Three Hearts For One Beta--Times Two...

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Chapter Four: Three Hearts For One Beta—Times Two... HORACIO Instinctively turning as Tati’s green burst on the scene, my wolf and I were elatedly expecting to see the brown, hazel-flaked eyes of our Fairy Queen, only to find myself bounded into by my trio of beautiful blonde girls as Devlin—following a hastened breath chortled ‘WHOA!’—hastily jumped out of the way. Constance and Charlotte’s arms were thrown around me from the side while Tink heftily bearhugged me from the front—a loud, huffed ‘umph’ expelling out as all three girls overzealously squealed out, “Our King of Fury is finally home!” While my Spirit Walker family snickered all around me, I looked straight ahead with a quirked brow at Jace, Carson, and Beast, who were standing a few yards ahead of us, their arms folded across their chests, laughing hysterically at my unexpected plight. “I really wish I could say I’m sorry and reel the girls back in, Horacio, but I’m afraid I can’t,” Jace managed to say after taking back in some of the hot air my so-called, soon-to-be stepson had boisterously laughed out. Carson unsurprisingly joined in on the fun—the little cheeky, crooked-smiling s**t, “Yeah, as much as I hate to admit it when the Dark One is right, your expression is priceless, Fury.” And last but never least, thanks to his colossal, bigger-than-life-size, Beast—no shocker—said nothing, simply throwing his hands up as he flashed me a helpless, albeit kindhearted grin. The young warriors who remained close by on the field, however, let out low awed whistles at the triplets as the girls continued their excited greetings and I attempted to regain some form of composure, the muffled mutters I was hearing not helping me at all— “Talk about a welcome home!” “Seriously—how has Beta Horacio managed that?” “Right? Mated to the Fairy Queen and winning the hearts of the Rogue Eight triplets?” “Yep, looks like the rumors are true, fellas—our Beta has become a legend in every way! Man, they’re gorgeous!” “Gorgeous doesn’t even begin to describe them. And Tink—she’s got it all! A beautiful she-wolf with mad battle skills!” “Yep, a beauty and a legend all her own!” Their not-quiet-enough conversation ending with several exhales of, “No kidding!” Just as I turned my head to flash them a gaze full of stern warning, another flash of green appeared in my periphery as several more whistles and awestruck words from our young warriors were heard—DAMMIT TO HELL! “Look! There she is—the Fairy Queen!” “WOW! Talk about drop-dead gorgeous!” “No offense to the triplets, but in my book, the Fairy Queen trumps them any day!” “I’ll say! Just look at her—I hope the Moon Goddess makes me that lucky!” “Right? And she’s marrying him!” “Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be our Beta.” While my wolf and I wanted to shoot another hard glare of warning, the sight of my Fairy Queen’s indescribable beauty left me incapable of doing so—my head dropping in humored defeat as Tati left me incapable of breathing as well. “Wow” being my first breathless thought as I looked back up and she winked at me before adoringly urging, “All right, girls—I let all three of you have your fun. It’s time to hand my King back over to his Queen.” Standing just on the other side of Constance, Tati was balancing herself with one of Soloman’s ornate wooden walking sticks, wearing the most exquisite long black and maroon ombre maxi dress that had splashes of sparkling gold in all the right places on her tiny, curvy frame with short, ruffled sleeves and a slit on the left side that showed off her shapely leg perfectly. While it was almost impossible for me to take my eyes off her stunning sparkling smile—Tati’s platinum curls lightly bouncing around her lightly made-up glowing round face—the matching gold sandal on her left foot and red toes with gold swirls inlaid on her big toe didn’t escape me—nor did I miss that her right foot was, unfortunately, still in a cast, but kept hidden underneath the gorgeous dress... “I’m afraid we couldn’t resist popping over to play Tink’s game, Horacio,” Constance sweetly stated, laying her head on my shoulder. “We have missed you terribly,” Charlotte wholeheartedly chimed in, doing the same, “Life just isn’t the same without our King of Fury.” Pouting, Tink despairingly added, “It’s not the same at all, which is why we all feel it’s incredibly unfair of Auntie to steal you away tonight.” My eyebrows arching up again, I looked over at Tati, curiously asking, “You’re stealing me away, are you?” Wickedly grinning, Tati playfully replied, “Yes, as a matter of fact, I am—despite all our children’s misgivings.” Giving me one last quick hug, the triplets backed away as she took slow, careful strides towards me—Tink taking hold of her walking stick as my Fairy Queen wrapped her arms around my waist, softly greeting, “Hello, handsome. Welcome home. And just so we’re clear—I missed you most.” Chuckling, I picked her up, Tati’s arms swinging up to weave around my neck as I brought us face to face—more awed whistles quietly spilling out from our young warriors as I amorously returned, “Hello, beautiful. That’s quite the dress you’re kidnapping me in. Almost has me forgiving you for continuing to allow this little game to be played—and in front of my men, no less.” “Hopefully the many surprises I have in store for you will earn my full forgiveness soon and allow you to see the immense humor in what just occurred—after you take a quick shower,” she lovingly purred before I gave the first of what I knew were many tender kisses soon to be bestowed—grateful more than ever for the life I had now. I rather liked being considered a legend for more than just my life’s work—and in truth, I had already found the humor and fully forgiven my Queen—but more than anything, I considered myself to be the luckiest of men. I had the most beautiful and warmhearted woman in the world as my mate, a formidable trio of she-wolves who were as much my girls in my heart as I was their King of Fury, and a large loving family to come home to now— And, as their streams of green joined in on our embrace, I would soon have two beautiful tiny baby girls arrive to complete my world, gifting me with two sets of three captivating hearts to cherish and love... *************** TATIANA Bantering abound as my King of Fury jovially voiced his displeasure at having to take his shower alone while I unpacked his satchel—his soiled, nauseatingly smelly t-shirts confirming his long days were indeed scorching ones—I laughed out as I heard the bathroom door open behind me, “I now understand why you took old shirts with you. And judging by their ragged looks and foul odor, Fury, it may be time for them to retire—to the trash can.” “Probably a good call,” Horacio amusingly drawled out, adding in a snarky tone, “At least the smell didn’t knock you out, leaving me to find you on the floor. And please—for me—don’t pass out when you turn around. It’s bad enough I had to endure a very lonely shower following an incredibly long week without you, beautiful.” Thankful for the warning as I turned around to face him, my breath caught in my chest as my handsome warrior stood before me wearing a crisp deep maroon button-down dress shirt and black pants, both of which were fitted, outlining every gorgeous line of his massive, well-built body, topped off with shiny leather dress shoes. “Oh, my! I must say, love—you look very dashing this evening,” I heavily exhaled out as a bright smile crossed my face, completely captivated by him. “Thank you,” he softly returned, beaming at me as he came up to take me in his huge, bulky arms, “Thought I would dress up for my alluring captor. Plus, you know how much I love matching my Fairy Queen’s attire.” “I do—and I love that about you,” I murmured before softly pressing my lips to his, “Ready to go?” Relishing in the feel of his touch as my adorable Beta pulled me tight into his hulking frame, his soft reply came as no surprise, “Almost. Look me in the eyes and tell me—did your balance remain firmly intact during my absence?” “My balance has remained firmly intact since my lustful falter and will remain so as I am keeping a very close watch on my barriers,” I wholeheartedly assured him, playfully ribbing him afterwards, “Which means you have nothing to worry about, Fury—except for your Queen allowing your dinner to get cold if you delay us much longer. Shall we?” I was confused by the sudden distracted look in his gorgeous blue-grey eyes and his release of me as he looked back toward the bed, “Hang on.” Hurriedly taking the two necessary strides, Horacio reached out, unzipping the side of his bag and pulling out a flat rectangular silver box that he held up in the air, sweetly stating, “You and that gorgeous dress of yours almost made me forget my fairy notes.” “Fairy notes?” I curiously asked as he returned to my side, “You took the one Persephone gave you out on the maneuver?” “I haven’t gone anywhere without that note since she gave it to me. It’s always in my bag so I can keep it close. I even bought this special little holder to protect it,” Horacio admiringly returned. Touched deeply, I softly murmured, “How have I not known about this very romantic gesture?” Sheepishly grinning, Horacio took me into his arms again, “Because it’s been a well-kept secret until my indelible Queen sent me a romantic paper fairy of my very own to cherish forever, leading me to want to confess said secret.” Placing a heartfelt tender kiss upon my lips, he nuzzled my nose, “Kidnap away, beautiful.” Returning with an enamored nod, I whisked out my green to disappear from Spirit Walker, reappearing at Moonlight Tide, the soothing sounds of rolling waves greeting us as we stood in the center of the dance floor Jace and Kingston had built for Charlotte’s wedding... Refusing to release me from his hold, Horacio peered around at the tiki torches that lit up the four corners before his eyes settled on the table full of food in front of us with an eager, ecstatic smile, “Well, it appears you have been quite busy, love. You do know the way to my heart—this dinner looks lovely—as does the ambiance you have created for us.” A mere moment later, Horacio appeared to catch a whiff of my special surprise as he took two steps forward. Pulling me with him, his grip tightened as my King’s gaze locked on a large platter at the end, disbelievingly exhaling out, “Tati? Is that—my mother’s Italian cheese bread?” “It is,” I excitedly replied, “She gave me the recipe during a visit while you were gone—as well as one for a particular favorite dessert of yours.” Lowering one arm that was wrapped around his neck, I slowly moved my hand across the front of the table, another platter appearing that took Horacio’s breath away for a second time as his eyes widened in shock, almost inaudibly murmuring, “Mother’s apple dumplings—you even did the little bow thing she would always put at the top!” Taking my breath away again as he passionately kissed me directly afterwards, Horacio’s expression reflected a child-like innocence and glee as he lovingly blew out against my lips, “I love you, I love you, I love you, my amazing—heartwarming—ruination lovin’ pint-sized pixie! Thank you for this, Tati—you have no idea—no idea what this means to me—not just the food—but the incredible memories of my mother that it brings.” Eagerly pulling our new oversized folding loveseat back with his solid calf—a lovely gift from Alpha Hurley for my birthday—Horacio sat down, gently setting the silver tin down on the table before sitting me down in his lap. Then—his fingers shaking slightly—he reached out to take a piece of cheese bread, dipping it heavily in the tomato sauce, before taking a huge bite and making my heart soar as an ecstatic, broad grin crossed his face. Quickly dipping the other half in the sauce again, my love brought it up to my lips, humming out as I sank my teeth into it, “Pure perfection.” Popping the rest of the bread in his mouth, he excitedly gushed, “Now, let’s taste test a much-missed treat that I have longed for and dreamed about for years.” The apple cider syrup thick and steaming, my King of Fury picked up one of the dumplings with the large spoon—which he also used to add more cider topping—sliding his fork through the fluffy crust and apple with ease before adorably closing his eyes as Horacio took the first bite—another burst of joy exploding from my heart as he moaned out in sheer and utter delight, making me giggle, “Oh, the sparkle that will soon adorn the gorgeous fingers that prepared this tasty surprise!” His blue-grey eyes were filled with admiration and love when they reopened to stare deeply into my eyes, “I know this sounds crazy, Tati, but I can feel Mother’s love in every bite. Thank you, love.” My hands immediately cupping his face, I brushed my palm against Horacio's stubbly cheek, euphoric as my little gesture had brought him so much joy, “You’re welcome. I’m so glad you liked your surprise. Your reaction is everything I hoped for and more, enabling me to finally feel fully content again. It’s nice to see you so content too, Horacio.” Met with a wry smile after my declaration, he enthusiastically urged, “What do you say we enjoy this lovely dinner you’ve prepared—in the most beautiful spot, I might add—and make love to the relaxing sounds of the ocean, easing both our desperate states?” Laughing softly, I exhaled out, “That sounds perfect. I’m starving—on both accounts!” Nuzzling his nose against mine again, he humorously murmured back, “Music to my ears, beautiful—on both accounts.” ************ HORACIO Laughing heartily as I tried to catch my breath, I peered deep into the big brown eyes of my beloved, brokenly rasping out in my satisfied stupor, “That was—I don’t even have words, Tati. That move—completely tossing me onto my back—that wasn’t magic, that was YOU! And while personally, I’m both impressed and appreciative of that mindboggling feat—in so many, MANY glorious ways—please don’t tell anyone I was laid out flat by my tiny voracious mate—whose right leg is still in a cast, no less. My reputation will be ruined—for life!” Planting a line of sweet pecks across my pecs, my miniscule lover of love amorously gazed at me while amusingly replying, “Yes, that was indeed—ME! And lucky you—my appetite for my gorgeous, colossal warrior is not quite quenched.” Grinning, I glided my fingers up along her curvaceous sides, “I was hoping you would say that.” A matching mischievous grin crossing her face, Tati strengthened our connection, tantalizing all my senses as I pulled her face down towards mine, taking full claim of hers in a deep, fiery kiss full of the overwhelming desire I always felt for my Fairy Queen and had missed both during my reluctant phase and my reluctant absence from her side... *************** Tonight had been perfect in every way—and it still was—my adrenaline still running high as I pulled my Fairy Queen tighter into my chest after feeling her shiver slightly in my arms. I smiled as the chilled reaction instantly subsided, still basking in the feeling of being enveloped together in her vibrant green as Tati’s initial comments about the warmth she felt as I stood behind her in Aruna’s kitchen following our first Auntie’s Army practice replayed in my mind. Little did I know that night that every dream I ever had about a life outside of being the Spirit Walker Beta would soon come true... My smile widened as Tati’s side suddenly emitted a brighter hue of green—eagerly anticipating the connection to one of my girls as the single stream of green snaked around my wrist—the sweetest tiny voice lovingly echoing out in my mind— I like that memory of you and Mommy. I’ve seen it often. It’s a favorite of hers. Will you show me more, please? The first time you saw her—what was that like? As I wondered if it was Rhiannon or Rani asking about that day, I heard the most heartwarming giggle before she shyly answered, I can’t tell you, but we are both curious, Daddy. Following a slight pause, she almost inaudibly whispered, Secret? Chuckling, I closed my eyes, playfully murmuring under my breath, “It’s way too early for you to have a secret, little one.” Following another sweet giggle, she quietly replied, “It’s more of a hint than a secret. I love LOVE—immensely so, just like Mommy. Maybe even more. Remember that and one day, when you remember this night, you will know which one I am. I replied in a good-humored snicker before thinking back to the day I first saw Tati on the battlefield, “Fair enough.” Not wanting to scare the girls, I kept the memories of Tati bravely saving my life that fateful day at bay, simply concentrating on the moment she appeared on the field in her battle gear—and captured my heart—despite my best efforts. Tati’s blonde curls blowing in the wind, the hazel flakes in her brown eyes sparkling just as bright as her beautiful smile as she stood not far from me in her thumb-hole cowl-necked black shirt, leggings—and of course, her fitted knee-high black battle boots... I love this memory. You really did love her the instant you saw Mommy, didn’t you, Daddy? That’s the kind of love I want, my daughter’s tiny voice earnestly replied. My heart has indeed belonged to your Mommy since that day, I truthfully admitted, but sometimes your mind needs time to accept what your heart already knows. I hope in my girls’ future, however, that the young men lucky enough to capture your hearts will instantly realize the fortunate gift that you both are. Far ahead in the future, mind you—your Daddy wants all the time he can get with you before you decide to share your hearts with another. Following a fit of giggles, I received the most endearing reply, Don’t worry, we are always Daddy’s girls! But we love Mommy too—and I promise, we’ll help keep her safe. We will always help protect you—both of you—forever. The touching moment was multiplied as a second tiny beam of magic wrapped around my wrist, both my girls sending warmth to my heart as my Fairy Queen made me jump slightly, unexpectedly chiming in a low, drowsy murmur, “As I can’t hear your little conversation, I will just say that taking advantage while I’m sleeping is dirty play in our battle for favoritism, Fury.” Laughing under my breath, I kissed the top of Tati’s head before softly murmuring, “Take my word for it, beautiful. Their love for you is just as eternal as it is for me. Besides, a mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s—especially yours.” Her lips gently pressed against my chest before my Queen lovingly replied, “I wouldn’t be so sure about that, love. I have just been informed by our daughters that all three of us love being cuddled by our Spirit Walker Beta again—more than he could ever imagine.” ************* TATIANA After spending a lovely morning watching the sun’s bright yellow, red, and orange hues peek through the night sky on the horizon as waves crested and tranquilly crashed against the sandy shores of Moonlight Tide, Horacio and I did a bit of shopping and visited with the retired and reigning Alphas, Hurley and Calder, who were disappointed to hear that our visit was short, leading us to promise a return visit soon... Appearing at Jace and Constance’s lakeside home, we were greeted by quite a crowd awaiting our arrival. Our sweet Anabelle quickly ran up to hug Horacio as Spiros laughingly chided that he was rather jealous of ‘the other man’ who held a rather large spot in his mate’s heart. Orion continued the playful jabs at my King as Aruna followed directly after, hugging Horacio tightly before tenderly kissing his cheek and welcoming him home. Our triplets and Madeline did the same, whose mates followed suit, humorously giving mine a hard time and, like me, were relieved to see our jovial and wisecracking King of Fury back... Following our warm welcome, we headed over to Ryker and Iggy’s house, where there was a celebration planned for the evening for Pacha’s birthday. Our presence was requested early, as Iggy wanted to gift her father a special gift before all the other guests arrived. The rest of our rather large family were already seated at the long table just to the side of the center table of honor for Pacha and his familia, which was in front of a huge dance floor set up with a stage just behind it. Immediately upon seeing our arrival, Pacha beamed as he walked over to cordially greet us, “Buenas noches, my Crescent Moon familia. I am so happy you could join us on my day of celebrating a full and ageless life.” “I rather like that, Pacha—mind if I steal it?” I jovially replied as he kissed me on the cheek. “Not at all. We elders must stick together, no? Especially when our young are a handful,” he kindly returned before curiously asking, “Would you happen to know anything about this early surprise of Mi Novia’s?” After informing him that I had no idea what was planned, he anxiously stated, “All I know is Mateo is involved and the rest of my Los Charlatanes are as clueless as the rest of our familia and I am—including Sacha.” Laughing under his breath afterwards, Pacha added, “Which makes me very appreciative for your arrival. Hopefully, I will find out very soon what those two have been up to.” Running up from behind, Mateo animatedly exhaled out before pulling me into a hearty bear hug, “Hey, Auntie! Mind helping us distract Pacha for ten more minutes by letting him open your gifts?” Throwing my hand out, I expelled a glow of green that landed on the center table—my stack of different-sized rectangular gifts appearing as Pacha lightly admonished that I had done too much, while Mateo mischievously grinned, guiding him towards the table. By the time Horacio turned our chair to face him, Pacha had unwrapped the smaller gift—a painting of him sitting on the beach with Sacha and Iggy when they were eight, their arms around his neck, all three with beaming smiles, glimmering specks of sand scattered along their arms and matching blue t-shirts following an afternoon of play—a fond memory Esma had told me was one of their favorites. I had rendered El Corazon speechless—Pacha’s eyes peering up into Esma's in wonderment as his wife lovingly placed her hands on his shoulders, soothingly admitting, “I may have provided Tati with some needed details for your gifts, Te Amo. In fact, I’m quite anxious to see the next one myself.” Hesitantly reaching out for the slightly larger wrapped present, Pacha slowly tore away the vibrant green parchment I had wrapped all four gifts with, revealing another portrait—this one of him and Esma in their youth—appearing to be caught in the middle of a paso doble on an old, worn wooden dance floor. Shadows of the rickety tables and bar of their favorite cantina were laid against the soft yellow background, making the room look dimly lit. Both dressed in black with accents of red, Pacha’s hand was on the back of Esma’s neck—hers on the back of his with her other hand dramatically holding out the flamboyant-colored-blocked black and red tule mesh behind her. Staring only at one another with gazes full of deep passion and love, even in the painting you could tell—no one else existed in the world. Never allowing the two portraits out of his sight, Pacha opened the next one—a canvas of his Los Charlatanes. I was quite pleased with how that one turned out—each of their expressions and twinkling smiles reflecting their heartwarming characters and fun-loving spirit as they stood leaned against one another with our Crescent Moon lake and forestry in the background. The last portrait of Pacha, Esma, Sacha, and Iggy was the largest. A closeup of them as they are now—the closeknit bond shared between them radiating off the canvas with each wearing vibrant colors of green, pink, and blue, a halo of white lighter aura placed behind them... His fingers running across the four canvases as Esma lovingly squeezed his shoulders again, Pacha flashed me the same radiant smile I had painted, his eyes misting over and voice coming out a bit choked up as he thoughtfully relayed, “I have seen several of your stunning paintings, Tati, but never have I seen more beautiful pieces of art than this—or loved anything more than these treasured gifts that I cannot wait to hang in our home—thank you.” Blowing him a kiss, I was soon laughing as the rest of his familia gathered to admire the paintings—Máximo immediately apologizing for sounding greedy before charmingly requesting a copy of the children’s portrait for his upcoming birthday—Balea, Gustavo, Alejandro, Jagger, and César making the same request in the same manner, leading their wives to blithely compliment that they appreciated all the fathers asking what all the sentimental mothers wanted to... It was then that Iggy and Mateo took the stage for what we were soon to find was also sentimental—which is why she requested to bestow her first gift to Pacha before the celebration of his birthday officially began...
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