protectiveness of Egan and his tragic past and deep-seeded love for him overriding Eliana’s own innermost desires as she did what Eliana’s sweet heart always did—put herself last... ************* ELIANA Standing at the small bar top at the front of the kitchen, I stirred more butter into the potatoes, quelling my anxiousness by doing the one thing that could always put me at ease, softly and slowly belting out, “At last—my love has come along. My lonely days are over—and life is the perfect song.” Continuing to sing one of my favorite songs of my MáMá’s, I walked around the rounded edge of the counter, carrying the bowl to Egan’s small kitchen table, “At last, the skies above are forever blue. My heart was wrapped up in glorious love. The night I first found you. You were a dream that I could speak to. A dream that I now call my own. I found a thrill to rest my cheek to—a thrill that I have never known. Oh, and the way you smile—you smile—” My words halted when I turned back towards the kitchen—stunned to find Egan’s tall, muscular body leaned against the doorframe of his back door with an enamored smile on his exquisite chiseled square face, his hazel eyes soft and full of adoration, bringing forth the swift beats in my heart they always did as he softly encouraged, “Please don’t stop. I love hearing you sing, Angel.” Beaming, I walked towards him, softly singing out, “You smile—oh, the beauty of the spell it casts. And here we are in heaven on earth—” Reaching him, I slowly snaked my arms around his waist, lovingly singing out in lyrical bliss, “For you, my dear Egan, are mine—at last.” Dipping his head down, I was gifted with a soft, tender kiss as Egan took me in his arms, my chin coming to rest on his chest after our lips parted, excitedly whispering, “I have a surprise for you.” “I smelled your mouth-watering surprise the moment I stepped foot in the backyard,” Egan eagerly returned, peering over at the table, “And it looks wonderful! I thought you said you’ve never cooked any foods like this before.” I informed him of my afternoon with Zahlia and Auntie as he escorted me to the full table, Egan’s gorgeous grin widening with every step and my heart skipping a few more beats as he pulled my chair out before sitting down beside me. Suddenly remembering my previous intentions, I jumped up, nervously explaining that I had forgotten to get the fruit tea out of the refrigerator, only to be stopped and gently encouraged to sit back down, Egan kindly stating I had done more than enough preparing our incredible meal. Returning to the table with the pitcher of tea and two glasses, he sweetly poured my drink for me, eagerly enthusing, “Thank you for all the work you put into dinner tonight, Eliana. Everything looks delicious. I don’t even know where to begin. The last time I ate like this was at Zahlia’s house and that was months ago.” “I don’t consider it work. I like cooking for you. It makes my heart happy to see you enjoy the food I make and now I can cook things we both enjoy,” I affectionately returned, setting a full plate down in front of him. Reaching out to grab a chicken leg, Egan immediately took a huge bite, making me giggle as he muffled out an elated reaction of gratified approval. He continued to compliment every dish during dinner while also telling me about his busy day of helping Gavin and Carson evaluate new recruits. Egan loved his work, missing it terribly during his absence while taking care of his ailing aunt. It’s what drove him and made him happy, which in turn made me happy. The conversation then turned to my upcoming training with Auntie and my familia, which I was excited about beginning, and Egan was supportive of—mostly—though there was a part of him that was hesitant as the fear of loss continued to haunt the man that I so desperately loved... ********************* ARUNA Stepping into my large walk-in closet, I repeated a new habit of mine—running my fingers along Orion’s shirts that hung in his spot at the opening, a thoughtful smile crossing my face as my mountain man’s musky scent filled my senses, sending a twinge of deep longing to my heart. I had missed Orion desperately over the last three days, his schedule much busier than normal as he and Sterling worked with their Prism Moon crews to expand the exploration of one of their newer mines. As I was pulling a long lilac dress with rhinestone accents for a planned dinner with Nicholas and Madeline at their treehouse later this evening, there was a knock at my door and much to my surprise when I opened it, I was greeted with a large bouquet of brightly colored desert flowers—pincushion proteas, roses, succulents, and kalanchoe flowers—that was slowly lowered to reveal the handsome silvery bearded rugged face of my Orion, who, though he was wearing a fresh grey t-shirt and jeans, had obviously been in a rush as his neck and arms were speckled with dirt and as I looked down, he was still wearing his favorite worn steel-toed boots... “What on earth? Orion!” I elatedly sang out before the shock of his appearance filtered into my tone, “What are you doing here? Did things not go well in the tunnels? And why did you knock? This is our room now, remember?” Handing me the gorgeous bouquet, Orion stepped forward to wrap his solid, shapely arms around my body, cheerily replying, “Actually, things are going better than expected—and much to my relief, quicker—gemstones are literally raining down from the cavernous heavens following our blasts this morning. Which has enabled me to make a much-needed visit to see my stunning Sea Pearl and join her this evening for dinner, if it isn’t too late to accept my invitation from Nicholas and Madeline.” I loved it when Orion referred to me as his ‘sea pearl’, beaming at him as I snaked my arms around his waist, eagerly enthusing, “Oh, how lovely! Nicholas and Madeline will be thrilled! But not as thrilled as I am right now. I have missed you terribly, Orion. In fact, I was just lamenting about your absence just now.” My breath hastened from his heart-pounding response as my gorgeous Prism Moon flashed an adorable humored grin, Orion bringing his face closer to mine as he released one arm from around me to slowly shut the door behind him, huskily exhaling out as he quickly brought it back around, “Is that so? Lamenting, you say. Tell me, Sea Pearl, as I find myself both enraptured and intrigued at this admission of yours—what have you missed most about me during my absence?” Smirking, I amorously replied, “It’s impossible to pinpoint one specific thing, because I’ve desperately missed everything about you, Orion.” “And with those words, I am the happiest of men and even more tempted to fully retire,” he desirably murmured before sealing his last words with a passionate kiss that led to another one of my new favorite habits— An incredibly romantic and satisfying afternoon delight with a man who suddenly appeared in my life when I least expected it. A man who I wholeheartedly loved and adored—bringing a joy to my life that I was eternally grateful for... ****************** JOSIE I hated this—being alone in my room—the emptiness leaving me feeling completely empty inside and lost, causing fear to return. Immense, terrifying fear—of never feeling loved, of what will happen to me in the future when my youth and looks fade, rendering me useless, which would, in turn, endanger my life... My worst fear—the one that was relentless and most foreboding—was the burdensome secret I had carried alone and kept from everyone, especially Alpha Igor—until Arturo came into my life. His love and affection during one of our last afterglows of sensual love leading me to finally disclose my truth to someone, only to lose my beloved lone confidante forever at the hands of the Fairy Queen... After I told Arturo the truth, he became more excited than I ever would have imagined, erasing all my fears as he supportively relayed that it only made me more beautiful to him—and more precious. His words of acceptance and admiration made me feel happier than I had ever felt in my life and utterly devastated when he was viciously stolen from me... Closing my eyes, I glided my fingers down my neck where Arturo’s lips once caressingly kissed their way down, his deep, aroused murmur echoing out from my cherished memories, “So, my sexy little blonde sparkler is a hybrid, is she? With a mother who was raised to wield the art of dark magic—information that even Igor has no idea about—a secret my love has only shared with me?” “My father told me never to speak of my mother or her magic that resides within me if I wanted to live. He called it a curse—he called me a curse—destined to be what my mother was when she was murdered by one of her many lovers—a slut. That’s why he sold me to Alpha Igor and, after I was brought to the tunnels, I knew I needed to keep my secret, because that was the only way I was going to survive.” “Such a smart girl, especially as you have no idea what you’re dealing with,” Arturo huskily blew out against the crook of my neck, sending a sensual chill down my spine, “Igor would undoubtedly try to exploit it to his advantage, Josie. And if you failed or disappointed him in any way, he would simply rid himself of you. Best to keep this between us. If you were to decide that you want to explore more of these dark powers of yours, however, I know a witch or two that might be willing to help. Secretly, of course.” A single tear rolled down my cheek as I reopened my eyes, staring blankly at the dirt wall ahead of me, desperately wishing Arturo’s death had all been a nightmarish dream... Taking in a deep breath, I slowly expelled it out, forcing the fear back to the outreaches of my mind while restoring my fierce resolve and determination to the forefront— I would not leave this life like my mother did when I was two. At the hands of a man who was powerful, spiteful, jealous, and crude. No. I would find a way to survive, no matter what it took, even if that meant telling my secret to—Oralia—who I had not only grown very close to and fond of, but who was also the only person other than Arturo to make me feel valued and loved. She was also the only person to ever exert influence over Igor and have an ability to sway the maniacal Alpha away from his evil misdeeds— The question was—would it be enough? I still wasn’t sure, which meant, for now, my secret would remain hidden. But hopefully, one day, my fears could be subsided—for good. Until then? I would continue to be my mother’s daughter.
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